Well-Known Member
I've been using a lot of pilsner malt lately trying to learn more about how to use it best. I have noted that no matter how I treat the mash I seem to loose some of the malt flavor as I condition. When the beer comes out of the fermenter the flavor is great but then after conditioning I am loosing some of the malt flavor. It is still good, but better when it is first out of the fermenter. I am consistantly keeping my IBU's low and using very little finishing hops. (1/2 oz German N. Brewer 10.9% at 60 and 1/2 oz at 5) My inital thought was that I was just picking up more of the bittering over time but I am not convinced that is what is happening, there just isn't all that much hop flavoring to start with. I have only bottled these beers, havent kegged any so don't know if that would make a difference. I am going to try stiring up the yeast on the bottom of the bottles a couple times and see if it is the yeast that I am tasting but that makes no sense to me as that does not seem to be the flavor I taste first out of the fermenter. Anybody have any thoughts about what is happening?