Need a Cider recipe

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May 15, 2012
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I love to brew beer and the wifey wants to get involved but she cannot drink beer. Anyone know of good cider recipes?
The recipe I like to give first-time brewers (and that I make myself from time to time):

Take a one-gallon jug of apple juice from Whole Foods (their house brand, either the Gravenstein varietal juice or their standard blend). Remove one pint of juice (and drink it, it's pretty darn tasty), replacing it with one cup of honey and one cup of maple syrup. Add a packet of champagne yeast. Replace the cap and shake it around a bunch to try to get the sweeteners at least partly dissolved (don't worry about not getting them dissolved all the way), then take it off and replace it with a stopper and an airlock.

Ferment until there is not a bunch of undissolved honey at the bottom and the bubbles have slowed to less than one per minute (typically 3-4 weeks). Bottle, wait a couple weeks, and enjoy. (Optionally, ferment it all the way dry and add priming sugar at bottling time instead of letting it be its own priming solution.)

The juice comes in a one-gallon glass carboy that can be cleaned and reused for small batches of mead, as well as being a rather nice cider blend.
I have just started brewing and started a kit that i thought was lager, turns out its not a lager kit, i have since learned that lager needs a completely different environment, one which i cannot accomodate yet, so i want to make something i can manage at warmer temps but im not keen on ale and ive read that cider can be fermented just above 20C.
So ive been looking at different ciders and come across magnum strawberry cider, just wondering if anyone has tried this before or something similer, and will it be as nice as it sounds?
I have just started brewing and started a kit that i thought was lager, turns out its not a lager kit, i have since learned that lager needs a completely different environment, one which i cannot accomodate yet, so i want to make something i can manage at warmer temps but im not keen on ale and ive read that cider can be fermented just above 20C.
So ive been looking at different ciders and come across magnum strawberry cider, just wondering if anyone has tried this before or something similer, and will it be as nice as it sounds?

I know you said you are not keen on ale, but that is a pretty broad statement. How many different kinds of ales have you tried? What kind of lagers do you like? You might be able to brew an ale that tastes close to a lager that you like.
I may be setting myself up to look a fool but here goes, i like stella, carslberg, carslberg export, those kinds, (this is the part where you tell me they arent lagers lol)
I have tried some ales such as Bishops Finger, Spitfire, Bombardier and they are ok, I just prefer that lager kinda taste if you get me?
I think you should try more kinds of beer, I think you just haven't treied that many different kinds. That being said there are plenty of cider recipes in the cider forum and in the recipe section.
Do you happen to keg? When most Americans think of hard cider, they think of the mass produced, carbonated, sweet, "wet" ciders, while traditionally most ciders are uncarbonated, tart and dry. Think Strongbow or Woodchuck.

I myself definitely perfer and make the carbonated, sweet, "wet" cider.

The reason I ask if you keg is because these types of ciders are simple to make if you keg, but if you bottle the backsweetening procedure is a real PITA, and almost not worth it.

Really, through, the base recipe for a hard cider is just dump yeast into apple juice. You don't brew cider, you just ferment it. Lots of options from there, though!
I have a keg and also have the option to bottle, i think im just worried that if i do try a new type beer and i dont like it then ill have 40 pints of stuff i dont like but that said the same thing could happen with cider :/
Argh theres so many choices im like a kid in a sweet shop haha!