I like this time at night on HBT

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I'm in zombie mode lately. Family visiting, 2 EMT's short at work and one in leave. Plus lots of summer events = me running myself thin. Picking up extra shifts is nice for the pocket book, but hell on my sleep cycle. Haven't brewed in 6 weeks. I've got grain and hops for 36 gallons (3 batches) but don't want to ferment in the high temps. Most of the lumber an hardware for the beastly huge fermentation chamber is piled in my garage waiting for a few days off to get her built. I really need a vacation.
EDIT: I wouldn't put the apples in unless you are using a fermenting bucket. They make a horrible mess, and it's hard to get that out of a carboy.

I do have it in a fermenting bucket. The 5.5 gallons of juice plus the sugar water in a 7.9 gallon bucket.

The boys in Gainesville are brewing today using some supplies I left behind. A 5-gallon mini-mash kit. My son called and asked if it was okay. Said he knew how to do it, plus it came with instructions. So I bet they are having fun.

Happy memorial day! Hope you get that vacation, snaps, sounds like you deserve it.
Man I have been gone to long to even think about catching up on all the posts :)

Wonderful time spent up camping. I think we spent 5 days counting today and every day was different and great. It was warm some days and flat out cold others. Sunny and rain and snow was had and overall just a great time.

Still got a bunch of stuff to unload from the trailer and then take it out in to the pasture to dump the black water tank but I figured O would come in and say hi and have a shower.....Not that I stink mind you :cross:
I kinda miss Sharps. That guy was cool, I'm sorry that he let a mishap in the debate forum ruin his time on HBT. It just goes to show that not everything is for everybody.
I've been out to Arlington National Cemetery and witnessed the Changing of Guard Ritual. It is a very solemn ceremony that makes you "proud to honor all American service members who are "Known But to God."

Thank You!


Wow!! Turning over the task is not taken for granted. The soldier inspected every inch of his relief. I like tradition. It is important and carries on values we hold dear.

My final tour overseas was at an Army Camp, in Iraq. Heck of a place for a Navy man to be. We used to get rocket attacks, IDF. In Direct Fire. The rockets would land where ever. Launched from bed rails and such. They were not strategically landed shots. They were more of a psychological threat because you never knew where they were going to land and to be honest, that was quite terrifying.

I'll admit, as the months passed on those guys were getting better and better at aiming. One day, it was a Saturday. My friends and I use to go for a nice run early Saturday mornings. There was a road next to the airstrip. Everybody used it for running.

We were out there, doing our running thing and off in the distance saw plumes of smoke and heard explosions. We all hauled arse back to our quarters and hardened cement bunkers. When it was over, a few people died. An Iraqi and three soldiers.

Later, there was a memorial ceremony. To be honest, it was the first time in my over 25 year career, I'd gone to a memorial ceremony where somebody had been killed by hostile fire. Sure, I'd been to a few before. My career in the Navy was aviation. Been to enough memorials from guys getting killed in jet crashes and stuff. But this was different.

The Army did a role call that day, at the Memorial. They called the names out of those that had been killed. First just by Rank and Last Name, then by rank and first and last name, then, by First, Middle and Last name. No response. It just sunk in then.

God Bless You Americans who never came home. I got tears in my eyes right now... can't stop them.
I'm in zombie mode lately. Family visiting, 2 EMT's short at work and one in leave. Plus lots of summer events = me running myself thin. Picking up extra shifts is nice for the pocket book, but hell on my sleep cycle. Haven't brewed in 6 weeks. I've got grain and hops for 36 gallons (3 batches) but don't want to ferment in the high temps. Most of the lumber an hardware for the beastly huge fermentation chamber is piled in my garage waiting for a few days off to get her built. I really need a vacation.

"Self before others" friend. You can't take care of others if you aren't taking care of yourself. Sounds selfish but it really isn't - keeping yourself energized and psyched means you can do more for others.
Amen. Dan I have shed many over the last few days, and probably more to come with so many still in harms way.

Bless you brother. We, as a nation, We as a people must never forget.. Never ever, of the ultimate sacrifices people have made to give us a good life. The day we stop is the day our way of life will end.

Anybody can call me a patriotic fool, zealot. Fine by me!
Bless you brother. We, as a nation, We as a people must never forget.. Never ever, of the ultimate sacrifices people have made to give us a good life. The day we stop is the day our way of life will end.

Anybody can call me a patriotic fool, zealot. Fine by me!

I've been fortunate that my friends and loved ones have passed through their trials safely, but we're all bitterly aware that others have not. We remember and pray that we all find peace.
One more post and I'm off here for today.

My wife has decided I have PTSD. I call BS on that. It doesn't explain me well, I am not a combat vet and will not sell myself as one. It would disgrace those who are.
I'm not quite sure what you're saying?

My father, who served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, passed due to cancer in 2005. He passed in peace surrounded by his family and departed in no pain.

My friends and family (and myself) who have served during recent conflicts have all come home safe and sound. We have lost friends in Iraq and Afghanistan and feel the pain of their loss. We pray for peace for all.
Dan said:
One more post and I'm off here for today.

My wife has decided I have PTSD. I call BS on that. It doesn't explain me well, I am not a combat vet and will not sell myself as one. It would disgrace those who are.

Not so fast my friend... I have a friend who lost his father to suicide, his mother to a brain tumor, his sister to a flesh eating bacteria, and was divorced all in two years. He's currently on disability for textbook PTSD symptoms. I have another acquaintance who went through some really bad emotional situations that caused her to have it. It's not just for soldiers. The human mind can only take so much, and it's not a sign of weakness but a sign of humanness. Lots of stigma among in the service about that condition, but the fact is that it's not natural to have to be in any of these kinds of circumstances.
BB, Jay, TC!.

You guys are good dudes. Like many of the people here.

I said I was off for today, guess I stretched the truth.

Here is my first YouTube video eva! Not to good but a guy has to start somewhere!

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BB, Jay, TC!.

You guys are good dudes. Like many of the people here.

I said I was off for today, guess I stretched the truth.

Here is my first YouTube video eva! Not to good but a guy has to start somewhere!


Nice looking place and chicken. I think I understand this is a remorseful time of year for Veterans and patriotic citizens . I use to run a bit of depression from now through the 4th of July,but due to my loving wife we were married on July 1st so not quite so bad.
Not from a military view although I have plenty of grave sites to visit if I want but the one that hit me the most today was my mom I drove right past her grave today and while I thought of her I did not stop.

I should have stopped. I know that I should have. But you know I think every day of my life I sit and think I wonder what mom would do? And in the end I think she would much rather have me think every day of her than visit once a year.

I miss and love my mom. And so many others that I cannot even begin to name but I still miss and love them

Well I visited my moms grave for the first time tonight. She passed away in 1997. Sad thing is the grave yard where she is at most is about a mile away or 5 minutes or so and I have not been to her grave site since we buried her.

I had so many feelings and emotions going on I think it kind of sucked in a way. The body that was there did not bug me but my thoughts of how much better my life would be with her wisdom really hurt.

So many people in my life have passed on you would think I would be immune to it but I have to say tonight really hurt me in a way that I had no clue that I could hurt again. I do not understand why it hurt but it truly did.

You know a kind of nice thing though for me was a small vase of flowers on her grave. I have no clue who put them there but it made me feel nice to know others loved her as well. I hope who ever put the flowers there has a wonderful life simply because they made me fell better at least once
Dang man I just put my jammies on that I wore last week before the camp trip. Man they smell fresh and nice and they smell stale and well might I say it rotten but after sleeping up camping for awhile they smell pretty sweet:p
Vman, haven't lost my mother yet but know that one day it will happen just part of life. I'll miss her terribly as she is the 1/2 of greatest influence on my life and part of who I 'am. I can't imagine the pain of your loss, take care and remember the joy she gave to you and to others.
Well, I just registered for my first home brew competition at the Sun City Craft Beer Fest coming in September.

I entered the following categories (They aren't going by BJCP categories - Not an official beer comp);
* Pale Ale = "Cactus Nectar"
* American Ale = "Dust Devil IIPA"
* Brown Ale = "Cloudy London Day"
* Stout = "Cold Steeped Stout"
* Porter = "Robust Porter"

Unfortunately they only had 9 categories. 4 of which were lagers and bock, which I don't brew. They didn't have a category that my White Pepper Rye Saison would have fit in, so I won't get to enter that. It's too bad, because I kind of look at that one as my flagship along with Dust Devil. As I mentioned, it's not an official BJCP competition, but it will still be fun. Meanwhile I get to sample at the Fest while the judging is taking place...