La honey to Petite Orange Extract Kit w/Specialty Grains

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Active Member
May 23, 2014
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hello every one

So heres my questions?

Im going to order the northern Brew Kit
La Petite Orange
 Extract Kit w/Specialty Grains
brewers are adding zest of 2 to 3 oranges and some 1 tsp of corainder
yeast options:
Wyeast 1214 Belgian Abbey
Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity

Im going to do all that but im also adding 2lbs of real Honey not store bought: orange Blossom Honey 2lbs worth

questions are:
1. is 2lbs honey to little or too much for 5 gallon batch of bottled beer?
2. I've read some ideas of when to add the honey: some say at flame out to avoid cooking the honey and reducing the flavor and aromas.
3. Some say at primary fermentation like when 2/3rds done to preserve most of the flavor and aroma of the honey and not right at primary..does it matter if i add during or midway or maybe toward end of primary to reduce the yeast eating all the honey?

note:I sent an email asking Northern Brewers for help
here it is below.. seems like he answered my questions minus the amount of honey

whats your take on this gentlemen and ladies?

(Northern Brewer)
Jun 10 14:15

I would get the Y3787 as it has a higher alcohol tolerance, especially if you are adding honey, which is very fermentable. You could add it in the primary as the honey is antibacterial and does not requiring boiling. Adding it later during the primary fermentation may leave more of the residual honey flavor, but again honey is very fermentable so the yeast may convert it all regardless of when you add it to the wort. If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know. Have a great day!


Customer Service
Northern Brewer, LLC
I would brew the kit as is. I just cracked open my last bottle of it two days ago to celebrate the beginning of our vacation and it was way better then when I brewed last summer.
I would think about doing the kit as is with the zest and coriander the first time. I have it kegged right now and it is very good. It is one of the few extract kits that I have wanted to re brew.

maybe make a small simple delicious mead with your honey instead!

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