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You know, there are times when it feels REALLY good to bring out the ol'

There's also a big difference in shooting a dog with a paintball gun and shooting it with a .45.

Yeah, no joke. The paintball gun is a good idea for that situation, IMO. It motivates the dog to leave and let's the owner know someone is not happy with where the dog has been.
Ive always had a dog. Ive had my dogs get out of the fence, and crap and get ino neighbors trash. Well when that happened Im always over there to clean up after my dogs. Thats my responsibility. I expect the same from my neighbors.

I normally dont have a problem with dogs roaming, even if once ****s in my yard. Thats what dogs do. Im cleaning up **** once a week anyways, whats one more pile to scoop? However.....Ive walked out on a chow and a pit on two separate occasions. Both were busy marking their territory in my yard, and they actually had the balls to turn aggressive on me when I walked out. Growling or any signs of aggression calls for the paintball gun. And believe me, a semi auto 16 ball per second blast will send any aggressive dog hauling ass home.

Sorry if that offends any of you, but I have kids and a beautiful chocolate lab who dont need the neighborhood bullies stirring up problems.

Im not offended. Deff not since the dogs turned aggressive. I also doubt a paintball gun it going to do super bad things to a dog. I can say as a loving and caring dog owner, I totally agree with your approach.
:mug:This just happened here in Oregon. A guy shot the neighbors dog. They took him off to jail. It's not over yet, as he says the dog was chasing his chickens. But I think the cops could have resolved this had the guy called them. At least they could have told him what he could or could not do. :mug::mug:
When I was a kid, we had a German Shepherd. Great dog, super smart, and very gentle with people. We kept him on the property with an invisible fence, but while an invisible fence will keep YOUR dogs IN, they will not keep OTHER animals OUT.

We lived in the sticks, and a lot of wild life would pass through. Our dog was security for our property, and he took his job very seriously. You know how I said he was very gentle with people? Well the opposite was true for small, unfamiliar animal trespassers. Baby rabbits, birds, woodchucks, rats, possums, he killed them all. He even once killed a chicken that accidentally got loose from the pen.

But we really needed him to do that job. Coyotes ran THICK, and once when we took our dog on vacation with us, we came back to find all of our chickens dead. Coyotes got into the pen because the dog was off-duty with us at the beach...

Anyways, one day my dad comes home from work to find a small terrior dog that had apparently been running loose and ventured onto our property. The poor thing didn't stand a chance...

We all felt really bad, but to our dog, that terrior was no different from a possum looking to steal eggs or a coyote.

Keep your dogs on your property. Even if your dog is the nicest dog in the world, and means no harm, there are a million things that can happen and your dog might not come back.
Hmmm, I might run the paintball idea by my neighbor. If that dog harms one of my kids on my own property, the stuff will hit the fan.
I say, put yourself in the position of the dog's owner. If your neighbor came over and told you, repeatedly, that your dog was crapping in their yard, what would you do? Say your sorry, then continue to let it out without containment? What if it was (playfully) knocking kids down? Pet ownership is a responsibility. If my neighbor came to me, repeatedly, to tell me that my dog was crapping in their yard, and I did nothing, I would certainly expect to come home one day and find my dog dead or missing. Take care of your dog, before someone else does!

I'm not thrilled with the paintball deterrent method. Have you seen pictures of people getting hit in the face with one of those? You could easily pop that dogs eye out with a poor shot.

Just deal with the neighbor politely, then ask animal control to step in when the dog is in your yard again. You may not have a right to shoot the neighbors dog for crapping inyour yard, but you do have the right to have him removed, and his owner reported.
I say, put yourself in the position of the dog's owner. If your neighbor came over and told you, repeatedly, that your dog was crapping in their yard, what would you do?

I have 3 dogs. We let them out and watch them. If I had a huge dog, I would not let it out to wander on someone else's property. It would be tethered or I would have a fence.

This owner is downright irresponsible and shows a complete lack of courtesy towards his neighbors by allowing his k9 to leave elephant sized loads on their property.

If he cannot handle the responsibly of dog ownership then he should not have one.
Sure, vengeance feels good, and it's possible that a negative experience will deter a dog from the repeating the behavior that resulted in pain, but someone else hit the nail on the head earlier:

You have a problem with the owner, not the dog. Shooting paintballs at the dog, feeding it grease, or otherwise messing with the dog is human behavior that is ultimately about YOU, not the dog, and probably won't address the real issue - the OWNER. You need to address the issue with your neighbor. Ask politely, demand sternly, pile the dog's $hit on his doorstep, warn him that you'll call the cops, follow through with the cops, etc, etc, but quit messing with the dog.
I'm not thrilled with the paintball deterrent method. Have you seen pictures of people getting hit in the face with one of those? You could easily pop that dogs eye out with a poor shot.

Yeah this is true, although you can dial down the pressure. After thinking about it, it is indeed the fault of the owner. However, what do you do when they don't take matters into their own hands. I shouldn't have to build a friggin fence for their dog. And to make matters worse, they are your neighbor. Aside from moving an incident can have long reaching consequences.

All that being said, I see it probably on the humane scale as a shock collar (the paintball that is) so I don't really think it's as bad as it sounds. I have been nailed with paintballs before. A sting on the rear end one time may be enough of a negative experience to put a stop to it. This is my kids we are talking about folks.
Also make sure shooting paintball isn't illegal in your town/city/etc. Here it counts as "Discharge of a firearm w/in city limits" even though it's CO2 powered.

Why counter a barely-illegal act with a more-illegal act?
To play the tough guy card or for shock value. I'm with Ed on calling BS on him. If he really did do that and it were my dog, I'd take a .45 to his kneecaps...

He was from Texas though. Do you guys remember the audio of the dude calling 911 cuz he saw people robbing his neighbors house? He ended up shooting them and killing one and he got away with it. this was in the last 8 months i think.

only in texas.


I just thought of a story about my neighbor and the guy to his west. the guy to his west had a dog that would periodically be let out to frollic. It would inevitable end up crapping in my neighbors yard. after a year of this he gave the dog some kind of treat with a laxative (yes non chocolate). Well, one day the guy to the west was complaining to him about how his dog must have eaten something outside when he wasnt watching and now had crapped all over his living room carpet. He has since kept a close eye on the dog and no poop has made it to my neighbors yard in months.
Maybe rather than piling the dog's **** at the doorstep, he should scatter it all over the owner's lawn where it should have been dropped by the dog in the first place. In picking it up and leaving it in the bag, you're doing the dog's owner a favor.
Back when I lived in Ohio, I moved into a hoity-toity neighborhood (I have no idea how that happened. Trust me, I didn't fit in!). An older gentleman with an ancient poodle would walk his dog by my house. Just about every day the little f00ker would crap in one corner of my tiny yard. I was unhappy about it, but being the new girl who'd never lived in any kind of suburban environment before, I figured I'd just wait and observe. Maybe this was the normal practice for the neighborhood? I wasn't sure.

So I waited.

And, well, whaddaya know! The guy came around one day with his lawn trimmer (I didn't own one), completely unbidden, and without a word edged my lawn and driveway. He did that at least once per month during the mowing season for the 3 years I lived there. We never spoke about the deal, ever. I just picked up the dog crap and he just edged my yard. It was a beautiful thing.

One other comment on shooting dogs. I have done it, and hated doing it. It was a group of feral dogs and they were running our cattle. I got one of them, my sister got the rest. Once I saw where two pit bulls ran a group of steers completely ragged in a 2 hour span. One ran through the barb wire, losing an eye and almost amputating his own leg. The farmer had to put that steer down immediately. The other steers in the herd lost a lot of weight in a rather short timespan. Months of feeding them out--gone. The farmer lost's his livelihood! The owner of the pit bulls put them down himself as soon as he got there and saw the carnage. He apologized profusely and made restitution (via payment plan) to the farmer on an agreed-upon amount. I saw him as a responsible owner. His dogs just got out; it happens. He made amends. But I'll tell you, the sight of those steers still haunts me to this day.

But death for sh!tting? No way. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! There are many other ways of dealing with it and I'm loving hearing others' ideas...
Now, don't get the Okies all riled up now. :D

Yeah, if the okies stop sucking and start blowing hot air, Texas will just slip on off into the Gulf of Mexico.... :)

IAs for my experience with shooting pets, where I'm from farmers will do this if they find them running cows. A dog can run a cow to death in a matter of hours and farmers will not tolerate this at all. People know this though and if they like there dog they will keep it under control. As for shooting one for $hiting in the yard, I don't think so.

I 100% agree with a farmer/ranchers right to shoot animals who are bothering/attacking their animals. My family lost almost 2 dozen sheep to half a dozen loose dogs in one night. They just chased them down and killed them. I can understand losing the occasional lamb or older ewe to the coyotes now and then, at least they ate what they killed.... but domestic dogs will just chase and kill livestock for the hell of it.

Of course, in our case, the only way we were able to receive some restitution were the dogs that were wearing collars that returned the next night.....:( Confronting the neighbors is still better than waking up to a field full of carcasses.....
Oh, its on now Cornhusker...
Crap! It was THAT Cornhusker, not THIS Cornhusker! :(
Only problem I have with Texas is that G.W.Youknowwho lives there. Other than that, It's like a giant version of us! We both have spanish speakers, we both have lots of ag crops and steers, oh yah, what's that thing you have that Nebraska doesn't?

.... hmmmmm what was it???? Rugged good-looking chippendales? Nah that can't be it... uhm....

Oh right. An Economy. :D
Ooooh. It's kinda sad. Runza has gone way downhill. My mom still makes the BEST homemade Runza's though! :D
He was from Texas though. Do you guys remember the audio of the dude calling 911 cuz he saw people robbing his neighbors house? He ended up shooting them and killing one and he got away with it. this was in the last 8 months i think.

only in texas.

Who got away with it the theif ? Or the good neighbor protecting his neighbors property?
The grease thing isn't going to hurt the animal and if he kept it tied up there wouldn't be a problem.

Tell you what else I did last fall.

They where gone and they had left their side door wide open and the dog was in and out all day, came in my garage while I was in there, scratched at our screen door wanting in our house.

Well anyways I decided to play fetch with the dog. I kept throwing stones into a large mud hole in the field behind our row of houses and the dog kept running right in after them. After 15 Min's I chased the dog home and shut the door behind him.

The wife doesn't think they will have the dog much longer because just last week some kids brought the dog home from up town (1 mile away). I guess they where friends with their son.

This are also the same people that have poker party's 2-3 times a year and the people that show up drive through my yard, park in my yard. After my 15 yr old daughter left our dog out and witnessed someone at the party pi$$ing in our yard next to a car, I called the cops. Next morning my yard was full of beer cans.
He was from Texas though. Do you guys remember the audio of the dude calling 911 cuz he saw people robbing his neighbors house? He ended up shooting them and killing one and he got away with it. this was in the last 8 months i think.

only in texas.

If everybody had that good a neighbor, maybe the world would be a better place.

It isn't a dog problem, it is a people problem. The dog has no idea you don't like it. Deal with the owner. If he doesn't listen, become a daily caller to your local code enforcement agent.
The grease thing isn't going to hurt the animal and if he kept it tied up there wouldn't be a problem.

Tell you what else I did last fall.

They where gone and they had left their side door wide open and the dog was in and out all day, came in my garage while I was in there, scratched at our screen door wanting in our house.

Well anyways I decided to play fetch with the dog. I kept throwing stones into a large mud hole in the field behind our row of houses and the dog kept running right in after them. After 15 Min's I chased the dog home and shut the door behind him.

The wife doesn't think they will have the dog much longer because just last week some kids brought the dog home from up town (1 mile away). I guess they where friends with their son.

This are also the same people that have poker party's 2-3 times a year and the people that show up drive through my yard, park in my yard. After my 15 yr old daughter left our dog out and witnessed someone at the party pi$$ing in our yard next to a car, I called the cops. Next morning my yard was full of beer cans.

Your neighbors are a$$holes.
You mean it's bad to pee in your neighbor's yard?!? It's ok to pee in your own yard though, right? :D
I pee in my yard every chance I get! I agree on the @$$holes for neighbors though. Now you know why I'm anti-social! I dont' even know my own neighbors names! (except for Mrs. Watkins, who passed away two weeks ago, rest her soul).

Remind me not to steal in Texas!
Wow I just caught up on this thread and wow.....just

To back track a little, man your going to hell for shooting a dog. You should have put a warning shot at your neighbor, but you are a worthless fool for killing an animal.

Sorry I just can't leave that story up there....