Strange change of color in beer

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
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Hello there, I just brewed my first beer ever, an IPA.

i had a previous thread that you helped me a lot regarding stuck fermentation

however, now that it is carbonated color changed a lot.

First, before bottling, it was somewhat orange (pic without carbonation)

then, after bottling conditioning I opened 3 bottles by now, 2 were amazingly brown, one was just a bit darker but still orange.

do anyone have any thought on this strange phenomenon? how can the same beer bottled at the same time from the same bottling bucket darken so much in one week? and why do one of the three bottles was not brown?

The taste is not much different from what it was at bottling and since i'm new at this i really can't detect any off-flavors.

i dry hopped at those metal hop balls and i think it may have some parts that are not stainless steel and therefore could've contributed with iron ions at the beer.

so... any thoughts?




I suspect the issue is oxidation during bottling. That has happened to me in the past - particularly with IPAs. Once I addressed my oxidation issue, the beer color problem went away. Watch out for flavor changes too - if oxidation is your problem, your nice hoppy beer might start tasting the wet cardboard or sherry pretty soon.
I'll watch out, i had some issues with the auto-siphon so i guess it coulde've oxigenated my beer before bottling, it didn't work well, i'll search for a leak soon...

But, still, why does some bottles have red-orange color and others have a brown color? strange...
Do you keep track of the order that you fill your bottles? I do. It helps to diagnose issues. Maybe the first bottles you filled had issues with bubbles in the bottling line. As those dissipated, the later bottles didn't get oxidized. That, obviously, is just a wild guess.
Do you keep track of the order that you fill your bottles? I do. It helps to diagnose issues. Maybe the first bottles you filled had issues with bubbles in the bottling line. As those dissipated, the later bottles didn't get oxidized. That, obviously, is just a wild guess.

i bottled first the small ones (300 ml) and went up to the big ones (600 ml).

two small ones (supposedly bottled first) were different, one orange, other brown, and a big one was brown...
There is so much suspended matter in these photos that it is impossible to see the color of the beer. What you are seeing is light scattered by the yeast/protein/oxalate.... Wait till the beer clears before trying to judge its color.