Put me down for 1x Canada Malting 55lb
I just sent you a PM.Do you have a guesstimate on pickup time? I only ask because the wife and I are going on vacation next week.
It's probably going to be a few weeks. If it comes down to it, i can always grab your stuff for you since you don't have much.Any approx on a pickup? Only because I'm going on vaca in a few weeks and dont want to screw things up. Thanks again!
Wreck 99 and I will split a bag of Golden Promise, and I'll go ahead and take a full sack of Franco-Belgian Pils.
I'm in for...
Bairds 55lb
1 - Maris Otter $47.70
Total = $47.70
Canada Malting 55lb
2 - superior Pale $38.90
1 - 2 row $38.35
Total = $116.15
Briess 50lb
1 - pils $42.50
2 - pale $42.50
Total = $127
Grain Total = $290.85
$4.5 Shipping x 7 sacks = $31.50
Grand Total = $322.35
I had to fly down to Atlanta for a meeting this morning .....
It would probably be a few months. These aren't going to happen as frequently as before. It also depends on demand.Jeff any idea when the next buy might be?
Got you in dude!jeff can I get
2- cm 2 row
1- cm wheat
We only have room for 3 of these bags... please let me know what you'd like. I currently have you in for 1 of each.Could I get:
Canadian Malting:
4x 2 row
1x superior Pale
1x wheat