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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2009
Reaction score
the other part of california. Pines, not palms
Hello all.
My name is Josh, and I have been snooping around for a short time. I will make it fairly quick because my timer is about to go off, then its time to chill the wort and you know all the rest.

There it is, gotta go!
okay, thats done.
this is the first batch I am brewing on my own. I have done 5 extract batches with my friend starting about 2 months ago. Still very new, but I am fortunate enough to have some family that used to brew quite a bit so help is usually only a phone call away. So far, this batch went fairly smoothly, but then again I guess I won't know for sure for about another month.

oh, this batch is a Blonde Ale from Homebrewers.com. I actually really prefer thier "san francisco steam style beer" because I am a huge fan of anchor, but it wasn't offered in thier beginner homebrew kits. I found it odd that this batch didn't have any finishing hopps, and used corn sugar in addition to the bag of grain. is this normal?
Welcome first of all.

As for your brews, I suppose the sugar is to dry it out and the lack of finishing hops is to keep it in the range of brews none hop heads will enjoy. I would put in some hops anyway, but then again I like hops.

Steam is an easy beer to brew, except it benefits from a real steam yeast and from relative temperature control.

For now I say just brew, brew and brew. Keep notes, pay attention, take it one step at a time and have fun. The pieces will fall into place. Oh, keep checking out the posts around here and asking questions.

Again, welcome!
Welcome first of all.

As for your brews, I suppose the sugar is to dry it out and the lack of finishing hops is to keep it in the range of brews none hop heads will enjoy. I would put in some hops anyway, but then again I like hops.

Steam is an easy beer to brew, except it benefits from a real steam yeast and from relative temperature control.

For now I say just brew, brew and brew. Keep notes, pay attention, take it one step at a time and have fun. The pieces will fall into place. Oh, keep checking out the posts around here and asking questions.

Again, welcome!

Well, the closest shop is about 2 hours away, so I don't think I will be able to pick any hops up, but I will try to remember in the future.

The steam style was very easy, like this one now. I just really liked the way it came out. Unfortunately I wasn't able to save any to see how it aged. I drank it all. Maybe the last batch I did at my friends will last a little longer.

So far the biggest problem has been getting enough empty bottles for my bottling needs. I guess its more a problem for my wife than it is for me though, apparently she doesn't see the logic of buying beer to save bottles. At least I think thats what she said, I can't remember.:cross:
I know, I know. This thread is 8 months old. I just figured I would post a quick update.

Since I started on my own in april, I have made 115 gallons and haven't had a bad batch yet. I have a 3 keg system so no more of the dreaded bottling. that makes things much easier, bottling was the only part of the brewing process that I really dreaded.

Also, I am working on getting set up for AG, and should be there by next month. the biggest problems are that the keg that I cut the top out of doesn't fit on my outdoor cooker so I have to make some modifications to it, and I have to decide which cooler I am going to butcher to make the mash tun.

So far this site has been a huge help. I don't post very often because I don't usually have a problem that I can't find the solution already answered. Anyways, with any luck, I will have my first heffe partial mash ready in about 3 weeks. Cant wait!