Metallic, greyish film covering wort before boil

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Active Member
Dec 7, 2011
Reaction score
New Orleans
I am quite a few all grain batches in with no previous problems. Yesterday however I went to re brew a batch I have already done in the past. The problem started when trying to empty the mash tun. It was completely stopped up, nothing but a slow drip coming out. It took about 15 min of blowing back into the mash over and over to get it all out. Instead of a light golden color it was almost dark grey.

I dumped the grain bed into a pot to look for a clog, found nothing so replaced the grains and sparged. Again it was immediately clogged up. This time I just let it sit. After it finally drained, 30 min or so, I went to look in and it looked like there was a layer of cement over the grain bed. I stuck my finger in and underneath the clay like layer the grains looked great.

I started to boil, Because everything I read on here says to relax. Before the water started to boil a greyish foam started rising up. I really wanted to just dump it and start over, it looked bad, really bad. I opened a beer and continued on. In the end it came out looking normal. Nice golden color with a good protien break. My og was 1.087 instead of 1.070. And this morning I woke to my airlock bubbling away.

With all that said, should I be worried about the grey wort to start with or metallic foam rising up? Anyone have any ideas as to what it could be?

My LHBS just got a new grinder in that day and he was also brewing, with his first clog as well. So I am fairly certain it was crushed to fine. But why they greyish coloring? Any ideas? Thanks.
I have pics of it all and will upload them when I get home in about 2 hours. I thought I could upload from my phone but can't.
sounds like too fine a crush - next time try some rice hulls ( or buy a mill and get a proper crush)

I don't know about the grey stuff though - might be a symptom of the grain flour.

hope it turns out well. I want to see the pics
Had you added any hops? I've seen this before when I First wort hop. The hops float on top right before the boil starts. It's really gray and thick goes away when a boil temp is reached.
everything you describe is normal for a fine crush and will not adversely affect your beer.
Here are the pics, thanks for the quick responses. This is without any hop additions.




The top two pics are from my mash tun after everything settled out. The bottom two are two separate boiling pots. I ended up with to much water and boiled down using a few pots on my stove as well before adding to the main pot outside.

A really fine crush would make sense but its a really weird color. Also would this be one reason for such a high OG?

Its bubbling away and smells great so I am happy, I just wanted to make sure its all ok.

Thanks for your thoughts.
haven't ever seen it that foamy in my brews... however, that just looks like grain material.
Looks like a lot of protein material from the grain in that foam. Definitely to fine, and yes the fine crush will bring up the SG reading, but a lot of it may not be fermentable sugars.
But I bet its a good beer!

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