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Wasnt Daylight Saving Time thought up to help conserve energy (and lamp oil) during war time? It seems sorta defunct nowadays as I find myself going to and returning home from work in the dark during the winter. You hear too much whining about DST nowadays, maybe I should write the current president and request we just split the difference between spring change and fall change and we can be half an hour off the rest of the world and when asked why, just yell 'Murica!

I am actually not looking forward to the DST change.

I support this message and suggest the world follow suit.
making pumpkin bread tonight from a squash the kids picked out down at the farm. Using my zythos ipa in the recipe instead of water. Will post finishing product in about an hour!

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You have gonads.

Why yes I do. Two of them in fact. :D

I know part of the rationale behind it being extended recently was for commerce/energy savings but I really do not know why we bother anymore.

So what is everyone up to this beautiful evening? staying in trouble?
Trouble seems to be my middle name. But I'm lying in bed right now. Not much could get crazy wrong...dang it. 😜
Anybody want to talk about Harley Davidson?

I bought my first many years ago. It was a Sportser. 1200 Ccs of fun. A beginner bike in the Harley world and a power to weight ratio better than many HD made... Well maybe not the V-Rod

My Spotrster cut curves pretty well. It was quick and fast. I pushed a little one day to 100 MPH. It could have gone faster but I was around 38 and knew better. If I'd of crashed the only thing protecting me was a half helmet and some leather. I'm not brave enough for that

My next Harley was an anniversary bike. A 2003 FatBoy. Black and a lot of chrome. The previous owner put on kick butt pipes and had the carb and air cleaner enhanced. I added 39 inch beach bars and ran the wiring inside the handlebar tubes. I added shiny chrome controls as well. I did all the work myself. I also replaced the stock seat with a a classic solo seat. It's pretty high quality. When I had money I didn't spare expenses. The seat also had a back seat. It's pretty freaking awesome- the set

I also added quick detachable leather Buffalo saddle bags and an expensive Quick release windshield

The FatBoy I bought in 2006, it was a 2003 model and had only 1200 miles on it. I haven't riden it much in the last four years. The mileage gage is now sitting at 23,000. But I'm thinking about selling it. I'm conflicted about that. There is no way I can ever buy a bike like that again. I'll just hold on to it probably. Maybe give it to my son someday.
So do you no longer ride Dan? If you are getting use out of it and it still makes you happy, I say keep it until it doesn't. Or until events happen that necessitate it to go. Be they financial, health, or finding that perfect person who will love it and treat it even better than you have.
This. I love a good pumpkin pie. Anything else with pumpkin...nope. Tried a few pumpkin ales, just doesn't do it for me. Not many beer styles I don't like, but that's one of them.

I didn't realize it was pumpkin spice coffee creamer this morning. Took a few sips and dumped the rest. Tonight I'm working at the wife's studio and grab a blue moon from the fridge. Guess what...it's pumpkin spice. I took one sip and dumped it.

Do you think smoking a pipe while boiling wort will effect the taste? Of the wort that is, not the pipe.

No. Only if you are standing in the boiling wort. Then it will taste like your boots. The wort not the pipe.
Anybody want to talk about Harley Davidson?

I bought my first many years ago. It was a Sportser. 1200 Ccs of fun. A beginner bike in the Harley world and a power to weight ratio better than many HD made... Well maybe not the V-Rod

My Spotrster cut curves pretty well. It was quick and fast. I pushed a little one day to 100 MPH. It could have gone faster but I was around 38 and knew better. If I'd of crashed the only thing protecting me was a half helmet and some leather. I'm not brave enough for that

My next Harley was an anniversary bike. A 2003 FatBoy. Black and a lot of chrome. The previous owner put on kick butt pipes and had the carb and air cleaner enhanced. I added 39 inch beach bars and ran the wiring inside the handlebar tubes. I added shiny chrome controls as well. I did all the work myself. I also replaced the stock seat with a a classic solo seat. It's pretty high quality. When I had money I didn't spare expenses. The seat also had a back seat. It's pretty freaking awesome- the set

I also added quick detachable leather Buffalo saddle bags and an expensive Quick release windshield

The FatBoy I bought in 2006, it was a 2003 model and had only 1200 miles on it. I haven't riden it much in the last four years. The mileage gage is now sitting at 23,000. But I'm thinking about selling it. I'm conflicted about that. There is no way I can ever buy a bike like that again. I'll just hold on to it probably. Maybe give it to my son someday.

I have an '85 Honda rebel.
Are you all falling back tonight? I hate the time change. It should go the other way if anything. Some states don't do daylight savings right?

Edit: missed the prior discussion...
Me on the right, my son Danny on the left and my son-in-law Jeremy in the middle. We spent the day in my boy's garage building a rocking work bench. Pretty sure you could safely park a truck on top.

Crap. I forget how to put up pics with a phone.
Feeling like a one man show on this thread theses days. It's probably like most relationships. I screw them up.

If anybody is still reading this thread. I have a question. Asking advice.

If you work a career, worked there 6-7 years and are good at what you do, but the work environment has gone from a place you like a lot to a place you cringe going to because of a vindictive, egomaniacal, stressed out, crazy (pick any of these adjectives, all of them or one of your own) boss. Would you stay there? It's a white collar career.

Second part is that if you had an opportunity for a new career handed to you on a silver platter but half the pay you are use to living on, not enough to keep you in the nice lifestyle you're used to. The new job would be a financial burden, quite possibly a large financial struggle. But you would be happy in the new job.

. What do you do?

(Ps. This is not about me but my wife)
Feeling like a one man show on this thread theses days. It's probably like most relationships. I screw them up.

If anybody is still reading this thread. I have a question. Asking advice.

If you work a career, worked there 6-7 years and are good at what you do, but the work environment has gone from a place you like a lot to a place you cringe going to because of a vindictive, egomaniacal, stressed out, crazy (pick any of these adjectives, all of them or one of your own) boss. Would you stay there? It's a white collar career.

Second part is that if you had an opportunity for a new career handed to you on a silver platter but half the pay you are use to living on, not enough to keep you in the nice lifestyle you're used to. The new job would be a financial burden, quite possibly a large financial struggle. But you would be happy in the new job.

. What do you do?

(Ps. This is not about me but my wife)

Hire a hit man to handle said vindictive boss?

But no seriously, I'd rather be poor and happy than wealthy and miserable.
For me, I think it would depend on a number of factors for new position. Since you are giving up a lot financially, you would want certain things out of the new position. Benefits that can't be intrinsically calculated like enjoying the coworkers and enjoying the work. Other factors may include possibility for advancement etc.
I once walked away from a very high-paying job that was extremely stressful. Treated like crap, micro-managing VP, everybody blaming someone else. It was a snake pit. That decision to leave put me in a pinch for a while, but I would do it again if faced with those circumstances. Making lots of $$ wears thin when you hate the work, and moving to a more rewarding job may be worth the pay cut for one's own sanity and self-esteem. Something to be said about the value of intangibles: being treated like a professional, getting respect from others, being appreciated, chances for advancement, etc.

But no one else can make that decision for you. You have to decide if the pay cut is worth it (and you can live on it).
I have a friend who went from working at a MAJOR bank to a non-profit and she doesn't regret it for a minute.

She and her husband had to make some financial sacrifices but she is so much happier at her new job she doesn't mind the money being less.

She's less stressed, works less hours and her work is fulfilling and affecting people in the right way...

Remember life isn't about money it's about happiness
I once walked away from a very high-paying job that was extremely stressful. Treated like crap, micro-managing VP, everybody blaming someone else. It was a snake pit. That decision to leave put me in a pinch for a while, but I would do it again if faced with those circumstances. Making lots of $$ wears thin when you hate the work, and moving to a more rewarding job may be worth the pay cut for one's own sanity and self-esteem. Something to be said about the value of intangibles: being treated like a professional, getting respect from others, being appreciated, chances for advancement, etc.

But no one else can make that decision for you. You have to decide if the pay cut is worth it (and you can live on it).

I was once offered a job making half a million a year as a private military contractor (hired gun essentially) but walked away because my wife was pregnant with my oldest. I don't regret the decision.
Feeling like a one man show on this thread theses days. It's probably like most relationships. I screw them up.

If anybody is still reading this thread. I have a question. Asking advice.

If you work a career, worked there 6-7 years and are good at what you do, but the work environment has gone from a place you like a lot to a place you cringe going to because of a vindictive, egomaniacal, stressed out, crazy (pick any of these adjectives, all of them or one of your own) boss. Would you stay there? It's a white collar career.

Second part is that if you had an opportunity for a new career handed to you on a silver platter but half the pay you are use to living on, not enough to keep you in the nice lifestyle you're used to. The new job would be a financial burden, quite possibly a large financial struggle. But you would be happy in the new job.

. What do you do?

(Ps. This is not about me but my wife)

I'd keep the one that paid more. But I'm really supergood at rolling with the waves. You know, you're out on a boat and the boats rocking, but you just stand there like you're on land?

I think most people are affected by that stuff, but all you have to do is relax, go with the flow, take the paycheck, smile cause you're getting paid. Where's the problem?

Don't get emotional at work. Ever.

Anyhoo, time for some scat. Ah, you thought I was talking Ella. Naw. Mel is the scat master.

For your late nite soundtrack, Mel Torme.

Feeling like a one man show on this thread theses days. It's probably like most relationships. I screw them up.

If anybody is still reading this thread. I have a question. Asking advice.

If you work a career, worked there 6-7 years and are good at what you do, but the work environment has gone from a place you like a lot to a place you cringe going to because of a vindictive, egomaniacal, stressed out, crazy (pick any of these adjectives, all of them or one of your own) boss. Would you stay there? It's a white collar career.

Second part is that if you had an opportunity for a new career handed to you on a silver platter but half the pay you are use to living on, not enough to keep you in the nice lifestyle you're used to. The new job would be a financial burden, quite possibly a large financial struggle. But you would be happy in the new job.

. What do you do?

(Ps. This is not about me but my wife)

It all depends. If you cringe to go to work, then it is getting to you. If it is getting to you and you have an alternative where you can be happy (and survive off the wage), and the happiness balances out the added financial stress, then definitely take the pay cut. If the job stress is something that you can leave at work and deal with where a way out/up is available in the near future I would stick it out. I would almost never quit a job outright unless I had something else in backup unless I felt I had not choice. It always seems harder to find a job when you are not currently employed than when you are.

I say that she should weigh out the pros and cons and if the financial stress would not be worse than the keep working there stress, I would say go for it.
Hey guys. Thanks for all the inputs. Financially I wish she would have stayed but she resigned yesterday afternoon. It's been a long time coming and I can't really blame her. She puts in 12 hour days and this past year has been very stresseful for her. not by the job in itself. She enjoys what she does and likes the people she works with but the chancellor has made her and her coworkers work environment "toxic", in my wife's words. She's been with the college since 2006 with a slight break when she moved to the mainland. There are only two of the staff that were there when she started employed there now. The rest have resigned or been fired.

She had a 2 hour meeting with the chancellor, vice chancellor and her immediate superior yesterday. She turned turned in her resignation. Her immediate supervisor and the vice chancellor both wanted her to tear up the resignation and stay. The chancellor told her fine, go. She then found out he thinks she modified his peer evaluations. He's had terrible reviews the last three years but only this year did the reviews go to the board of directors. They then gave the chancellor notice. He's supposedly getting relieved of his duties at the end of this December. But then he is going to be appointed to the board of trustees. Crazy right?

I know this will sound racist but he's Japanese. Born and raised in japan. The college is a Japanese college and the majority of students are from Japan. They are working on their accreditation for a new campus but one of the problems they're encountering is a diverse staff. They're suppose to be an equal opportunity workplace but most recently they advertised
In Japan only for a new accountant. They did it very secretly behind my wife's back (she's their HR Manager). I think that, and the fact the chancellor is firing people left and right as a means of retribution are were the final factors that led her to look for a new job. She was also convinced the chancellor wanted to fire her as a form of retribution because he believed she modified his peer evaluations. The guy is running the college into the ground. It's amazing the corporate offices are allowing this to happen. I realize this all might sound a bit crazy and like a conspiracy theory but it's not. I suspect in a few months, after the chancellor has been replaced and he's back in japan, the college will be calling my wife and begging her to come back. Man oh o man. One powerful dude has screwed up many lives and the future of the college. It's quite amazing.
LRB. Missed you

Hey all. Some of you know me as the lousy poet I am. I posted this pne on another thread but going to post it here too. It's from my heart, a tiny bit of creativeness. Mainly just from me. Dan

A poem, by me.

When the autumn leaves glow in red and brown

And the hot summer's temp has been turned way down

Then we know it's a time of sweatshirts, football and bonfires

Good times ahead will fill our desires

ThanksGiving day will come soon

A day filled with thanks and maybe cartoons :)

A day of thanks and grace we will enjoy

Thank God my son is not deployed

And in our hearts our family will be. The best part of life. That's why we give thankfully
I like it Dan. I don't miss the cold down here in Louisiana, but I miss the leaves changing... Luckily I'll be up north with family for the turkey!

Update: was able to pick up the goods! The guy was super nice and I got a steal of a deal. So many goodies! A birthday gift for myself!

Congrats bberg! I think you will be very happy with your purchase for years.

Not sure if you guys remember, I had a motorcycle "crash" with a dog a little overs year ago. I was going about 55-60 on a dark road and quickly came upon two big dogs. I managed to ride between the two. Almost. My shin connect ext wit a large dog's head. It hurt. I rode about a half mile further and couldn't take the pain. Stopped at a gas station. Got a ride to the local emergency room they did some X-rays. No broken bones. I was on crutches a few weeks. The injury appeared to heal. Mots been over a year. Recently I've been walking a lot. Old guy exercise. My leg, the one I smashed into the dog (dog is fine by the way. A tuff arse pit-bull - I checked up on him). But apparently damage to my knee was done. It was okay if I didn't stress it. Apparently . Walking too much has king lamed the injury. I hate getting older. The pain has kept me awake at night recently. I'm going to go to a doc next week I guess. I could just stop walking so much bit that's my exercise.

Edit. Sorry about the typos
I like it Dan. I don't miss the cold down here in Louisiana, but I miss the leaves changing... Luckily I'll be up north with family for the turkey!

Update: was able to pick up the goods! The guy was super nice and I got a steal of a deal. So many goodies! A birthday gift for myself!

$200 is one hell of a deal for all of that. Why doesn't anyone in MO want to give away all their stuff?


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