Horrible typing on the forum

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Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2010
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Does it bother you to see someone type so incredibly bad that it is illegible?

It drives me up the wall. It usually happens on a thread where someone is asking for advice. And yet they can't be bothered to use punctuation, spell halfway decently, or make any sense whatsoever. Half the time, a lame apology along the lines of "Srroy aobut teh spleeing but I am uisng my pohne and dontpasy asttetnion to waht i tipe."

My personal belief is that if you don't have the time or energy to make your question halfway coherent, why should I or anybody else help you with an answer?


Thnaks :) <-Yes that was a joke
It happens. Some of the users who do that are non-native English speakers of may even have dyslexia or some other LD. Lighten up.
This I get. It's when someone calls themselves out as being too lazy to type correctly. Here is an example: https://www.homebrewtalk.com/f39/how-make-liquor-292564/

Meh, we could still figure out what he said. (I thought he was either trolling or being ironic.)

But, the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Revvy said:
Meh, we could still figure out what he said. (I thought he was either trolling or being ironic.)

But, the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

Good point, I was able to read this and understand it even though %90 of it is spelled incorrectly. Relax, have a beer!
The ones that get me are not the bad spellings or typos but the misuse of words like: then or than, or: their, there, they're. These words are NOT interchangeable.
The ones that get me are not the bad spellings or typos but the misuse of words like: then or than, or: their, there, they're. These words are NOT interchangeable.

Not everyone on this forum went to college. Not everyone sits in front of a computer and types all day. I don't write at all at work and have been out of school for 25 years. I could care less if someone mixes up there, they're and their. If it bothers you that much I think you need to take a look at your self.
I agree with OP but it's more of just a mild annoyance.

My favorites:
- "Man, that's wierd" (the most misspelled word on the internet)
- "Someone please help???!!!" (sooooo many sentences get question marks when they clearly shouldn't)
- Then/than, their/there/they're, affect/effect (seriously, why haven't people figured these out yet?)

I know there are plenty more I see on HBT daily but they don't come to mind. Long story short, it's not rocket science...
If it bothers you that much I think you need to take a look at your self.

I took your advice. I looked into my navel and here's what I saw: "If it bothers him that much that it bothers you that much then I think he needs to take a look at himself."

Hey, I'm just passing it along.
Not everyone on this forum went to college. Not everyone sits in front of a computer and types all day.

So nobody taught you English in grades K-12? I didn't realize it was college-only curriculum.

And you may not type all day but I'm almost positive you read all day whether it be books, signs, instructions, computer, etc.
Airborneguy said:
Art from the East Coast vs West Coast Competition strikes again!


What gets me isn't misspellings but these stupid internet acronyms. I was on board for LOL because it has a purpose I suppose, but I want to slap a guy who gives some obscure acronym in response to something I said. Now I have to go to Urban Dictionary and try to decode what the hell they're talking about.
You forgot to and too.

As far as online forums go, occasional minor misspellings don't bug me that much but the misuse of simple words with totally different meanings is a bit distracting.
What really kills me, though, are the news articles that I read online EVERY DAY, written by professional journalists, that have the same errors. I am absolutely convinced that the AP and other media outlets no longer employ editors. We're talking 4th grade grammar here. I get that these people have probably been out of school for a while but I have been, too. Even though it's not my job I still remember elementary school grammar. I can even still remember how to multiply which I believe was being taught around the same point in school.
So nobody taught you English in grades K-12? I didn't realize it was college-only curriculum.

And you may not type all day but I'm almost positive you read all day whether it be books, signs, instructions, computer, etc.

I was taught a lot in high school that i don't remember. I'm sure that a lot of people didn't even go to high school. I think your pretty narrow minded to think everyone reads all day. I work on a construction sight and read blue prints all day (which I am sure most of you can't read ). I just don't understand why you care if someone uses "there" wrong in a sentence. If I helped you solve a problem you're having with your beer do you really care if I misspelled a word. I am personally more annoyed with bad advise about brewing. You can spell every word right and have perfect sentence structure but it doesn't mean you know anything about brewing.
cadarnell said:
i just like to see good spacing between every few lines ... eveything else, i can deal with.

I appreciate a paragraph once in a while much more than proper spelling or grammar. If I see one massive block of text, I will often just skip it.
It's not the misspellings that bother me so much as the giant walls of text, lack of any punctuation or capitalization, and other lazy things.

I completely understand and have little problem with people that have a hard time spelling and writing but when someone just keepstyping as if they havent bothered to take the time to make usre its legible at all in any way shape or firm whatsoever did you hear theone about the large clown and the small cocoon where was that ship i havent got all day hear do you get my point?besdies where would i put the giant ball of twine when i am done with it can anybody answer my question?
Autocorrect and homebrew consumption is always a recipe for disaster.

As long as I can get the general idea of what is being said, I really don't care. Who am I to judge?
I don't want to start a war but it bugs me that "oh I'm on an iphone" is an acceptable excuse. But I'm not blaming the users, I blame the company that charges an arm and a leg for a device that spurned the creation of a website solely dedicated to it's crap autocorrect function (damnyouautocorrect.com)

A lot of my posts are made using a swype keyboard with zero issues.
I don't freak on someone's poor grammar or spelling, but the last time I checked most phones and computers are equipped with spell check. If everyone enabled this feature on whatever device is being used, this post would not have even been started. Plus drinking homebrew while surfing the forum could account for many of these errors.
I don't want to start a war but it bugs me that "oh I'm on an iphone" is an acceptable excuse. But I'm not blaming the users, I blame the company that charges an arm and a leg for a device that spurned the creation of a website solely dedicated to it's crap autocorrect function (damnyouautocorrect.com)

A lot of my posts are made using a swype keyboard with zero issues.

Nobody said it was "an acceptable excuse". I was just saying if you drink enough beer, autocorrect will probably make it worse. It was a silly half attempt at making a joke.

Again, as long as I can get the general idea of what is being said I don't care. I'm not their mother nor their 5th grade English teacher.
Oh sorry I wasn't singling you out... my bad. I just see that phrase a lot.
I appreciate a paragraph once in a while much more than proper spelling or grammar. If I see one massive block of text, I will often just skip it.

Me too! I also skip questions that say "Wat wud U do?" or anything that uses "U" for you.

If you can not be arsed to type two more letters, than I can't be arsed to type out a lengthy response about how to gauge fermentation activity.

Iphone or not- if you want to know the answer to a question and expect people to give you an answer that is well explained, then ask a proper question. It's usually not Iphone users, though- it's people who think that textspeak is forumspeak.

Part of this is age- very few 40+ year old members do this- so I sort of understand. But since I'm older, I don't "get" all the abbreviations. It would be like me replying in beertalk acronyms or old military acronyms and expect everybody to just deal with it.

The best part is- I just can ignore all the stuff I don't want to reply to. Until I get a PM saying "I no getting answers 2 my ?s cn u hlp me plz". :D
Not everyone on this forum went to college. Not everyone sits in front of a computer and types all day. I don't write at all at work and have been out of school for 25 years. I could care less if someone mixes up there, they're and their. If it bothers you that much I think you need to take a look at your self.

It doesn't keep me awake at night but that is not college.... more like 4th grade!!!!!!

I look at myself in the mirror every morning and realize that I know the difference between their, there and they're and I like what I see.
Oh sorry I wasn't singling you out... my bad. I just see that phrase a lot.

No problem, I do know what you mean. I just try to over look it and help out where I can. People come from all walks of life on HBT. If their post is so messed up even I can't make heads or tails ... I move along. LOL
Me too! I also skip questions that say "Wat wud U do?" or anything that uses "U" for you.

I'll have to agree on Yooper there! THAT irks the crap out of me! I don't equate that on the same level of not knowing when to use your, you're or there, their, they're. I equate that to being too lazy to fuction normally.