Might have celebrated a little to hard last night!

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Aug 8, 2014
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So as i'm sure many did me and a few friends brewed and drank beer yesterday. Maybe more of an emphasis on the drinking than brewing towards the end. The brewing went off without a flaw hit all my marks and it turned out beautiful, until we drained into the carboy. After siphoning into the carboy aerating the wort and everything else i completely forgot to pitch the yeast. I put the airlock on and took into the fermentation fridge where it sat until this morning when i woke up in a ohh jesus moment remembering my error. I went immediately outside where the yeast vile was still sitting thank goodness it was pretty cool last night. walked to carboy and pitched the yeast. I just went back out to check on it and still nothing happening. So should I be worried about this or do i just need to wait a day and then consider repitching another vile of white labs california ale?
You're fine. You might not even see signs of fermentation other than gravity readings.
Give it time. As long as sanitization was good, you should be ok.

No Chill brewing lets the wort sit and cool for hours. I don't know why this would be a problem as long as your sanitization was solid
I checked on it yesterday afternoon krausen layer was forming so everything I believe is fine.
I almost always do what you described. Especially in the summer when my chiller can only get the wort into the mid 70s or 80s. I chill as much as I can, transfer to the carboy, and stick it in the ferm chamber to cool the rest of the way overnight before I pitch. I just did this on Sunday with an Oktoberfest that I needed to chill to ~48F. As long as you sanitize properly there's nothing wrong with doing this. I think a lot of people do it this way.

It's not quite the same as no chill though. In no chill you transfer the wort into the fermentation vessel when it is still at near boiling temperature and seal it up so everything is sanitized by the heat. I would trust that to go a lot longer without yeast than a pre-chilled wort in a sanitized carboy.

But overnight is just fine. Sounds like you could have used a starter though.
second brew I did I enjoyed way too much of the first brew

I did not even remember pitching yeast but I did :)

the beer Gods were looking out for my drunk A$$

all the best


Ditto!!! Dionysus is a watchful one.

Last week I whipped up a SMaSH with Jarrylo, the next morning the fermenter was bubbling away nicely in my closet, smells great. My kitchen needed a bit of a tidying up is all.

I honestly don't remember anything after putting in the last hop addition.... around 15 minutes left in the boil. :drunk: