JBrew's Computer + Arduino Controlled Mashing System

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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I wanted to share my Arduino based Mashing controller that I've been working on. The Arduino is controlled by an old laptop running a Python GUI that I made for pump controls and for setting a target temperature. I decided not to use the autotune library after reading some of the comments in this forum. I'm going to set my constants through trial and error like I would with an off the shelf PID controller. I tested the control loop a few times by duct taping my temperature probes to a fermentation heat belt. I used DS18b20 temperature sensors and they attach to my controller box via DB9 connectors.

Here's the Arduino code. Ignore the PID settings, since I plan to tweak those as I learn more from my data:
/* jbrewduino */
/* Developed by JBrew */ 

// This Arduino sketch reads serves 3 purposes:
// 1. Toggle On/Off a HLT recirculation pump 
// 2. Toggle On/Off a Mash recirculation + sparge pump
// 3. Read input from DS18B20 "1-Wire" digital temperature sensors 
// and control attached heating element based on temperature feed back.
// This will be accomplished via a PID control loop.

// Valid messages are as follows from the Python program:
// "1" means toggle pump 1 off/on
// "2" means toggle pump 2 off/on
// "3" means toggle heating element off/on
// Codes 80 - 212 are reserved for fahrenheit temperatures
//#define DEBUGG
// All inputs are provided by a Python brewing GUI that transmits serial messages.
#include <Time.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <PID_v1.h>
#include <OneWire.h> /* for reading 1-wire bytes */
#include <DallasTemperature.h> /* For parsing and printing temp from DS18B20 bytes */
#ifdef HAVE_SD
#include <SD.h>
// Data wire is plugged into pin 3 on the Arduino
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 3

// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);

// Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature. 
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
#ifdef HAVE_SD
File dataFile;
char filename[40];
// Assign the addresses of your 1-Wire temp sensors.

DeviceAddress mashTemp = { 0x28, 0x9E, 0xAC, 0x08, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2C };
DeviceAddress hltTemp = { 0x28, 0xFB, 0x1E, 0x15, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6D };
String inputString = ""; /* input with temperature from Python GUI */
int newTarget = 0;
int first_write = 0;
int temp = 0;
int bytesSent = 0;
const int heatingPin = 6; /* pin in which the heating element is attached - PID output pin */
int tempLoop = 0; /* This is a global run flag for the temperature feedback loop */
/* We need a valid temperature string because we can also receive messages for toggling 
 * the heating elements and pumps */
int validTemp = 0; 
// On the Ethernet Shield, CS is pin 4. Note that even if it's not
// used as the CS pin, the hardware CS pin (10 on most Arduino boards,
// 53 on the Mega) must be left as an output or the SD library
// functions will not work.
#ifdef HAVE_SD
const int chipSelect = 4;
//PID Constants
int k_prop = 500;
int k_int = 0;
int k_dif = 0;

double Setpoint, Input, Output; /* PID variables */

//Specify the links and initial tuning parameters
PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint,k_prop,k_int,k_dif, DIRECT);
int WindowSize = 1000; /* PID adjusts output between 0 and this window size*/

unsigned long windowStartTime;
unsigned long file_start;

const int pumpOne = 5;
const int pumpTwo = 7;
int pumpOneOn = 0;
int pumpTwoOn = 0;

void setup(void)
  pinMode(heatingPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pumpOne, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pumpTwo, OUTPUT); 
  // start serial port
  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
  // Start up the library
  // set the resolution to 10 bit (good enough?)
  sensors.setResolution(mashTemp, 10);
  sensors.setResolution(hltTemp, 10);
  //Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");
  // make sure that the default chip select pin is set to
  // output, even if you don't use it:
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
  // see if the card is present and can be initialized:
#ifdef HAVE_SD  
  if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
    //Serial.println("Card failed, or not present");
    // don't do anything more:
  //Serial.println("card initialized.");

  windowStartTime = millis();

/* function that prints temperatures in human readable form */
void printTemperature(DeviceAddress deviceAddress)
  if(first_write == 0) {
    file_start = millis();
    first_write = 1;
  float tempC = sensors.getTempC(deviceAddress);
  if (tempC == -127.00) {
    Serial.print("Error getting temperature");
  } else {
    //Serial.print("C: ");
      Input = DallasTemperature::toFahrenheit(tempC);

    if (deviceAddress == mashTemp){
#ifdef HAVE_SD
#ifdef DEBUGG
      bytesSent = Serial.write("m");
      bytesSent += Serial.write(Serial.print(Input, 2));
      bytesSent += Serial.write("\n");
    if (deviceAddress == hltTemp) {
#ifdef HAVE_SD
#ifdef DEBUGG
      bytesSent += Serial.write("h");
      bytesSent += Serial.write(Serial.print(Input,2));
      bytesSent += Serial.write("\n");
#ifdef HAVE_SD
    dataFile.print(millis() - file_start);

void temperatureControl(){
  //Serial.print("HLT temperature is: ");
  //Serial.print("Mash temperature is: ");
  myPID.Compute();/* This must be called once per loop to compute the new output*/
   * turn the output pin on/off based on pid output
  if(millis() - windowStartTime>WindowSize)
  { //time to shift the Relay Window
    windowStartTime += WindowSize;
  if(Output > millis() - windowStartTime) {
#ifdef DEBUGG    
    Serial.println("turning heating element ON");
  else {
#ifdef DEBUGG
    Serial.println("turning heating element OFF");
    //Serial.println("turning heating element off");

/*Loop that receives input temperature from Python program */
void receiveInput() {
  while (Serial.available() > 0) {
    /* once we have input we can start temp control loop */
    tempLoop = 1;
    // get the new byte
    char inChar = (char)Serial.read(); 
    // add it to the inputString:
    inputString += inChar;
    // if the incoming character is a newline, set a flag
    // so the main loop can do something about it:
    if (inChar == '\n') {
      newTarget = inputString.toInt();
      if (newTarget > 60 && newTarget < 215) {
#ifdef HAVE_SD
        if(dataFile) {
        sprintf(filename, "LOG-%02d%02d.csv", hour(), minute(), second());
        dataFile = SD.open(filename, FILE_WRITE);
        if(dataFile) {
          //Serial.println("New file opened successfully!");
          dataFile.print("kp = ");
          dataFile.print(", ki = ");
          dataFile.print(", kd = ");
        } else {
          //Serial.println("Issue opening file..."); 
        validTemp = 1;
        Setpoint = newTarget;
#ifdef HAVE_SD
        dataFile.print(", SP = ");
        //tell the PID to range between 0 and the full window size
        myPID.SetOutputLimits(0, WindowSize); /* vary its output within a given range(1 secs here) */  
        //turn the PID on
        myPID.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); /*PID is on, MANUAL for off*/ 
      else if (newTarget == 3) {
#ifdef DEBUGG
        Serial.println("Received Start/Stop Message!");
        if (validTemp == 1) {
#ifdef HAVE_SD
          digitalWrite(heatingPin, LOW);
          validTemp = 0;
        else {
#ifdef HAVE_SD      
          dataFile = SD.open(filename, FILE_WRITE);
          digitalWrite(heatingPin, HIGH);
          validTemp = 1;
      else if (newTarget == 1) {
        if (pumpOneOn == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUGG 
          Serial.println("Turning pump 1 on");
          digitalWrite(pumpOne, HIGH);
          pumpOneOn = 1;
        else {
#ifdef DEBUGG 
          Serial.println("Turning pump 1 off");
          digitalWrite(pumpOne, LOW);
          pumpOneOn = 0;
      else if (newTarget == 2) {

        if (pumpTwoOn == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUGG 
          Serial.println("Turning pump 2 on");
          digitalWrite(pumpTwo, HIGH);
          pumpTwoOn = 1;
        else {
#ifdef DEBUGG 
          Serial.println("Turning pump 2 off");
          digitalWrite(pumpTwo, LOW);
          pumpTwoOn = 0;
      inputString = "";
    } /* if (inChar == '\n') */  
  } /* while (Serial.available() > 0) */    

void loop(void)
  if(tempLoop == 1 && validTemp == 1)
}/* void loop */

Feel free to critique this or let me know that I need to change something.





The python GUI looks very good. Can you show some code for that too, please?

I wrote a simple program in Processing to display the serial output from the Arduino PID library. It was very easy to get started with Processing, it is a lot like the Arduino programming language.
I've been getting several requests for the GUI code, so I made it available here on git hub:


Let me know if there are problems getting the code. I ran this GUI on an Ubuntu laptop, and I didn't use very good technique as far as the layout goes. Therefore, depending on your resolution, you may have some problems. Also, if you PM me your email address, I'd be happy to email you a .zip containing the code. Let me know how it goes!

Thanks again,

- jbrew
very cool jbrew. What Kilowatt heating element are you controlling with the arduino? Also, I see you have 3 SSRs connected to the arduino.. Would you be able to post a schematic of your control system for me to better understand your circuit? Thank you.
very cool jbrew. What Kilowatt heating element are you controlling with the arduino? Also, I see you have 3 SSRs connected to the arduino.. Would you be able to post a schematic of your control system for me to better understand your circuit? Thank you.

I'm using a 2000Watt heating element: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0006JLVBW/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20

It's the most power I could find in 120V. I will post some rough schematics and then post some better ones when I get time. Thanks for your comments.
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I have been getting a few requests for schematics, so I made some rough ones before I draw them in some kind of program. PM me or reply in the thread if you have questions.



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