Hooray Diacetyl!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Albany, OR
So I brewed an Americal Pale Ale and a bitter to fill the kegerator. For both I used WLP005. I know, a British yeast in an APA but I was trying to save money. I haven't tried the bitter yet but the Pale at first had what I thought was a VERY bad yeasty bite in the aftertaste. I kegged it and it's been sitting on the CO2 for about four days in the kegerator. Well today I pulled a glass and smelled, without a doubt, diacetyl. Big butterscotch aroma along with the buttery taste everyone talks about. The title of this thread is not sarcastic, I am actually quite happy to have this happen even though I would have rather had it not happen. I have never had the chance to taste diacetyl before and this experience will hopefully help me to find it in other beers as well.

Now for a couple of questions. The flavor has definitely gotten better as it sits, can I expect the diacetyl to go away completely with time? And what are other peoples' experiences with WLP005, is it a big diacetyl producer or did I not treat it right?
Some will fade while on what littel yeast is left. More if you keep it warmer. But it will never fade completely once the yeast has gone dormant.

And, you could have dosed a Bud with a teensie bit of Butter Extract. Look up Dr Beer for other examples of how to "Dr" a beer to resemble other common beer/brewing flaws. Many of the tinctures are common at grocers aisles.
The guy at my LHBS said once that you can warm the beer back up to ferm temp, add more yeast, and let it set for a week or so to get rid of the diacetyl. I've never tried this, has anyone else? Is the guy FOS?
Never heard of that. Might be worth a try. Daicetyl is NASTY.