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Stauffbier, seems to me to be quite a humble fellow but is very creative and master brewer. I'm thinking his beer brewing and ability to make good things.. food, beer, furniture. Gonna pay off for him in the end.

Remember. I predicted that first.

Goodnight, bedtime for me.

Gotta go offlne for awhile now.

Why not put instant coffee or the like in the ice cream mix, but make a hot custard type of mix that has to be chilled before churning. I know a lot of chocolate ice cream recipes are cooked first. If I remember correct a lot of them have egg in the recipe just like a true custard. Then the instant coffee would blend nicely.
I've made a few custard type ice creams. I like them a lot actually. The only real difference is that when you make custard ice cream the proportion of egg yolks to milk is lower. That, and sometimes custard have other thickeners added.

Peace brothers, and good night.
Stauffbier, seems to me to be quite a humble fellow but is very creative and master brewer. I'm thinking his beer brewing and ability to make good things.. food, beer, furniture. Gonna pay off for him in the end.

Remember. I predicted that first.

Goodnight, bedtime for me.

Gotta go offlne for awhile now.


Thanks brother! You're too kind my friend!

Have a good night Dan!
I was going to go to bed. I didn't. I don't sleep well these days for many reasons. Proabably mostly cause my wife is not here. she is not dead, we just have a weird relationship. Geographical bachelor in my military days. I'm no longer in the service... now it's just weird to live apart.

My youngest daughter (19) is tonight at Moro Bay Beach with some friends. That's a nice place, took my family there a good number of times.

Honestly, my daughter is more mature than me, and only chooses good friends. Still, I worry about her. I know she won't make bad decisions but guys will. I personally wish every guy she met was gay. At least for a few years more.

I'm sure she'll be just fine. I worry to much. Is that a father's curse? Who is good enough for my daughter?

I get to know her friends and they seem to be pretty good folks. For whatever reason about half of them are afraid of me. I don't like that, it's deceptive.

I said I was going offline earlier.

Anybody out there have some good advice? How do you get through watching your young one grow up and moving into this great big world?

Believe it or not, I have tthree children older than my youngest. All three are good people and off on their own now and living life on their own. Doing well. The youngest, I have no idea how to make sure she has a good life. What I mean is, she does have a very good life. I just don't want her to ever be hurt.
You can't control all that stuff, Dan. And normal for your kids' friends to have a healthy respect/fear of you. Well, that's normal in my life anyway. We're the parents, they should be scared if they cross our kids.

I feel so relaxed tonight, I know I'll sleep good when I go lie down. But just 32 more pages to check. I'm just chilling, drinking a little, working on my site, checking links.

Also, I may have figured out how to make a beer like Coors light or Bud light. 2-row and table sugar, in the right balance, light on the hops. Tastes awful in the beginning, and actually tastes pretty bad even in the end, but it's drinkable by most people.
You can't control all that stuff, Dan. And normal for your kids' friends to have a healthy respect/fear of you. Well, that's normal in my life anyway. We're the parents, they should be scared if they cross our kids.

I feel so relaxed tonight, I know I'll sleep good when I go lie down. But just 32 more pages to check. I'm just chilling, drinking a little, working on my site, checking links.

Also, I may have figured out how to make a beer like Coors light or Bud light. 2-row and table sugar, in the right balance, light on the hops. Tastes awful in the beginning, and actually tastes pretty bad even in the end, but it's drinkable by most people.

I know you're right about raising kids stuff.

Your beer.. ewh. Not really. I love BuD and Coors. We might both get banned for saying that. Oh well. :D
Dan, I'm just like you when it comes to my daughter (20). I worry about her constantly. Like your daughter, she is very responsible, but I still worry. I don't worry about her getting in to trouble. I just worry about unwanted trouble finding her instead. She has a fiancé, and I have to admit I like the kid. He dotes over her, and he treats her very well. He's very hard working and responsible. He lives in another town 3 hours away, so he comes in every other weekend and stays with us so they can see each other. This past weekend he showed up and handed me a nice, fairly expensive cigar and said "here ya go sir. I got this for you.".. I was impressed by that. The other boyfriends my daughter had when she was younger were never that generous or social with me. I think I'll let this one stick around without shooting him! :D

I'm not sure why I brewed the crappy beer, it has almost no color, well, about the color of a bud light. Probably would have been closer had I used a combination of 6-row and 2-row. The sugar I added was raw sugar, the stuff that is large brown granules. I guess because I had the huge bag of 2-row and wondered what would happen if I just mashed that with a couple pounds of raw sugar. Also had some extra hops in the freezer, northern brewer and cluster, an ounce of each. Just something I threw together. It's not that bad, but it's not that good either.

So there are these 2 guys that I met here in the city, both about my age, met them separately and both have been calling me ever since. Kelvin is the really nice, intellectual guy and Jonathan, the hot guy. But a couple days ago, while still on the farm, I told them both to back off, I wasn't interested in a date. Kelvin was really nice about it, told me to keep his number and call anytime. Said just being friends and hanging out as friends was fine with him, he respects my wishes. Jonathan, on the other hand, got a little pissy about it, said "Don't worry, I'll never call you again". Said I led him on and wasted his time. What an *******. I didn't intend to lead either one of them on, it was just nice to have new people to talk to. People that only knew me for who I am today, no past baggage. At the time I met them both, I was really pissed at hubby, but I am not pissed anymore. Glad I never actually agreed to a date with either of them, though I had many opportunities. The attention was nice but the thought of "crossing the line" was not.
When I was married I found myself in a similar situation a couple times. Like you, I stayed faithful to my wife at the time. We later divorced after 6 years of very difficult marriage. I stayed faithful the entire time, in spite of the fact I really was very unhappy. Good on you for doing the right thing Bobbi.
Yeah, no sense in complicating things that are already complicated. I want to see things through, "'til death do us part", if possible. I know I am defending his actions, but hubby really is a good guy. He just got angry, angry about so many things. If someone told me I only had a 4% chance of living more than a year or 2, and that my last days would be spent feeling ill all the time, I'd probably be pretty angry too. He just needs time to gather his thoughts. He didn't get to the doctor soon enough after he started having problems. But, not because I didn't beg him to go in for the tests. He thought he was so strong and bullet-proof. Symptoms started with pain in his lower back, then problems going to the bathroom, having to take laxatives all the time. Turned out to be a grapefruit sized tumor. After radiation and chemo, they shrunk it down to the size of a "small apple", which was removed via surgery. But, by then, it had spread. Taking over his body. They are now trying to treat him with more aggressive chemo, but it's taking it's toll on him. Hubby says that he isn't sure whether the chemo or the cancer will kill him first.
I have a lot of compassion for your husband and what he is going through. I also have compassion for you. It's not an easy situation, and there's no textbook way to deal with it. I imagine if I was in your husbands shoes I'd be quite angry, as well. My best wishes go out to him and to you as well Bobbi.
+1 to what Stauffbier said. I can't even begin to imagine the mental anguish the two of you are dealing with, not to mention the physical pain. I'd say you have dealt with an extremely tough situation very well.
I was just out in the garage and opened up the chest freezer which I have set at 30 degrees. I have a bucket of beer in there, been there a few months, sorta forgot about it. I lifted the lid and was surprised to see a thin layer of krausen that hadn't fallen. Usually after a few weeks at that temp the beer is clear and all krausen gone. Not this one. I tasted a sample... Yeck!! It was acidic, quite putrid actually. I think this is going to be my first dumper. I'll probably wait another month just for the heck of it but I don't think this one is going to get better.

EDIT I just looked over my notes and this one fermented at room temps, no room in ferm chamber. I think the room got pretty warm a few times, over 83 so I believe what I'm tasting is fusel alcohols. A spicy, sharp, overpowering alcohol flavor. It's nasty.
Dan said:
+1 to what Stauffbier said. I can't even begin to imagine the mental anguish the two of you are dealing with, not to mention the physical pain. I'd say you have dealt with an extremely tough situation very well.

Agreed. I hope your hubby can let go of the anger and find peace.

Too bad about the beer, Dan. :(
I have a lot of compassion for your husband and what he is going through.

It does make me a little mad when people unfamiliar with the situation say, "There is no excuse for his behavior, you need to leave him and don't feel guilty about it." Well, things are more complicated than that. Sometimes, maybe people do have an excuse for their actions. He is coming to a realization. A transition period for him, trying to grasp what is happening to him. The range of feelings he is going through include anger and that is okay. I am closest to him and if he feels anger, I am the most likely target, and the person most likely to understand. I am not playing into it or making him think it's okay to treat me badly. When he gets mad, I walk away. When he calms down, I'm back. Dealing with his own internal turmoil is going to take time. I just have to be patient.
That's understandable Bobbi. You're a very wise person my friend. Hang in there! We're all rooting for your husband and you.
I was just out in the garage and opened up the chest freezer which I have set at 30 degrees. I have a bucket of beer in there, been there a few months, sorta forgot about it. I lifted the lid and was surprised to see a thin layer of krausen that hadn't fallen. Usually after a few weeks at that temp the beer is clear and all krausen gone. Not this one. I tasted a sample... Yeck!! It was acidic, quite putrid actually. I think this is going to be my first dumper. I'll probably wait another month just for the heck of it but I don't think this one is going to get better.

EDIT I just looked over my notes and this one fermented at room temps, no room in ferm chamber. I think the room got pretty warm a few times, over 83 so I believe what I'm tasting is fusel alcohols. A spicy, sharp, overpowering alcohol flavor. It's nasty.

When I read that a thin layer of krausen still hadn't fallen, I immediately thought, "it's probably a pellicle". Your description seems to confirm it. Fusels don't taste acidic and putrid - infections do.
Yeah, something doesn't seem right about that beer, Dan.

Tonight I had the apartment to myself, got bored of working so I walked across the hallway to visit with the neighbors. I knocked and they yelled "Come in". So I did and they were surprised to see me, I have met them before in passing. An actual family, not college kids. 3 generations living in a 3 bedroom apartment. I guess many people are raised to live in an apartment and live in apartments all their lives. I find that to be odd, and interesting. Everyone came out to the living room to see who was visiting and engaged me in conversation. The girls are probably 8 and 11 y/o, then there are the parents and grandmother. Really enjoyed myself, they tried to feed me even, and when I left the lady of the house walked me out and to my door, then we chatted in the hallway a while longer. She's big into women being empowered and stuff like that. She thinks I'm a little lost right now. And said come back any time.

Getting to know the neighbors. I wonder what percentage of the neighbors, if I knocked on their door, would yell "come in", or if they would just crack the door open to see what I wanted. The neighbors I visited today, I met the mother at the mailboxes and realized we were across the hallway from each other. If I meet any more neighbors at the mailboxes and get them to give me their apt. #, I might knock on their door one day. I didn't, and don't plan to tell my son I visited with the neighbors. He would probably think it's weird and I'm trying to stay low key while here in the city.
Wow, just got back from my 4th Taco Ride of the year. Gonna try to exceed the 15 rides I did last year.

Meet the youngest (22) at the trailhead, rode down to Margaritaville and had a couple Myrcenarys, then rode down to the steakhouse in Mineola and had a pitcher of Goose Island and some tacos. On the way back it rained on us and I flatted a mile out from the truck. I didn't want to fight with the tire in the dark, so I told the boy to ride back and I walked the bike back in the rain.

Doesn't sound like it, but it was a glorious night. Got to hang out with the boy and find out how his summer internship is progressing. And while I have a filthy dirty bike to cleanup, it was one of those nights you really felt thankful to be alive.
When I read that a thin layer of krausen still hadn't fallen, I immediately thought, "it's probably a pellicle". Your description seems to confirm it. Fusels don't taste acidic and putrid - infections do.

I agree.

Sounds like lacto to me.

I suppose you guys are right. I must have skimped on sanitation with that batch plus I know I fermented way to warm. I have ingredients for another batch. Time for deep cleaning and sanitizing the equipment and get back on the horse.
I wish I had a normal life. Family called and said "you need to get back here!" Hubby won't eat or drink and they say he is unresponsive and just moaning. He had his chemo treatment Tuesday and now he's just sick. Needs to go to the hospital for IV fluids, probably. If he won't go willingly, then call 911, get the paramedics out to look at him. This isn't anything new. He's sick to his stomach. If he dies on their watch, I'm not going to blame myself. By the third day of not eating or drinking, he needs to be hospitalized, it's the second day now. I am going to stay put here in the city, and tomorrow morning call 911 for them. I told them to pinch him, see how long it takes the skin to go back. If the skin doesn't bounce back, he is dehydrated. Needs fluids. Get him to the ****ing hospital, it's not that complicated.
I wish I had a normal life. Family called and said "you need to get back here!" Hubby won't eat or drink and they say he is unresponsive and just moaning. He had his chemo treatment Tuesday and now he's just sick. Needs to go to the hospital for IV fluids, probably. If he won't go willingly, then call 911, get the paramedics out to look at him. This isn't anything new. He's sick to his stomach. If he dies on their watch, I'm not going to blame myself. By the third day of not eating or drinking, he needs to be hospitalized, it's the second day now. I am going to stay put here in the city, and tomorrow morning call 911 for them. I told them to pinch him, see how long it takes the skin to go back. If the skin doesn't bounce back, he is dehydrated. Needs fluids. Get him to the ****ing hospital, it's not that complicated.

Sorry, Bobbi, you never seem to catch a break.
Mmmm, I'm drinking a 3+ yr old Russian Imperial Stout. I bottled it January 2010. It is exquisite. Last of the batch. I wish you all could join me.

I just milled my grains for tomorrow morning's brew. I'm doing a Pale Ale and a Cali Common. Played a bit with recipes to fit them into the grains and hops I had on hand. Drank a couple of my Belgian Vanilla Porters before, so I'm light right now.

Happy Friday everyone. For your late night soundtrack, a scoop of The Cars.

It's so easy to blow up your problems
It's so easy to play up your breakdown
It's so easy to fly through a window
It's so easy to fool with the sound

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I brewed a massive RIS a couple weeks ago which is all intended for long term aging. I'm going to do it all fancy with labels made etc. It came in at 1.115. The name of the brew is These Men are Cowards ;) I'm going to make a label with this dude featured. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Looks great, jet black just like I like em. I leaned heavily on the dark grains for mine, and it came in at 65 SRM. Even a drop of it looks black. No burnt flavor though, it actually tastes a lot like molasses in a good way. Sort of like a snicker doodle. Quite the grain bill as well.

20.00 lbs 75.76 % Rahr 2-Row
0.80 lbs 3.03 % Dingemans Special B
0.80 lbs 3.03 % Rahr Red Wheat
0.70 lbs 2.65 % Carafa III
0.60 lbs 2.27 % Aromatic Malt
0.50 lbs 1.89 % Briess 2-Row Caramel 40L
0.25 lbs 0.95 % Briess 2-Row Caramel 120L
0.50 lbs 1.89 % Briess Roasted Barley
0.25 lbs 0.95 % Briess Chocolate
1.00 lbs 3.79 % Dingeman's De-Bittered Black Malt
1.00 lbs 3.79 % Dememera Sugar
BobbiLynn said:
I wish I had a normal life. Family called and said "you need to get back here!" Hubby won't eat or drink and they say he is unresponsive and just moaning. He had his chemo treatment Tuesday and now he's just sick. Needs to go to the hospital for IV fluids, probably. If he won't go willingly, then call 911, get the paramedics out to look at him. This isn't anything new. He's sick to his stomach. If he dies on their watch, I'm not going to blame myself. By the third day of not eating or drinking, he needs to be hospitalized, it's the second day now. I am going to stay put here in the city, and tomorrow morning call 911 for them. I told them to pinch him, see how long it takes the skin to go back. If the skin doesn't bounce back, he is dehydrated. Needs fluids. Get him to the ****ing hospital, it's not that complicated.

It sounds like the chemo is really doing a number on him. It's too bad he can't/won't take fluids. Any little dehydration just makes you feel a hundred times worse than you should.
passedpawn said:
Here's mine. I just clipped it from my Beersmith page. 12 gallon recipe . 8.4% ABV

[edit] it's not pilsner malt, it was pale malt.

Looks good PP.. That's a whole buncha oats. I wanted to drop a pound of flaked barley in mine, but I was somehow out. I swear I had 2 bags...
So tasty. If I knew it was going to be this good after 3 years I'd have brewed more.

Isn't that always the case? Haven't been saving too much in the last couple years. I don't save beers because I prefer hop foreword brews but I've got a few meads that have a decade or so on them. The traditional non melomel meads age damn well if you can wait it out.
Isn't that always the case? Haven't been saving too much in the last couple years. I don't save beers because I prefer hop foreword brews but I've got a few meads that have a decade or so on them. The traditional non melomel meads age damn well if you can wait it out.
Does the melomel style present a problem for that kind of aging?
Does the melomel style present a problem for that kind of aging?

Yeah...well, kind of. I find the melomel meads are best not aged that long. I would say the sweet spot for a melomel is around 4 yrs. I had some the other week that is sitting on, I believe, 5yrs and while it is incredibly smooth it has lost too much of the fruit flavor. Not that the drink is bad it's just that I've gone through the trouble, time, and expense of adding the fruit and it just doesn't seem to show through when it gets extended aging.
Yeah...well, kind of. I find the melomel meads are best not aged that long. I would say the sweet spot for a melomel is around 4 yrs. I had some the other week that is sitting on, I believe, 5yrs and while it is incredibly smooth it has lost too much of the fruit flavor. Not that the drink is bad it's just that I've gone through the trouble, time, and expense of adding the fruit and it just doesn't seem to show through when it gets extended aging.
Interesting. Do you happen to remember if it was stored in clear or tinted glass?

It seems odd to me that aging melomel would result in a drop in the fruit flavor when many fruit wines are aged for fairly significant lengths of time.
28 mm Screw Cap for PET Bottles - 24 count              40128 	4 	$19.96
Beer Bottles 22 oz. 	                                7011 	2 	$25.98
Red Star Pasteur Champagne                            	Y151 	5 	$3.25
Red Star Montrachet Yeast                         	Y150 	5 	$3.25
Red Star Pasteur Red 	                                Y155 	5 	$3.25
Red Star Cote Des Blanc 	                        Y152 	5 	$3.25
Red Star Premier Cuvee 	                                Y154 	5 	$3.25
Oak Chips - American 4 oz.                          	9018 	2 	$2.50
2 Gallon Fermenting Bucket                         	40536 	2 	$11.98
Grommeted Lid for 2 Gallon Bucket 	                40537 	2 	$5.00
Beer Bottle Brush                               	7230 	1 	$2.99
Gallon Jug Brush                                	7237 	1 	$5.50
Sake Kit                                            	Y201 	1 	$11.99
Some new toys to play with. I'm running a little low on my ridiculous 1lb container of dried distillers yeast.
Interesting. Do you happen to remember if it was stored in clear or tinted glass?

It seems odd to me that aging melomel would result in a drop in the fruit flavor when many fruit wines are aged for fairly significant lengths of time.

I actually use a multitude of bottle types but they are all inside boxes so they don't see light.
That's a valid point on the fruit wines but a melomel is mostly honey and just flavored with the fruit. It does get super smooth and it is still a great drink but when the fruit isn't the sole base I've found in many melomels after 4 years the fruit wanes. Lately I've been putting less into bottles to save and adding more fruit...it may age better but I may never know.
I actually use a multitude of bottle types but they are all inside boxes so they don't see light.
That's a valid point on the fruit wines but a melomel is mostly honey and just flavored with the fruit. It does get super smooth and it is still a great drink but when the fruit isn't the sole base I've found in many melomels after 4 years the fruit wanes. Lately I've been putting less into bottles to save and adding more fruit...it may age better but I may never know.
Ok, so that would probably eliminate UV degradation then. It's an interesting point to poke at. I wonder if using a fruit juice concentrate would be advisable, or maybe take advantage of the protein stabilization from autolysis that's used be some aged champagnes.

Honestly though, I'm way to impatient to do the experimentation with such a long return time.