Hello From OC, CA

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Active Member
Sep 6, 2008
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Hi all!

My name is Joe and I've been brewing for about 10 years now. I started in the late 90's when my brother gave me a "Beer Machine" for Christmas. I must have made 12 batches with that thing, I was even in their infomercial.(very embarrassing that.:eek:) The very next Christmas my brother gave me a real homebrewing kit from The Shrine of The Brew God, a local homebrew shop that was run by one of the nicest guys I ever met. That really gave me the bug and I've never looked back. I brewed extract batches for a couple of years, then partial mash, then all grain. I've upgraded my equipment over the years but never built a sculpture or other fancy gear. I use coolers for my HLT & mash tun, a 9 gallon kettle and a camp chef burner. I ferment in better bottles(cut myself on a 6.5 gal carboy and switched to plastic) and use a wine cooler for my fermentation chamber. I gave away my last keezer and have not built a new one yet. I've hung out on the HBD for years but rarely post. I had to take a 2 year hiatus from brewing recently as the wife and I were trying to conceive and having problems so the Doc said no booze until we were successful. She is now 4.5 months along so I'm back baby!! Going to pick up a new chest freezer this weekend and get to work building a keezer. I have 5 gallons of a nice braggot in the primary right now, should be ready in another week. :D

Been calling it that since long before that stupid show. We used to say we "lived behind the Orange Curtain" but nobody gets that joke anymore. ;)

I've never looked online for that infomercial. I know I have a VHS tape of it somewhere. I was 24 and didn't know any better so I really came off like an over enthused dork.

Thanks for the welcome!


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