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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Christiansted, St Croix, USVI
Okay, kids, here's me having a beer and screwing around with Photoshop. Next up out of my brewery is a red ale, so I was trying to develop a label for it.

Whattaya think?


(Try to ignore the "delicious" bit; so I'm biased. :D )


BobNQ3X said:
Okay, kids, here's me having a beer and screwing around with Photoshop. Next up out of my brewery is a red ale, so I was trying to develop a label for it. I know I misspelled "Krasnaya Zvezda"; I didn't get round to spell-checking it until later. Good thing I saved the PSD!

Whattaya think?


(Try to ignore the "delicious" bit; so I'm biased. :D )



That's pretty darn cool. If I remember my Cyrillic though the first word translates: KRDZPCH
Thanks for the kind words!

The "Cyrillic" is actually a font called "Worker Poster" I might mess about with Cyrillic later on; what I really wanted was something understandable to the Western reader.


As spelled it's nonsense. he means красная звезда (red star), but spelled with cyrillic characters that look similar to latin characters. Like replacing R with Я


You've gone to this much effort, might as well make the final effort to fix minor mistakes. You wouldn't want to look like a 'two pizza' now, would you?

Don't toast with "Na Zdorov'ye!"

People who don't speak Russian usually think that they know one Russian phrase: a toast, Na Zdorov'ye! Little do they know that Na Zdorov'ye! (nuh zdah-rohv'-ee; for health) is what Russians say when somebody thanks them for a meal. In Polish, indeed, Na Zdorov'ye! or something close to it, is a traditional toast. Russians, on the other hand, like to make up something long and complex, such as, Za druzhbu myezhdu narodami! (zah droozh-boo myezh-doo nuh-roh-duh-mee; To friendship between nations!) If you want a more generic Russian toast, go with Za Vas! (zuh vahs; To you!)
I didn't know that! I'll have to change it.

For some reason, I can't get Cyrillic to work in Photoshop, not even pasting directly from Character Map. Thus the goofy pseudo-Cyrillic font I found free on teh Intarwebs.

See? This is why we post our stuff to HBT! Thanks! :mug:

You're pretty good natured about my kidding!

I think you can do it with the font you've got. The letters k, a, c, are the same in latin and cyrillic.

After reading your other post I see you want it to be readable to english speakers but want a few cyrillic characters that look like backwards verions of latin characters for effect (not worrying about what it actually spells in Russian), you're on the right track, I would change it just slightly to something like КЯАSИАЧА ZVЭZDА. There are a lot of variations you could use
vmpolesov said:
You're pretty good natured about my kidding!

Hey, I understand kidding. I dish out enough of it, I ought to know how to handle it when it comes my way. ;)

I think you can do it with the font you've got. The letters k, a, c, are the same in latin and cyrillic.

After reading your other post I see you want it to be readable to english speakers but want a few cyrillic characters that look like backwards verions of latin characters for effect (not worrying about what it actually spells in Russian), you're on the right track, I would change it just slightly to something like КЯАSИАЧА ZVЭZDА. There are a lot of variations you could use

Thanks for being understanding! My trouble is that I can't get the Cyrillic characters to work in Photoshop. Cutting and pasting isn't working. I don't think Photoshop is recognizing the characters.


Great beer label... if you're a goose stepping commi!

Just kidding, Great label, really captures the feel of communist people's art.

vmpolesov said:
In Polish, indeed, Na Zdorov'ye! or something close to it, is a traditional toast

You are correct. My grandmother was from poland and taught me some polish and she would always toast saying that.

Wyrabiają większa ilość piwo. (Make more beer)
You just have to fit the phraise "FOR THE MOTHERLAND!!!" in there somewhere, heheheheh :p hehehe, lable rocks!!
Gav Gav, ya ceboka, ya chevou ce crashnoi shapuchkoi

ha, two years of russian and thats about all i remember..

I like the label.. would be cool if they were holding up pints instead of the hammer and sickle.