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Active Member
Mar 8, 2017
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Lake Mills
Is this the place to make a confession? Kind of like sitting around in a circle, avoiding eye contact as we all share our innermost feelings?

I'm from Wisconsin, and I don't really like Spotted Cow.

I mean, I really enjoy other brews from New Glarus. Fat Squirrel is a go to, and their Staghorn Oktoberfest is an annual favorite, but Spotted Cow always seems to have a disappointing finish. There's not even a little hops bite to tell you you've just had a beer. Maybe that's why people love it so much.

I visit family out of state, and they always want me to bring beer, but when I take what I think is good beer: good, local craft brews from Tyranena (the brewery is a 5-minute walk from my house,) or Lake Louie, Three Sheeps, or Central Waters, I can tell they're only TRYING to like it. So, I've given up. I'll just buy a case of Spotted Cow and listen to them rave about it, while I look for something else to drink.

So now, I'm making my own beer.

And I'm making what I like.

My setup is about as basic as you can possibly get. I have an electric stove, a large stockpot, and a plastic bucket.

The bucket has a spigot on it.

My plan is to keep things just that simple. Realistically I want to do five or six batches a year. I don't ever see myself shelling out a lot of money to go all grain, especially given the quality and selection of extract kits with steeping grains. The few batches I've already made have been, to my palate, really good, and I know I can keep improving.

But I'll always keep a case of Spotted Cow around. Just in case.
I had a business trip to Beloit a few years ago. Dropped into the bar near the hotel and tried the Spotted Cow. I thought it was awful, and I made my opinion loudly known. It was like a flannel tornado, with all the locals chasing my ass out of there.
I'm from Iowa so luckily I get almost all the Central Waters offerings. They are imo the best brewery in that state. The Brewers Reserve line is amazing for the price, HHG is my favorite of their hoppy styles, and the line up of bombers is awesome. As far as spotted cow goes its meh in my book too.
Is this something for which you'd share a recipe?

It is Northern Brewer's partial mash. I mash the grains at 154°F. Add 1.5 lbs LME and 1 lb DME for 60 minute boil. Remainder of extract with 15 minutes left with yeast nutrient and Irish Moss. WY 1056 at 68°F in the primary for at least three weeks before bottling. FG 1.006.
Welcome to the hobby, and the group, from CO :mug:

Cream ale, the style of Spotted Cow, is rather unremarkable. But it beats Bud, Miller, or Coors.
It is Northern Brewer's partial mash. I mash the grains...

And this.

This is the reason I joined the forum.

I've been reading for a few months now, and I haven't found a question on here that hasn't been answered by all of you fine folks.


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