Last Brew before Deployment

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Wilmington, NC
I'll be leaving for a hot flat sandy place in a few weeks, with a possible stopover in a hot mountainous sandy place. I'll be gone for around 9 months. Any thoughts on something I can brew and bottle before I leave (barley wines are the obvious choice, but maybe someone can give me a more specific idea). Also, I just bottled some moderately strength pale ales (~5%), and I'm not sure if I'll be able to drink all of them before I go. You think those will still be tasty? Thanks.
I've really got no brewing advice, but wanted to say thank you for doing what you do. Be safe.
Thank you. Stay safe. Come home safe.

Barleywine is a great idea. you can toss it in a secondary and let it hang out for a good long while.
I vote Saison. A heavy Saison, the timing will be right for your return.

Be Safe.!!
Take care of yourself please! A big IPA, Barley Wine, Russian Imperial Stout would all do well with the wait. Your existing IPA's will be fine - and might well improve.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm thinking a Belgian dark strong ale. Anybody ever brew "The Number 8" kit from Northern Brewer?
I just came back from over there, only 3 months though. I have no advice to offer for what to brew here. But have you thought about brewing over there if you have the time. You can get kits shipped there just have someone remove the label from the malt. You would be surprised how well you can brew using supplies on hand. A 1 gallon Arizona Ice tea jug makes a good fermenting vessel. You can even bottle just use plastic coke bottles. It wont be top shelf stuff but I guarantee it will be a hit with everyone you share the secret with.
Unfortunately, the places I'm going tend to frown on the whole producing alcohol thing. Don't think I haven't thought about it, though.
Barleywine is a good one, the others I have not (yet) tried.

My brother-in-law is due to head out this autumn. He's in the CBs Navy, so I'm not sure how close to danger he will be, but we'll be thinking of him constantly. Be sure that we're all praying for you to come back safe as well.
Dude go with a big belgian duble, like a westvleteren 12 it ages nicely.


17.5 lb Dingemans Belgian Pilsner
1 lb Caramunich (belg)
.44 lb Biscuit
.31 lb Aromatic
.25 lb Special B
.19 lb Chocolate

Candi Sugar:
1 bottle of the Dark Candi Syrup(this is key, use the syrup)
.25 Amber Rock Candi
Added with 15 mins left in the boil

1.25 oz. Styrian Golding (60 min)
.25 oz. Styrian Goldings (15 min)
.25 oz. Haullertauer (15 min)
.25 oz. Styrian Goldings (1 min)
.25 oz. Haullertauer (1 min)

Yeast: WLP 530 (probably gonna want to make a 1-2 litre starter)

Single infusion mash at 149 for 90 min. Mash out at 170 for 10-15 min. Sparge at 170. Boil for 60 minutes.

I did this one last november and its awesome! Well try to have fun out there, I've done two deployments to the gulf so I know how bad it sucks. Just try to keep the sand out of your balls :mug:
I'm still over in the sandbox right now...2 months to go. Anyways i did a barley wine and RIS before i left, I've been wanting to play with mead and wish that i had done one of those before i left as well. Actually there are alot of brews that i wish i had done. I'd say do what you'll want to drink when you get back and something that you can get into a secondary between now and when you leave. A IIPA sounds great to me right now, but i didn't do one of those before i left. As for the brews back on rear party This time around i left back a Scottish 80 and British Bitter, the stuff i've left back before have always faired well so you should have no worries.
I'm too much of a noob to comment on the beer, but I did want to wish you well on your vacation. Been there, done that! Be safe over there and give 'em hell!
You asked so. I brewed the Number 8 with a couple variations. It was an extract version and I added a PM with some Special B for color and a little Carapils for head retention and a couple pounds of beglian 2 row. Went a little high on the OG 1.100 but I think its going to be darn tasty. Its sittin in the secondary with some Brett B and C and I plan on leaving it in their for a year. Would work well with your timeline. Tasted it the other day and its coming along nicely.

Also I vote for RIS, Lambic, Strong Saison, anything belgian and high alcohol.

Thanks for your service. My Bro is in Iraq right now coming home for a 18 day vacation. Then back to the sand.
Thanks for doing the things that Navy guys like myself would rather not do. Keep safe. Definately brew up a big beer if you get the chance, so you'll have something to look forward to.
Speaking from experience.... If you are up north in Mosul a trip to Dahouk in the Kurdish controled part of Iraq has stores that sell Heinieken and Amstel. Talk about a beer buzz when you haven't had anything to drink for 7 months and it is 1235 degrees out. Whew

Where ever you are going remember one thing. There is nothing in those countries worth sightseeing over...

But seriously be safe and thank you for your service. Please stop in from time to time and let us know how things are going..

I'll definately be checking in. I'll have almost a year to do nothing but read and come up with recipes. You guys are like my single friends. I'll be living vicariously through you.:mug:
thanks for your service! you should brew a belgian tripel. i wish i could have aged mine for 9 months. it was to good not to drink at three months.
No beer suggestions, though the mead sounds good. Thanks for putting your ass out there for us, be safe. I keep getting lists my from my company and where my wife works for things to send you guys over there. What REALLY is useful and what do you guys really want? I'm figuring homebrew is a no no. :D
Well I would just say this. Barley wine sounds like a good choice, just remember when you get back to add fresh yeast so you can sufficently carbonate when you bottle, or if you keg then it doesnt matter. Also stay safe and thank you.
To be 100% honest, Marines want Copenhagen. I don't partake personally, but I can think of nothing else that would make your average grunt's day more than opening up a care package and seeing a fresh log of dip. If he by chance doesn't use it, it'll make him the most popular guy in the platoon for a while. I know some people might have issues sending tobacco products, and that's understandable.

Other than that, guys like beef jerky, candy, wet wipes, things like that. Realistically though, it's not too difficult to get those things over there. The contracting companies are getting paid big bucks to provide those services. There are bases in Iraq that have Starbucks. It's getting to the point that the Commandant (the top Marine) is pushing hard to get us all over to Afghanistan. His feeling is that Marines need to be lean and sleeping on the ground, not in air conditioned containers and going to fancy chow halls. He's got a point, although I won't be turning it down if it's offered.
Barley Wine, RIS, Belgian dark strong, Belgian golden strong, Baltic porter, a big saison, or anything 8%+ would be great. Honestly, I think barley wines need more than a year, but a lot of things can wait that long no problem.

You could even do a sour. It wouldn't even be out of secondary when you got back!