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Oh crap. I have more bottle to cork. I forgot they were still cooling on the counter. Wish me luck, I'm going to try to cap them while I'm this juicy.
bigbeergeek said:
I sold a $500 bottle of cabernet at work tonight... ended up getting $180 tip. Huzza!

Nice! My wife is a massage therapist and aesthetician, and she can get some pretty good wage and tips. Last weekend she went up there and made $1000 in 8 hours.
I was going to stay out of the liquor cabinet but geez it's after 5 AM and I barely dozed off for a couple hours. Slept like a rock last night. 2 bedrooms and beds to choose from but I just feel more comfortable sleeping in the front room on the couch. Too many strange house noises to hear from a back room. And these 2 dogs I am sitting, one is probably 80 or 90 pounds and the other about 60-70 and both are trying to sleep with me on the couch. We just can't all fit. At least the cat isn't trying to climb up here too.

I bet I could really get used to being a nomad and crashing at other people's places for a while. Especially when they have liquor cabinets. Can't remember the last time I drank scotch, kind of nice to sip just straight up.

If anyone ever wants me to house sit or dog sit, I'll won't even charge you. But, actually, fully stocked beer is preferred over liquor or wine. :cross: And I hardly eat anything when I'm just sitting around, you know, sitting. But no kids or babies, especially not babies.
Well I am guessing my wife was right and that I am to old to be climbing trees anymore. I climbed and limbed the tree until I could not hardly snap my safety line in the harness anymore and I was not even close to half way there so I gave up and rented a lift.

But on the bright side I was able to fall the tree exactly where I wanted it. On the sad side I think I am going to hang up my climbing gear for good. Just to dang hard anymore:mad:

Once I get the photos I will post them.
I climbed and limbed the tree until I could not hardly snap my safety line in the harness anymore and I was not even close to half way there so I gave up and rented a lift.

That's really scary, she is right, do not do that anymore. Sorry. None of us are as young as we used to be. :(
Morning Bobbi.

Yea it kind of sucked to realize that I cannot do the things I used to be able to. Oh well at least I was able to spend some time in the shop welding up a pair of spurs and then using them.
Morning Bobbi.

Yea it kind of sucked to realize that I cannot do the things I used to be able to. Oh well at least I was able to spend some time in the shop welding up a pair of spurs and then using them.

Morning to you too.

Yeah, getting older means getting better at some things and not so good at others. It's a trade off. If every stage of life was the same, that would be boring.

The $180 tip comment by bigbeergeek reminds me of my days waitressing and bartending. I remember once getting a table of 10 guys, they just had dinner, some had a beer or 2, and some just drank tea, but every single one of them left me a $20 bill. $200 tip. Worked my magic. Could balance huge, heavy trays of food and drinks way up over my head and set them down with precision. To be a small female and carry more than any man who worked there, I was very confident in my abilities and people would watch me in awe at times and I'd even get the occasional round of applause by spectators. Many times customers would say, oh, I didn't realize this was going to be dinner and a show! Yeah, I was a show-off, no fear. But fear can be a very good thing to learn in life. Know your limits, that is the important thing.

But now, so many things I am better at than when I was younger. Evens out. Have a great day, all.
The birds are singing and scotch first thing in the morning has gotten me feeling all philosophical. When people have told me that my life is a train wreck waiting to happen... well, the train wrecked again and look, I'm still here. Every day could be my last and that doesn't matter. I'd rather have a full life than a long life, if I end up getting both, that is a bonus!!! I have no desire for a privileged life, only to die feeling unfulfilled. I'm thinking about my extended family reunion this summer. Over 200 guests expected. Looking forward to showing off my son, maybe my daughter too, and them seeing me in person. I'm happy in my skin. I know who I am. However they have judged me in the past, it doesn't matter. Forgiveness means you can keep moving forward. My efforts to forgive, even when the person has no clue what I am forgiving them for... to be hurt by the people you love the most, that's the worst pain I have ever experienced.

Alright, that's enough scotch, I better switch to coffee now, it's a new day. And I'm looking forward to it.

If anyone is brewing this fine Sunday, Happy Brew Day to You!!!

Lazy, lazy day. Who needs showers? My body is a self cleaning machine. Telling myself that today.

I think I'll go wander into the general public area of this site today or maybe go troll the chicken forum. Just throw the chickens a frozen grain ball, all that drying it out is a waste of time. It's like ice cream for chickens on a hot summer day. They chase it around, pecking at it, bits falling off, all of them running for it. Almost like chicken soccer. Beer and chicken go well together, in more ways than one. I was actually surprised to see how many chicken people are also brewers. Was weird this morning, sun coming up and nothing crowing. When I get back home Tuesday, I'll give them a frozen grain ball and they will forgive me for being away.

Maybe bottlebomber will pop in today and want to go troll the chicken forum with me, talk about magic tricks, how to play chicken soccer and stuff. First you love them, then you kill them and eat them. How else in life can you get away with something like that?
Chicken forum!!!?

A different site. I know, a site just for chicken people, who knew? Popular site too, maybe in a few days when you google chicken soccer, my post will show up. That would be fun. I may enter the coop I built into their yearly contest. Though probably I should paint it first, with some kind of organic paint. All they do it talk about chickens.

Renting your home sucks.

Folks had a few rental houses and had one up for rent and advertised. A trucker shows up at the door for the interview with a ballcap that had "$hit Happens" in neon pink lettering. They didn't have any other applicants at the time so they rented to him. Mom of course nicknamed him, "$hit Happens". He stayed for about a year and then decided to leave suddenly. Told the folks he was leaving and wanted his deposit back. Mom stopped over to look at the house while he was traveling. She found all of his furniture had been moved out, but there was still clothes and a bunch of nice cowboy boots that were sitting in packing boxes. Unfortunately, the renter had a couple of dogs that he had let inside the house who had managed to take dumps in the bedrooms. As mom was telling me about the house visit, I asked her what she did with all the dog poop. She said that she opened up the boxes of clothes and then filled up each of the nice cowboy boots with the poop she had collected from the inside of the house. She then closed the boxes and retaped them back up. Oh, "$hit Happens" also lost his deposit.

I've seen pics of your back yard which is beautiful. I've also seen pics of your Kegerator which is probably too bulky to ship, right?. Hmmmm. I really think you should punt the nice couple and rent it to an HBT member who you know will take care of it. :mug:

Hang in there.
Chicken forum!!!?

Sure they do. And all we talk about is beer ;)

Want to come with me, BB, to ask if anyone is interested in local events? Hubby already met some of the local chicken people on that site, but didn't invite me with him, not sure why.

I'm thinking bring a team of say 9 chickens, 2 teams competing at a time, winners of each round play each other. Throw the frozen grain ball in the middle, see which team gets it is across their goal line. We could take bets and stuff. Or owners of the losing teams have to provide the beer or maybe grill up the losers(not the owners, the chickens). That would be fun, right? :mug:
And maybe, to keep things civil, there could be foul points for aggressive play, stuff like that. :D
BobbiLynn said:
Want to come with me, BB, to ask if anyone is interested in local events? Hubby already met some of the local chicken people on that site, but didn't invite me with him, not sure why.

I'm thinking bring a team of say 9 chickens, 2 teams competing at a time, winners of each round play each other. Throw the frozen grain ball in the middle, see which team gets it is across their goal line. We could take bets and stuff. Or owners of the losing teams have to provide the beer or maybe grill up the losers(not the owners, the chickens). That would be fun, right? :mug:

That's a damn good idea! I could definitely get behind something like that! :mug:
bottlebomber said:
That's a damn good idea! I could definitely get behind something like that! :mug:

I agree!! And I'm all for eating the losers! BUT... You are going to run afowl (spelling error intended) of PETA!! Lol I'll even eat the winners
When I get home I might try it out. But first I'll have to figure out how to make their little jerseys. Keep track of who's on which team. Heck it could even be a pre-game event to see who can manage best to get the jerseys on the chickens! I know how to sew and embroider numbers for them. Make extra money by selling custom jerseys. And when the PETA people show up with protest signs, that's free publicity!!!
I went to the Asian market today. Found some sweet glutinous rice in a 25lb bag for $23.99. I'm going to try this with the sake kit. :)

I added the batch of cider I was corking last night to the inventory. I'm now up to 19.3 gallons of homebrew.
Oh, and BB, your magic tricks can be the half-time show!!! When the press asks, don't we think this is cruel? Of course not!! Because chickens will do anything for a frozen grain ball! Fun for everyone, bring the kids!!

Extra chickens not involved could just be in charge of getting the balls nice and round so they roll really well. Because at first the ball isn't really round, just a mass of frozen spent grain, but as they peck, it will become spherical. I know this from experience. And then, game's on!

I like chickens. Especially when they have a beer can up their butt and they're on my grill. Did two roasters that way yesterday.

Tonight, I'm slicing up a breast and searing it with some capers... chicken piccata, spinach salad, got some vine ripe tomatoes, cantaloupe. Yummers.

My brother keeps chickens in CA. I've thought about putting together a run on the side of my house here. I like eggs.
There's already a sport that involves chickens, well roosters. Quite popluar round these parts.
Can help with some brew
Help please

I am not a business man. Renting this house out is well beyond me. I know how to take care of a home and make it good. This renting crap, I suck at

I put a clause in. I'm giving whoever rents this place out some yard maintenance equipment.. Probably $1,000 dollars worth of stuff. I do not and will not take financial responsibility for it. It's just a one time good deal. Am I setting myself up for trouble?

Here is the statement I added to the rental application.


This home comes with equipment to help take care of the yards. There is no additional fee for these items. Upon their expiration, when they stop working, the landlord is not responsible for neither their repair or replacement.

Renters Initials _________ Landlords Initials _________
Help please

I am not a business man. Renting this house out is well beyond me. I know how to take care of a home and make it good. This renting crap, I suck at

I put a clause in. I'm giving whoever rents this place out some yard maintenance equipment.. Probably $1,000 dollars worth of stuff. I do not and will not take financial responsibility for it. It's just a one time good deal. Am I setting myself up for trouble?

Here is the statement I added to the rental application.

Renters Initials _________ Landlords Initials _________

No wonder you got so many rental offers. Maybe you should hire a cheap by the hour attorney, you have to know what you are required to maintain. But I think it's just stuff required for living there, plumbing, electrical, heat, AC, stuff like that. Not yard equipment. But, don't really know either. But for pretty cheap, you can rent an attorney for an hour, to talk things over, another hour to get them to go over the agreement. Ask what all you are required to maintain. Emjay mentioned the property manager, maybe you aren't asking enough for rent to cover it all. Don't rush into signing anything. No matter what you told them, if you haven't signed anything yet, you can change your mind. Good luck.
I am going to head out with a friend, getting a little stir crazy here, I think. There's nothing to do outside here. At least staying with my son I can walk down the street and be in town, or already in town actually. 5 miles to town from here and walk outside and there is nothing to do. Rained so I can't even water the outdoor plants. She showed me her basil, all proud of it, I said, that's rosemary.
I am going to head out with a friend, getting a little stir crazy here, I think. There's nothing to do outside here. At least staying with my son I can walk down the street and be in town, or already in town actually. 5 miles to town from here and walk outside and there is nothing to do. Rained so I can't even water the outdoor plants. She showed me her basil, all proud of it, I said, that's rosemary.

Wow they look nothing a like;)
Bobbi and Beaks. Thanks for the advice. Honestly, I never even considered a lawyer. But think both of you are correct. Like I said, I'm a lousy business man. I just trust to much. I'll get a lawyer to help with this. Very happy for the replies. I would neverhave thought to do this. cheers guys.

This home comes with equipment to help take care of the yards. There is no additional fee for these items. Upon their expiration, when they stop working, the landlord is not responsible for neither their repair or replacement.
I would suggest correcting the double negative.

Officemax has generic rental contracts you can buy for a few bucks.

If you aren't going to be close by, it really would be a good idea to hire a management company. As a landlord you are going to have legal responsibilities that are going to be hard to fulfill when you are very far away.
I would suggest correcting the double negative.

Officemax has generic rental contracts you can buy for a few bucks.

If you aren't going to be close by, it really would be a good idea to hire a management company. As a landlord you are going to have legal responsibilities that are going to be hard to fulfill when you are very far away.

Yes the idea of a management company has crossed my mind. I have talked to a few renters and landlords. Management companies are not well spoken of

Im going to hire this place out myself. I'll get a lawyer to help with the contract.

To be honest, I'm a good guy. I expect if I treat people with respect, they will do the same to me.. That might be naive, but is who I am. I dont really want to change that. That's just me.
Dan, do you know a good handyman who you trust? When things break, appliances, toilets, hvac, etc getting it taken care of when you're on an island might be a PITA. My wife and I will end up renting our house at some point and don't want to go the managemnt company route, but we also know a guy who can fix anything that would come up with the house.

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