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Sep 26, 2010
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Last night I had a few co-workers over for "pub night"........just a night to get together and shoot darts and the sh*t. I had just stocked the frig with my first home brew.........20 22oz bottles of austrailan lager.. Well I broke a few out just to sample...........and now needless to say I have none:mad:.....never thought that the test of home brew was that much better than the swill thats sold in stores......My friends loved it! Tomorrow I bottle my next batch (english bitters)....... so the wait starts all over......but by the reaction of my friends and my new found love it will be worth it!:rockin:


good thing I still have a case of 12oz to hold me over:D
Haha, good times. It shouldn't sour your mood too much to see how much people love your labors. NOW, the only thing to do is teach them how to brew and they can bring their creations over for you! That way everybody can share in the love/hobby. Good luck getting your pipeline back in order, too.
Thanks............ it's a labor of love! A few of the guys do the Mr. beer thing........I don't think it would be hard to get them to take the next step!
Glad to hear your buddies liked your homebrew. Guess it's time to fire up another batch soon (maybe two).
LOL I'm not sure if it's that they think HB is better or if it's better cuz it's free ;) Just like the best pizza is always free pizza :)
Glad to here your beer was a hit......that will make it all the more difficult to build a pipeline:D Every time I think I get ahead ther's an empty keg. One thing about this hobby is it's completely sustainable. By that I mean, you'll never have a room full of beer you don't know what to do with:rockin:

welcome to the joys of homebrewing. And get used to it. Thats one of the many reasons I went to kegging. Faster, easier, and it carbonates much faster. I have an 8 tap keezer I built and a 4 tap jockey box I take to the desert for long camping weekends. guess who always has the most popular camp site?
Also if you have friends like mine you best get more than two fermenters and get brewing. Check my sig and I still don't have enough. On November 21st I am having a shin dig for the Pats vs Colts game and in 10 hrs we will go thru 3 kegs of brew and a 5 gallon batch of Apfelwein and a 5 gallon batch of Skeeter Pee. I make at least 10 gallons of stuff every other week. I have to so that I can have properly fermented/carbed stuff ready to go. I have been making stuff like a madman for 3 months now and I am just starting to get to the point where I will have enough built up so that every party doesn't leave me beerless :(
LOL i had the same thing happen to me a long time ago when i made the Anthem IPA recipe. after that and a couple more friend invasions i started hoarding my brews. i felt that the IPA could have used a bit more time in the bottle (was in the bottle 1 month when the invaders came and decided it was the best beer ever and drank it all). now i try not to let friends know when i brew something until i feel it's at it's peak taste. and even then i reluctantly share mwahahaha. sorry, but it's true
Also if you have friends like mine you best get more than two fermenters and get brewing. Check my sig and I still don't have enough. On November 21st I am having a shin dig for the Pats vs Colts game and in 10 hrs we will go thru 3 kegs of brew and a 5 gallon batch of Apfelwein and a 5 gallon batch of Skeeter Pee. I make at least 10 gallons of stuff every other week. I have to so that I can have properly fermented/carbed stuff ready to go. I have been making stuff like a madman for 3 months now and I am just starting to get to the point where I will have enough built up so that every party doesn't leave me beerless :(

Damn man, I hope you are getting donations (or have a great paying job and a heart of gold)!
Usually if I go to a party and bring stuff I try to get $10 a person. But since this is my party I won't charge folks.

We are also providing the food which will be a couple pork shoulders I will smoke and all the fixings.

I will put a tip jar on top of the trash can kegerator. Some of my friends used to brew and appreciate the cost and work involved and I might get enough money to at least cover the food.

Not a heart of gold but I do enjoy entertaining ;)

Hopefully the Pats win and Manning gets a Joe Theisman and it will be a perfect day!

Damn man, I hope you are getting donations (or have a great paying job and a heart of gold)!
Lol, yeah if it's your party it's a little different. I really like to be a generous and loved host as well. The trash can kegerator sounds sweet, never thought of doing that before. Also, it's two bad you live in Maine, I would love to stop by your party (I would bring a keg of EdWort's Haus Pale to throw into your trash can)!
I'd rather go to your house it's cold up here ;)

Do a search for trash can kegerator they are pretty cool.

Lol, yeah if it's your party it's a little different. I really like to be a generous and loved host as well. The trash can kegerator sounds sweet, never thought of doing that before. Also, it's two bad you live in Maine, I would love to stop by your party (I would bring a keg of EdWort's Haus Pale to throw into your trash can)!
Had a Halloween party this Sat and Sampled some of my IPA that has only been bottled for 2 weeks. Needless to say I woke up and 3/4 of my batch was gone. At least I got some phone calls on Sunday saying thanks and how good the beer was. I just kegged my Hefe and Stout last night so I should hopefully be okay by this weekend. Now I just need to fill those 2 empty carboys up this weekend as well, they look lonely all unfilled in the corner.
I had a Halloween party Saturday night. Over 35gallon were drank. My 6 tap keggerator is dry and I had a 1/2bbl of ky common I ended up tapping and about 7gal were drank out of that. It was hooked up to CO2 though so no wasted beer :) . Now to start alllll over. It was worth it though. People loved it, and everyone had a great time. On top of that, my next handful of batches will be going to family functions. It's going to be awhile before I get more beer for myself.
It's always a double edged sword. It's great when your friends love your beer and want to drink it all, but on the other hand, your left without any beer for yourself. I just had a party last weekend where I had 3, 5 gallon kegs on tap and my guests drank all 3 of them down in about 6 hours. Luckily I had 2 kegs ready to chill and serve as soon as everyone left.
I just brewed my second batch this past weekend, 6 weeks after brewing my first batch. That was too long to wait because now every time my wife drinks some of the beer or a coworker asks to try some I can't help but think that is one less beer I can drink while I wait for the second batch to be drinkable. All of a sudden 5 gallons doesn't seem like that much. And in this country the ONLY beer I can get my hands on is the beer I make. So it is all the more precious. I'm going to try and brew every weekend that I can and get at least four fermenters in the pipeline.
I just brewed my second batch this past weekend, 6 weeks after brewing my first batch. That was too long to wait because now every time my wife drinks some of the beer or a coworker asks to try some I can't help but think that is one less beer I can drink while I wait for the second batch to be drinkable. All of a sudden 5 gallons doesn't seem like that much. And in this country the ONLY beer I can get my hands on is the beer I make. So it is all the more precious. I'm going to try and brew every weekend that I can and get at least four fermenters in the pipeline.

thats why I try to brew every week. and especially back when i was bottling. bottle conditioning takes too long to brew that far apart