HBT Articles - Do you read?

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Do you read the articles?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Rarely

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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Trying to decide some direction on HBT. We are thinking about expanding the static articles more on the front page. Do you currently read them?
A bigger question that is more of a discussion then a poll is should I be focusing more on articles here at HBT or should I be putting these articles on another domain, does expanding articles/home brewing videos and putting them here on HBT benefit or detract from HBT.
I just recently changed my bookmark to the homepage (instead of the new threads/posts page) and find myself reading the articles a lot more. I like them, and hope you keep them here.
I read most of them.I think having them on HBT is a great resource; more would only cement it as THE one stop shop for everything homebrewing.

Sent from my iPod touch using Home Brew
I think it would benefit to have more articles and brewing videos here on HBT. Would you separate the articles and videos the same way you do the forum? That may benefit people more on the site, because a-lot of the stuff people are asking, such as in the beginning forum can be found in some brewing videos.
More articles is better for the beginner if he will take the time. Having them all on one site is a Big plus.
I'd rather see them here personally. That's the first thing I do (read the articles) before I start browsing the forums.
A bigger question that is more of a discussion then a poll is should I be focusing more on articles here at HBT or should I be putting these articles on another domain, does expanding articles/home brewing videos and putting them here on HBT benefit or detract from HBT.

I can't imagine how expanding the brewing information on HBT could detract from it. As well, it seems counterproductive to remove such information to a separate domain.

About the only thing I'd change is to add an index. Otherwise, perhaps when a new article is posted, run a notice on the forum banner (maybe a one line crawl of the latest half dozen article titles?)

I agree I would love an index. Some way to search for an article would be cool too.

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Helps a lot in understanding usage. I agree the article layout/design needs work, HBT as a whole needs to be updated a bit. Pretty dated design we have.
The set up isn't too bad as is. But an index for the articles might help in finding answers to more specific questions. I also agree that beginners would find them useful to get details about process questions.
Relatively new here and read most articles. Not sure whether I would segregate to their own place, as I like the mix of post and article on the main page. Having said that, it is an eclectic mix of articles appearing there, running the gamut between complete new-brewer level to OMG-I'll-Never-Get-There level. But I don't know the best way to arrange all that without losing what I like in the mixture of articles and posts. One person's opinion.
I voted "Rarely". Then I realized that the truth is I usually come straight to the forums, but I sometimes see the articles posted on Facebook and click the links there.
I scan and read the ones that look interesting, then go to the forums. I didn't like it at the beginning, but now they've grown on me and like the site better with them.
My link is to the homepage so a quick scan to see if there are any articles that interest me or that are helpful with an issue I'm trying to fix.
I voted "Rarely". Then I realized that the truth is I usually come straight to the forums, but I sometimes see the articles posted on Facebook and click the links there.

I also usually come straight to the forums and miss out on the articles. Occasionally, I make it back to the homepage and binge read the ones that catch my eye.
Articles? What articles?

Otherwise, perhaps when a new article is posted, run a notice on the forum banner (maybe a one line crawl of the latest half dozen article titles?)

I second this. Yes, I know about the articles. But I use the app and it drops me right in the forum. So I don't often see the articles. Perhaps a forum to announce when new articles are posted?
I read a lot of them....This site is great...I don't think moving them to another would be good. You do an amazing job. I've spent the last 7 months enjoying a hobby I've talked about doing since high school and it's because if this site...Thank You
I may not read all of the articles, but I read the ones that catch my eye and I look them over on a semi-regular basis. I would love to see them indexed by topic or something to make it easier to find articles related to a certain subject. If that were the case, I'd probably end up binge reading a section at a time when I get started reading.

On my phone, I generally use the app and that doesn't list any of the articles. It might be neat to have a way to list those, almost like a separate forum, but I'm not sure about the logistics of implementing that. I would almost definitely read more of the articles if that were an option, though, just because of the convenience.

I don't think moving articles to a separate domain would result in the articles being read more. If anything, I think they would get less attention.
I read the ones I find interesting in depth and typically scan the others on a weekly basis. The articles make it seem less interactive than the forum itself but I enjoy them and have learned a few things from them.
As a beginner I would be very interested in reading even more articles, if only I would find a directory or something where to find older articles?
I guess I'll be the odd man out and say I find it annoying that the articles are on the homepage. I'm here for the forum.
I guess I'll be the odd man out and say I find it annoying that the articles are on the homepage. I'm here for the forum.

Gameface, please understand that it was only the luck of the draw that I am responding after your post, and is not an attack on your opinion, however puzzling I find it so.

Der Admin, I LOVE THE ARTICLES. Even if I'm not familiar with the topic, it's always worth a look. ++ on an archive index, and possibly a small banner w/ recents.

Keep up the good work. Thanx.
I use the app to read the forum so I never see the articles (maybe there is a way to see them and I just haven't figured it out). The rare occasion that I go to HBT on my computer I find the articles interesting, I just forgot they are there.
I go right to the forum on the app. I enjoy some of the articles when I log in on the computer. +1 for adding the articles somehow to the app.

Sent from my iPad using Home Brew
I hate reading unless there are pictures involved. I am a visual learner and get bored with text quickly.
Gameface, please understand that it was only the luck of the draw that I am responding after your post, and is not an attack on your opinion, however puzzling I find it so.

Der Admin, I LOVE THE ARTICLES. Even if I'm not familiar with the topic, it's always worth a look. ++ on an archive index, and possibly a small banner w/ recents.

Keep up the good work. Thanx.

A few months old but great suggestion!

I really like the articles and feel they are getting better as we figure out what the hell we are doing a bit more and what people want to read. Really been great to be more in touch with brewing bloggers and people interested in detailing their projects, processes, history, stories, etc.

If anyone is interested please PM me or I have an announcement too: https://www.homebrewtalk.com/f22/submit-article-free-premium-membership-358767/
I wish the comment section on the articles tied into forum notifications so you would know if the author replied or not without checking back constantly.