Rise in Hombrewing and Craft Beer Leading to Higher Alcoholism?

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Aug 29, 2013
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Hey all,

Clearly this would be an unpopular question but one I have been wondering about. Since I have been into craft beer and home brewing I have noticed that I am drinking a lot more beer. Beer with higher alcohol at that. But not only beer. Ive found myself intrigued by spirits as well.

I am constantly seeking out new spirits and beers. I will drive across town to find a beer or bottle of whiskey that I am looking for.

I am asking myself now "Does my hobby make me a functioning alcoholic?"

I mean I never miss work and rarely drink "too much" for one sitting. But my consuption has increased at least 5x what it was before when I was drinking macro crap.

Has anyone else ever felt this way? Should I take a haiatus from brewing and drinking to see how that affects me?

Let me know.
Only you can decide if you need to 'take a break and step away'. I personally haven't drank more since I started brewing and actually think that I drink less in most circumstances.
A guy I know on the only other forum I frequent homebrews and hasn't had a drink in a month. Another guy on the forum doesn't brew and drinks 2 1/2 1.75L handles of whiskey a week. I'm usually a beer-a-day guy, give or take, but I've been more like a three-beers-a-week guy while I'm trying to build up a stash for my wedding.

It's a hobby for all sorts. The percentage of homebrewers who are alcoholics is probably higher than the general population, but I suspect it's much lower than most non-brewers would think.
I brew for the fun of brewing. I would guess more than half of the beer I brew goes to others. I can brew much faster than I can drink it. What this hobby has done is get me into a bunch of other hobbies. I have drug my wife and kids into them also. My oldest boy 8 is into the Raspberry Pi thing with me and my wife wants to try her hand at making soap. The two littlest ones 6 and 4 are just there playing their games, but who knows what is in-store for them as they get a bit older..
i like the process i never did drink a lot. as for the rise in craft brew leading to more alcoholism, i personally believe that if a person is actually an alcoholic they would be with BMC as much as craft. I do however believe that the rise in craft brewing has enlightened and maybe exposed more people to better beers and thus lead to drinking more often not neccessarily more at one sitting. then again you've always got those people that if its there they are going to try to drink it till its gone. ramble, ramble ,ramble:drunk:
That's really a question only you can answer. My brewing has led to the purchase of more commercial beer but not really the consumption of more beer.
Brewing has helped me cut my drinking way way down I was going through atleast 2 cases a week just having 8 or 9 a night. Once I started brewing and drinking craft I don't enjoy drinking beer colored pee water so I only drink craft and homebrew so in a weeks time I might have a sixer... I like to think home brewing and craft beer helped me with alcoholism

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Strangely I have found that now that i am brewing I am not drinking as much. I never was a daily drinker or anything but I can tell a marked difference. I always find it amusing to think about the history of alcohol consumption though. I mean to think that a little over a century ago most of our ancestors were consuming large quantities on the daily just to stay alive. I have recently finished the book Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers and one of the things i found interesting is how the spread of christian missionaries and the idea of native tribes abstaining from their native brews caused them a host of health problems due to vitamin deficiencies. Historically fermented beverages were the only way to get the full spectrum of vitamins and other compounds in a mostly mono crop society.
Also i think that being able to appreciate flavor and aroma slows many people down and lets them enjoy beer rather than guzzling it down. From what i have noticed the average beer consumption per night at my local micro-brewery is 2 maybe three pints. as opposed to most bars where people slam back tasteless beers like their lives depended on in.
My entire life I have limited myself to only drinking on the weekends, just as a cautionary measure to not drink too much. With the store bought brews, I really have had no desire to drink during the week.
Now that I have started home brewing, I find myself craving a brew during the week, just because they are so darn good! But I still limit myself to only drinking on non-work nights, maybe a couple on Thirsty Thursdays.:) I find myself drinking much less, because this beer just satisfies much better.:ban:
In my opinion and experience the Craft/homebrew hobby seems to actually have the opposite effect. Those who really binge drink are going to do it regardless. Those who get into the craft/home brewing seem to enjoy beer for the taste rather than just the effect. Sure, there will be those that HB just to get cheap booze, but if your goal is to just get drunk, why would you go through a process that takes a month to be drinkable rather than the more instant gratification of buying cheap beer from the store?

True the temptation can be there, but like any other sort of drinking, you have to know for yourself where you stand. Drinking appears to be becoming more acceptable again, so anything is possible. But then again this is only my opinion.
Careful, there are political nutcases that LOVE talk like that. If you don't live the way they themselves want to live they will ruin your life trying to change your 'bad habits'.

And no, longing for good beer doesn't make someone an alcoholic. In fact, I struggled with a drinking problem for a time. I stopped drinking craft brews then and started back on BMC due to cost. the average Joe can't afford to be an alcoholic on craft brew. And if you think your drinking too much don't brew so much. If a person goes on a bender as soon as a batch is ready then yes, it is enabling them. Is it any different from buying by the case and keeping it in the basement? Hell no.

Homebrewing isn't the problem. alcoholism is the problem. an alcoholic will get their alcohol one way or another. more so, the issue that is creating the alcoholism is the true problem. treating alcoholism like a disease is a disservice and is ridiculous BS. people are dependent on mind altering substances for a reason. an 'addictive personality' is just a excuse that hides the need for therapy. that's all aa is, a huge group therapy session. it's too bad people are not willing to admit that the alcohol isn't the problem. alcoholism isn't even the problem. the problem is the psychological crap that is causing people to abuse the alcohol and think they need it to feel happy.

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I'm a beer or two a day guy. But I have been for a long time honestly. I do wonder sometimes. However I go a week without having any regularly, so I'm not too worried personally. I haven't put on any weight either, which would concern be more lol.
Marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs...craft beer is a gateway drug to harder alcohols...or maybe both of those things are faulty in their logic?

I think the real question at hand is about problemed drinking, not alcoholism. In theory, the number of alcoholics is not tied to the accessibility of alcohol, and every alcoholic carrying a coin who has been sober for any length of time will tell you, they're still alcoholics even if they aren't drinking.

So are you a problemed drinker OP? I think if you have to ask the answer may be yes..but I also think if you have to ask you shouldn't ask this public forum, you should ask you parents, or your spouse/significant other/people in your life.

If you need help, get it.
In my opinion and experience the Craft/homebrew hobby seems to actually have the opposite effect. Those who really binge drink are going to do it regardless. Those who get into the craft/home brewing seem to enjoy beer for the taste rather than just the effect. Sure, there will be those that HB just to get cheap booze, but if your goal is to just get drunk, why would you go through a process that takes a month to be drinkable rather than the more instant gratification of buying cheap beer from the store?

True the temptation can be there, but like any other sort of drinking, you have to know for yourself where you stand. Drinking appears to be becoming more acceptable again, so anything is possible. But then again this is only my opinion.

There is much cheaper booze/bang for your buck buying handles of cheap liquor then there is in brewing it. If someone's just about cheap liquor, they're at Bev-Mo, not Morebeer, IMHO.
Al Anon, which has its problems but is fairly dialed on the whole addiction thing has these questions:


Pretty general questions but answer them honestly and you'll get a pretty good picture about your habit.

There's been a lot of these threads lately, and coming from the religious/puritanical background of the US I think its natural.

All I can say is, enjoy your hobby in moderation, just as with everything in life. I don't think the craft beer movement is an enabler to alcoholism. An alcoholic would be an alcoholic with whatever substance is around.

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I agree with a lot of what has been said here. I don't think the hobby of home brewing leads to alcoholism, I think those who are headed that way will get there one way or another. I have known several alcoholics including family members. Alcoholics are about as diverse a crowd as you will find, they run the gambit that's for sure. Everything from the folks who simply can't be anywhere near any form of alcohol, they have seemingly no control and have pissed away everything they ever had including their friends and family without ever having found bottom. To those people that seem to some how get through daily life, hold down jobs, have family's, raise children, and (this always amazes me) drive under the influence every day with out somehow getting caught. I had a Grandfather that I never saw sober even once in my life, he used to "hide" his drinking lol and seemed to believe nobody was aware of his problem, he was drunk 24-7 and never got fired from work or caught driving.
In my experience the worst types are those that though they may not have a drinking problem per-say, become a huge problem when they do drink, loud, belligerent and violent.
I guess I agree with those that have said "only you can answer that question" but that only applies to those that are really honest with them selves and that seems to be difficult for many alcoholics.
I have never seen a true alcoholic that could have alcohol in their home and go any length of time without getting into it, if this is you then maybe you should think things over?
Don't forget not every problem drinker has a "drinking problem"
Now relax don't worry and have a home brew (but keep an eye on yourself)
So are you a problemed drinker OP? I think if you have to ask the answer may be yes..but I also think if you have to ask you shouldn't ask this public forum, you should ask you parents, or your spouse/significant other/people in your life.

If you need help, get it.

I have never been a problemed drinker as you have put it. Before craft beer and home brewing I would drink once or twice a month. Miller lite was was my beer of choice while hanging with friends and family. Rarely ever more than 3-4 over the course of a night. Like I said this would happen once or twice a month. I would drink mixed drinks at social funtions (weddings and what not).

I love the process and the science behind fermentation. I love putting together recipes and how different grains, hops, yeast, ect combine to give the desired aroma color and flavor. The whole scene excites me. My current consumtion as said in my original post has increased 5x aproxamately. I brew 10 gallon batches and do give away plenty. I brew once a month typically and have plenty left over. But I drink at least 12 beers a week. Weather that is store bought or homebrewed. I attend tastings, homebrew club meetings, beer launches, special tappings, ect.

The reason behind my post, i guess, was to see what the communities thoughts were and to see if anyone else had the same observations that I have had. I don't consider myself an alcoholic, it just seems that I spend a lot of time $$$ and effort in alcohol where as 6 years ago I could'nt give a rats ass about it. I guess that is what any hobby will do. Take your time, $$$ and effort. I just like to try to keep myself in check.
Hey all,

Clearly this would be an unpopular question but one I have been wondering about. Since I have been into craft beer and home brewing I have noticed that I am drinking a lot more beer. Beer with higher alcohol at that. But not only beer. Ive found myself intrigued by spirits as well.

I am constantly seeking out new spirits and beers. I will drive across town to find a beer or bottle of whiskey that I am looking for.

I am asking myself now "Does my hobby make me a functioning alcoholic?"

I mean I never miss work and rarely drink "too much" for one sitting. But my consuption has increased at least 5x what it was before when I was drinking macro crap.

Has anyone else ever felt this way? Should I take a haiatus from brewing and drinking to see how that affects me?

Let me know.

I figure you have just improved your taste in beer and whisky; therefore you are enjoying it more. RDWHAHB ;-)
We are all just in denial stage...

I definitely drink more now but I also avoid soda more so I don't become a bigger fatty than I am.
This is all about perspective. IMO if your drinking is causing problems with your family or work, you have an issue that needs attention. If you are just concerned read on...

Have you woken up in the front yard without a shirt, bloody and bruised, missing your underpants and a shoe only to think "Not again..."? If not I suspect you are ok.

Of course I am a binge drinker from the land of binge drinkers. My state consumes more brandy from X-mas to New Years than was drank in all of WW2. We also have one of the top 10 largest breweries in the nation and it does not distribute outside the state. UW Madison has been removed from all drinking comparisons to other collages because no other single university can come close to what is consumed here.

As for beer that tastes good making more alcoholics? or being a gateway to harder liquor I really doubt that is true at all. If it was true everyone here would be drinking 190 proof vodka by now and that is not the case.
I am a problem drinker. M problem is demand outstripped supply. Well actually we are on a fiercely tight budget and getting a consistent schedule going is difficult!

Anyway, yes I drink more now. I have 2 750mls bottles a night of HB because I love the flavours and how the beer develops. Also I have just got over the Honeymoon period of having lots of beer to hand and am looking forward to more discipline here.

I would also say to the OP that if you are worried about your drinking, ask somebody owe what they think about it.
I set personal limits, 15 per week with 2 nights with zero drinks. Like with calories, only counting really works.

Give a man a beer, waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and waste a lifetime! Bill Owen quote

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I enjoy the hell out of homebrewing my own beer. Coming up with my own recipes and trying out others is something that is just fun and exciting. However I'll drink maybe 2 or three beers during one evening if the urge strikes me. That happens maybe once a week or even longer. I make more beer for myself than I can honestly consume reasonably. I do share it with my best friend, and whoever he invites over whenever I go over to visit. It's a fun time. But other than that, getting s**t faced (talking blackout drunk) and spending a day recovering from the night before is something I used to do in my 20's, but not something I can do anymore. I do occasionally seek out craft brews that interest me, if I can find them locally. But I don't go out of my way to find something just to get wrecked on. About the only thing I've been mulling is a trip to Vermont in the fall to seek out some Heddy Topper. Make a day of it, bring a bud or two, and have a good time. I live in Massachusetts, so such a thing is entirely in the realm of possibility.
I suspect that the prevalence of alcoholism across the population hasn't noticed the advent of legal homebrewing. There's a recent thread that had some decent information. Take a look at the thread (especially my post) or the the NIH Rethinking Drinking web site if you are looking for clinically accurate information or resources on the topic.

I was about to reccomend that same thread. There was a very good conversation/discussion and it didnt go off topic much or get really heated.
I enjoy the hell out of homebrewing my own beer. Coming up with my own recipes and trying out others is something that is just fun and exciting. However I'll drink maybe 2 or three beers during one evening if the urge strikes me. That happens maybe once a week or even longer. I make more beer for myself than I can honestly consume reasonably. I do share it with my best friend, and whoever he invites over whenever I go over to visit. It's a fun time. But other than that, getting s**t faced (talking blackout drunk) and spending a day recovering from the night before is something I used to do in my 20's, but not something I can do anymore. I do occasionally seek out craft brews that interest me, if I can find them locally. But I don't go out of my way to find something just to get wrecked on. About the only thing I've been mulling is a trip to Vermont in the fall to seek out some Heddy Topper. Make a day of it, bring a bud or two, and have a good time. I live in Massachusetts, so such a thing is entirely in the realm of possibility.

IMHO, going out of your way for a brewery or beer is not symptomatic of alcoholism, whereas, fiending for a drop during your commute and pulling off the highway in search of ANY liquor store is....but I'm no expert and I'd repeat that the expert resources listed here should be consulted rather then us posters.
Hey all,

Clearly this would be an unpopular question but one I have been wondering about. Since I have been into craft beer and home brewing I have noticed that I am drinking a lot more beer. Beer with higher alcohol at that. But not only beer. Ive found myself intrigued by spirits as well.

I am constantly seeking out new spirits and beers. I will drive across town to find a beer or bottle of whiskey that I am looking for.

I am asking myself now "Does my hobby make me a functioning alcoholic?"

I mean I never miss work and rarely drink "too much" for one sitting. But my consuption has increased at least 5x what it was before when I was drinking macro crap.

Has anyone else ever felt this way? Should I take a haiatus from brewing and drinking to see how that affects me?

Let me know.

If you think you might have a problem, then yeah, you should definitely take a hiatus and see how it affects you.
As others have said thats a question only you can truly answer. However, if your beer drinking is affecting your relationships (not talking about a bossy wife who doesnt like beer) or your ability to hold a job then maybe you should take a break.
I will say this, the US has some serious hang ups about drinking left over from prohibition and all the subsequent blue laws. For the most part our society treats alcohol firstly as a drug and secondly as just something people drink. Therefore, it makes a lot of people uptight and puts alcohol on a pedestal. Throw in all kinds of brain washing in schools and DUI reeducation classes that teach that drinking is firstly unhealthy and wrong youve got a recipe for disaster. Most people who dont brew or enjoy craft beer think you're an alcoholic if you look forward to trying some special beer. Also being from the south there are tons of people who think you're a raging alcoholic if you have more than two drinks in one sitting.
Also dont worry about the sprits thing. I got into bourbon, scotch, and rum. It's kinda the same thing as craft beer. Looking for the better small one and such.
I am right there with you! I have been drinking more beer than I did before I started brewing. I justify it as "research" but I do try to limit myself. About 5 years ago I was a heroin addict so I am very aware now of how addiction affects me personally, and I know when I start traveling down that road to cut back. Its not perfect, and many people would probably tell me that I shouldn't drink alcohol because of my past but I feel like I have a handle on it. In the end, if you feel like you are drinking too much then cut back, go a few days without drinking and see how you feel. In my opinion if you are drinking for the flavor and not for the effect then you should be doing alright. Just be careful, addiction is a slippery slope.
I suspect that the prevalence of alcoholism across the population hasn't noticed the advent of legal homebrewing. There's a recent thread that had some decent information. Take a look at the thread (especially my post) or the the NIH Rethinking Drinking web site if you are looking for clinically accurate information or resources on the topic.

Thank you. I checked out the thread and your post. Both were very helpful. I think I will take a month or so off of brewing and drinking in general, just to test myself. I will keep you all updated. Thank you all for your kind words and interest. Cheers.
Two homebrews a day (well, sometimes 3) 4 pm each day - its a religious experience . Totally controlled.

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Thank you. I checked out the thread and your post. Both were very helpful. I think I will take a month or so off of brewing and drinking in general, just to test myself. I will keep you all updated. Thank you all for your kind words and interest. Cheers.

Good attitude. If you are concerned with your own drinking, taking a break from drinking is a great idea. Knowing your over-drinking triggers is the key if you succeed in it. Everyone ties one on every now and again, its more an issue if you find yourself having to get smashed every time you drink. I drink most days, but usually drink to enjoy the flavor and slight buzz. 2 beers a night and would do just one if it meant that or 4 BMC's. Hope it goes well and i commend you for being wary and wondering.
Alcoholchism? I aint no $%*&in' acaholwic! Brewsing beer gots nottin' to do wiz it! Commere! Fight like a man! Sonsabitches. Wheres ma beer?! Who took my $%&*Zin' beer?! Damn it guys...dats not funny! Gimme my beer back!:drunk:

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