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It's getting harder and harder to find pay phones though :(

My dad has one on his garage wall hooked to his home phone.

He also has a second, in storage.

I would love to figure out how to hook them up as a intercom from the house to a garage.

Maybe I will just have to use the old hand crank kind for that.
My dad has one on his garage wall hooked to his home phone.

He also has a second, in storage.

I would love to figure out how to hook them up as a intercom from the house to a garage.

Maybe I will just have to use the old hand crank kind for that.

I have a couple hand cranks up in the attic I found at my grandparents house. I was thinking about trying to use them to fish with ;)
passedpawn said:
Things I miss from my youth, but I swear to got I'll get busy with again:

Skinny-dipping under the moon

I definitely hear you on the picnics.. My wife is always bugging me to do a picnic. I need to leave my stupid smart phone at home for a day and take the girl on a picnic. As far as the skinny dipping, you have a pool, so easy to do. No need to post pics, we'll believe you ;)
My dad has one on his garage wall hooked to his home phone.

He also has a second, in storage.

I would love to figure out how to hook them up as a intercom from the house to a garage.

Maybe I will just have to use the old hand crank kind for that.

Now that sounds like a worthwile project and I have intercom parts but no cool phones...wouldn't it be cool if you could spin the crank to dial the house and it rings on both ends? The big box on the wall with a earpiece connected to it by a cord and a big horn to talk into. Im all in!
BobbiLynn said:
Why do I need yellow to print black and white!!! :mad:
Stupid printers. Even the ones with black cartridges won't work without colors.
bottlebomber said:
Ahh, gotcha. That's because as an only child you never learned basic conflict resolution skills. Just one more good reason you and the wife are having twins. ;)
passedpawn said:
Things I miss from my youth, but I swear to got I'll get busy with again:

Skinny-dipping under the moon

I picture the skinny dipping happening on a quiet lake on a hot summer night. Maybe I'll get to do that someday!
I was totally joking about using them for fishing.

passedpawn, you need to get out there and kill some fish brother. Here's an Ono (mackeral) pic caught during my two year stent on Wake Island. We've covered about every other topic in this thread, might as well throw some fish in on the mix.

Speaking of possums Dan just told me the possum was asking him if you were going to get rid of the cat that has been bothering him:ban:
How selfish of us to try to discourage PP from posting his skinny dipping pics when there are multiple ladies here.. Have you seen passedpawn Bobbie? He's quite fetching. Ooh my iPhone case should be here tomorrow ;)
Now that sounds like a worthwile project and I have intercom parts but no cool phones...wouldn't it be cool if you could spin the crank to dial the house and it rings on both ends? The big box on the wall with a earpiece connected to it by a cord and a big horn to talk into. Im all in!

Dad has both kinds the crank, and a candlestick phone which can be used as a intercom. I understand all they need is a battery and wire.

Unfortunately the one on the wall hooked to the home phone is a digital "semi modern" payphone.
Things I miss from my youth, but I swear to got I'll get busy with again:

Skinny-dipping under the moon

All of those things sound awesome! I am very motivated right now for a family picnic. Sounds like a great time once the temps get above zero and maybe the snow is gone. My boys love fishing so that's a done deal.

We had a canoe trip and party at the end (my parents house on the river) for my 20 year reunion. There were skinny-dippers but I was not among them. Maybe next time...
Dad has both kinds the crank, and a candlestick phone which can be used as a intercom. I understand all they need is a battery and wire.

Unfortunately the one on the wall hooked to the home phone is a digital "semi modern" payphone.

Awesome project! If I had the phones, it would be done already. There is still a payphone booth in a small town about 15 miles from here. You know, the little glass booth with the bifold door. I'm not sure if it works or is just there for looks. Maybe I'll try it next time I pass through.
All of those things sound awesome! I am very motivated right now for a family picnic. Sounds like a great time once the temps get above zero and maybe the snow is gone. My boys love fishing so that's a done deal.

We had a canoe trip and party at the end (my parents house on the river) for my 20 year reunion. There were skinny-dippers but I was not among them. Maybe next time...

I have the fondest memories of skinny dipping on the Maumee river. Always late at night. There was a small group of girls and guys, and we would go on wkends. We'd walk back home arm in arm, down the middle of the streets, singing the monkees theme song and such. Hmmm, maybe you can never go home again. I'd sure like to try.

Picnics were all day affairs, before cell phones and other distractions. Lazing in the field by the quarry, getting lost in the tall grass, laying on your back and watching birds and thing-shaped clouds. "That one's a alligator's head... right there". I had a Hawaiin (I think) girlfriend and we'd just sit and read all day out there. We had nothing but time back then; life was limitless; worry hadn't been invented yet.
I have the fondest memories of skinny dipping on the Maumee river. Always late at night. There was a small group of girls and guys, and we would go on wkends. We'd walk back home arm in arm, down the middle of the streets, singing the monkees theme song and such. Hmmm, maybe you can never go home again. I'd sure like to try.

Picnics were all day affairs, before cell phones and other distractions. Lazing in the field by the quarry, getting lost in the tall grass, laying on your back and watching birds and thing-shaped clouds. "That one's a alligator's head... right there". I had a Hawaiin (I think) girlfriend and we'd just sit and read all day out there. We had nothing but time back then; life was limitless; worry hadn't been invented yet.

Screw the family! You and I should take a vacation together;)
I like to fish but I swear I must be the worlds worst fisherman. We have a place up north on the Flambeau and I have never been able to catch a fish there. I see plenty of people catching them, but not me.

So here's an idea, I'll volunteer to hold the First Annual ILTTAN Picnic, Fishing and Skinnydipping(optional) Party and Beer Swap. Any takers?

Off to work now. I should give this work stuff up, it's getting in the way of my hobbies.
I would not skinny-dip and fish at the same time. Imagine reeling in and snagging your hook on your sack...no good. Now imagine landing a trophy with the other rod...also not so good......

My grandpa once told me a story about a guy getting his junk eaten by a barracuda while skinny dipping. Makes me cringe just thinking about it.
I have this thing about wanting to be in the woods naked with my wife. We need to get on that soon...

I have a garage on a few acres on the river bordering 40 acres of state land. Nobody ever runs around naked there. My wife wont!?!?

If you will make good use of it and run around naked, it's yours, rent free.
passedpawn said:
I have the fondest memories of skinny dipping on the Maumee river. Always late at night. There was a small group of girls and guys, and we would go on wkends. We'd walk back home arm in arm, down the middle of the streets, singing the monkees theme song and such. Hmmm, maybe you can never go home again. I'd sure like to try.

Picnics were all day affairs, before cell phones and other distractions. Lazing in the field by the quarry, getting lost in the tall grass, laying on your back and watching birds and thing-shaped clouds. "That one's a alligator's head... right there". I had a Hawaiin (I think) girlfriend and we'd just sit and read all day out there. We had nothing but time back then; life was limitless; worry hadn't been invented yet.

Great post. You should do an article somewhere, like the one in the front of Cooks Illustrated.
The Paint river has muskies like this:


I'm not sure if they feed at night but my "worm" is not bait.

Hell, the little lakes in MI have musky like that. We use to hang minnows on hooks to catch those guys. Trouble is, you have to wait for them to swallow the bait. Minutes. I'd always pull too soon and come up with half a minnow. We'd swim and ski all summer in the same lakes. I never even thought about being bit by a fish.

Now, we used to dive off the front of our little boat after turtles. My 10-yr-old brother with the rudder would have to kill and lift the prop so the boat didn't rip me up as it passed over me. Some of those guys looked like they could take a bit of flesh. My dad used to do the same and paint his initials on the turtle's back with fingernail polish, but we never did because we didn't have any sisters and no polish.

The nastiest looking fish on the lake were the gar pike. Late at night, with a frog spear tied with a line to the bow of the boat, lantern focussed with a homemade reflector, gar rolling on the top of the calm lake. Dark, dark lake at night. You knew the creatures that lurked at the bottom of ultradeep Robin's bay came up to the top then, looking for unwary kids like me. We still believed in the Lock Ness Sea Monster back then you know.
I am not sure how many days and nights I have spent walking/meditating, trying to figure out this thing called life. If I ever get it figured out varmintman, I'll let know. Every time I think I have it figured out, something throws me for a loop. I do like the wheel analogy.

So was thinking I didn't feel like going out to the shed to get my step stool so started looking around the room for something to drag over and stand on. Looked at my new fermenter buckets(full of beer) and thought about it for half a second. Then noticed the stack of magazines. Realized this is an accident waiting to happen so I'll just go get the step stool in a few minutes.

Trying out my dark winter ale, turned out black. Like really strong black coffee. Taste is much milder than I expected by looking at it. Was holding it up to the light with a flashlight to see if maybe then I could see through it. Don't think I've ever seen a beer quite this dark so not sure what I did or if it's normal. Definitely a mouthful and nice rich after taste. Tastes kind of creamy.

About time to crank up the tunes. Maybe I'll go see what I can find on youtube. :mug:

You've obviously reached a wise age - where you can flash forward and see all the reasons not to take a short-cut, but just do the right thing the first time!

*edit* to fix iPad auto-"corrections"
When I was in college I had a friend that was taking wildlife biology. He'd come fishing with me and end up chasing turtles with a net while I caught bass. Used to crack me up. He's always had a turtle fetish. He lives in Texas now and sends me the strangest pics. Here's one of him holding an aligator snapping turtle. How they all ended up wearing fake teeth is beyond me.

When I was a kid, my dad used take me down to the park and would let me dive off the seawall into the St. Clair River. I remember diving off the top rail, and by the time I got back to the seawall, I was about 100 yards down river trying to catch a ladder as one went by. In the evening we would go down to the river and all the old men would be out there "fishing". I don't ever remember seeing anyone catch a fish, but i don't think that is what they were there for anyway.

They frown on swimming in the river these days.
I've never been to Da' Yoop, maybe one day I'll take you up on that offer. One of my goals in life is to extensively travel our country. I want to see everywhere.

Just let me know when. I'll set you up the best I can. I agree. I want to see our country too. I will set foot in every state before I ever feel the need to travel abroad. I have already golfed in Hawaii so I'm on my way...
And after that last post comes some real wisdom. I think it was Passedpawn that recommended I read this poem


Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

© Max Ehrmann 1927

I hate when I get so busy that I'm out of touch for a couple of days, but your original post and this one spurred by passed pawn really struck home with me. I was brought up Catholic but as time passed I became more and more disillusioned with their teachings. I'm also at the point of not believing in God, but I've never lost faith in one item from my upbringing. I always try to adhere to the golden rule. As you read through this poem (awesome recommendation PP!) if you just keep the golden rule in mind it meshes with this perfectly.

Crap ... I have so many profound thoughts in my mind right now (at least, I think they are profound) but being up for 20+ hours at this point, plus 3 big beers is really muddling things. Hopefully you can get the gist of what I'm thinking.

*edit* more correcting iPad's corrections...
I freaked out today about yellow printer ink. Why must I have to have yellow if I just want to print black and white!! I had black and white checked, checked twice, still printer saying 'you must replace a cartridge before continuing' and then something like {YELLOW} must be replaced. Why yellow? I only want black and white!!!

Got so mad, but calmed down now. I will complain to the printer company unless I figure out it how to print black and white without having yellow. At the same time my best friend is running out to the store to get me yellow. I called her for help. She couldn't figure out how to do it either, refused to print unless it had yellow!!!:drunk:

Why do I need yellow to print black and white!!! :mad:

My printer keeps yelling at me that my ink has "expired" ... Yet that color still prints. Pisses me off and makes me think I'll go with a different company next time. Bad enough you pay that much for their ink, but then it still doesn't print?! I call BS on that!
:) I actually meant the opposite. For whatever reason I have remembered every mistep, trespass, humiliation, wound and barb since I have been aware of the world. I still remember my parents looking to whomever might be in the room and saying "aww he's tired!" whenever I fussed about something real or imagined. Sometimes I will call my father out of the blue just to remind him that this is one of the reasons Ill be putting him in the home when he gets old. Take that pop.

Seriously though, I retain a lot of anger, hate and vitriole.... its not good for me.

My Dad was that way and in college I found myself going down the same path. Then I meditated on it and realized I was letting other people (and their actions) define who I was ... and just didn't like that. So I made a conscious decision to just let that **** roll off my back and to let it affect me. Or of my better decisions in life so far!
Hell, the little lakes in MI have musky like that. We use to hang minnows on hooks to catch those guys. Trouble is, you have to wait for them to swallow the bait. Minutes. I'd always pull too soon and come up with half a minnow. We'd swim and ski all summer in the same lakes. I never even thought about being bit by a fish.

Now, we used to dive off the front of our little boat after turtles. My 10-yr-old brother with the rudder would have to kill and lift the prop so the boat didn't rip me up as it passed over me. Some of those guys looked like they could take a bit of flesh. My dad used to do the same and paint his initials on the turtle's back with fingernail polish, but we never did because we didn't have any sisters and no polish.

The nastiest looking fish on the lake were the gar pike. Late at night, with a frog spear tied with a line to the bow of the boat, lantern focussed with a homemade reflector, gar rolling on the top of the calm lake. Dark, dark lake at night. You knew the creatures that lurked at the bottom of ultradeep Robin's bay came up to the top then, looking for unwary kids like me. We still believed in the Lock Ness Sea Monster back then you know.

I'm not afraid of them...on land. They come in the bars around here all the time. They try to hit on the women and eat all the good food since its scarce in the river in winter. I really can't blame them.

I have an annual canoe trip that you should be my partner on next Father's Day weekend. I haven't been for seven years. I think we would be a good team.
When I was in college I had a friend that was taking wildlife biology. He'd come fishing with me and end up chasing turtles with a net while I caught bass. Used to crack me up. He's always had a turtle fetish. He lives in Texas now and sends me the strangest pics. Here's one of him holding an aligator snapping turtle. How they all ended up wearing fake teeth is beyond me.

BS story aside, that is one big alligator snapper! Pound for pound, the meanest mofoing animal I've ever seen.

I was out working our lower garden this summer. Our pigs (just 3, not a bunch) were in some brushy/weedy/swampy land fenced off along the little creek that runs through our place. The little pig, maybe 100 lbs at the time, starts screaming like you ain't never heard. I turn around in time to see him spinning and screaming bloody murder with a decent sized snapper latched on. Flung off the pig's snout, the snapper landed on it's back. The two larger pigs, pushing 250 lbs each, sniffed the air and steered clear of that turtle! I scooped the bastard up on a hayfork to get him (her?) out of there. When I flipped that snapper over outside the fence, it postured to eat my pitchfork and I wasn't sure it couldn't.

I'd say I'm a hard man, I've been told so many times. I saw what I'd bet dollars to donuts was that same freaking turtle ran down dead in the road not two weeks later and I cried. However many million years of evolution undone by some a-hole in a pickup. Sums up things pretty well, at least where I live.