Game of Thrones Mead

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2013
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Hey guys,

In another thread, some members expressed an interest in brewing mead inspired by Game of Thrones. Since Season 3 is premiering at the end of the month, there's plenty of time to brew before Season 4 starts.

Someone suggested starting a dedicated thread so that we can all post pictures/recipes of our GOT-inspired meads. Well, here it is!
I'd be up for it. Maybe we could come up with some Bastard or Imp inspired names?

Absolutely. The names will be the best part.

Tyrion and Khaleesi are my two favorites, so I'll likely brew something related to them. Someone mentioned a dragonfruit inspired mead, which would tie into Khaleesi and her dragons.

Only way I can imagine doing a Tyrion inspired mead is to bottle it in really short bottles. :)

I'm hoping some people will label their bottles as well with some GOT artwork.
Bastard of the North Mead. I am all over that. But what to put in it to make it Bastard or North like to justify the name.
Bastard of the North Mead. I am all over that. But what to put in it to make it Bastard or North like to justify the name.

Right. It would be interesting to do a Lannister mead, but how do you represent incest in a recipe for mead? :confused: lol
I am in.... no base recipe? Any creative parameters? Example, only raw honey, organic additives, wild yeast...
I made a traditional mead with oranges for the season 3 calling it Dornish Dew :mug:

Made my decision. Just picked up some ingredients.

"Dragon Horn Mead"

-Horn Melon
-15 lbs. clover honey
-4 gallons distilled water
-Frozen Raspberries
-Blueberry Fruit Juice

Any suggestions on the yeast? I'm having good luck with the WYeast Sweet Mead Accelerator on my current batch which is ferming, but perhaps I should use something different for this blend.


I am in.... no base recipe? Any creative parameters? Example, only raw honey, organic additives, wild yeast...

I'm okay with leaving it wide open. As long as it's somehow related to a character or event from the show, I say have at it.
Bastard of the North Mead. I am all over that. But what to put in it to make it Bastard or North like to justify the name.
Make it a bastard of two or more styles of mead, with warming wintery spices.

Sollozzo: Them's some funky lookin fruit, lol.
Fun to think of names:
  • Mead of the Morning
  • Crannog Grogg
  • Mead of the Flowers
  • Baratheon Braggot
  • The Drowned Bee
  • Weirwood Methyglin
  • Valar Morghalomel
I'd be down for this, especially in the braggot category.

Waddaya say to minimum OG being 1.090 but the honey/grain bill can be anything you want. Must include one LOCAL ingredient that you can find (or could find if you didn't live downtown) in nature near your home to give it a sort of medieval twist. Extra points of course for best name.

She-Bear Braggot?
Jorah's Mom!

(There is a definitely a She-Bear Mormont in the most recent book- she hangs out with Asha when she is a prisoner. I like the Jorah's Momma idea a lot better though.)

((Currently loving the idea of Brienne the Beauty Barleywine))
Only done beer before, but this sounds like and awesome idea! I love game of thrones!
I guess Ill get in on this,
The Red Wedding (for those who have read the books, don't spoil. And for those who haven't, don't google it).

4 lbs honey
1.5 cups raspberries
3 cups blackberries
2 cups lingenberry concentrate
2 cinnamon sticks
2 cloves
Water to 1.5 Gallons
Half teaspoon pectic enzyme
Pasteur red yeast

Dissolve honey in room temp water. In a clean and sanitized blender add lingen concentrate and berries (leave out 2 cups of blackberries). Blend to a very fine smoothie. Add smoothie to must and move must to fermenting bucket. Bring level to 1.5 gallons and pitch yeast. Ferment to completion in bucket. Rack as much as possible to 1 gal carboy excluding fruit paste and lees and store extras for topping off. With the blackberries, blend them and run pulp through coffee filters to strain pulp. Age to clear.
I'm still thinking about my brew...prob putting too much thought into it. May have to watch some reruns to decide....

Kaleesi, Jon Snow, Arya, Ned Stark and Tyrion are among my favorite characters. Maybe I'll do a "in memory of Ned Stark." I don't know what
Arya is going to become because I haven't read the books but I think it will be something great.

I'm leaning towards a Pyment...with plum or pear maybe added to it. Plum and pear I have available in my area..or would if it was a growing season. A sweet traditional with a nice golden hue in spirit of the "Mother of dragons." If I had access to fireweed honey that would be fitting.

Definitely agree with the minimum OG of 1.09.
MarshmallowBlue said:
I guess Ill get in on this,
The Red Wedding (for those who have read the books, don't spoil. And for those who haven't, don't google it).

4 lbs honey
1.5 cups raspberries
3 cups blackberries
2 cups lingenberry concentrate
2 cinnamon sticks
2 cloves
Water to 1.5 Gallons
Half teaspoon pectic enzyme
Pasteur red yeast

Dissolve honey in room temp water. In a clean and sanitized blender add lingen concentrate and berries (leave out 2 cups of blackberries). Blend to a very fine smoothie. Add smoothie to must and move must to fermenting bucket. Bring level to 1.5 gallons and pitch yeast. Ferment to completion in bucket. Rack as much as possible to 1 gal carboy excluding fruit paste and lees and store extras for topping off. With the blackberries, blend them and run pulp through coffee filters to strain pulp. Age to clear.

I like! Just a thought though, you can get a jelly bag (straining bag used to make jellies and such) for like $5 and it would probably work better than coffee filters. Reusable too. Also, IIRC I think fat bloke had mentioned something about not blending the fruit because the seeds can impart a bitter taste. If that is a concern you could hit the lingenberry concentrate mixture with the jelly bag too!

Interested to see a pic and progress if you do it!
I'm not sure if this would even work, but what about "Milk of the Poppy?"

Dry-hop a Lactomel with some poppy seeds.

There's a recent thread on Koumiss started by Jnco_hippie. (click here)

Might be a place to start, if you dare! (I'm not ready to try a Lactomel)
If anyone does a lannister themed mead, it really should have some edible gold flakes in it... :)


Could filter a bottle of goldschlager... Hmm I think that would make any light color mead look pretty badass. Might just have to do this with my gallon of traditional orange blossom that's in the works. :mug:
If anyone does a lannister themed mead, it really should have some edible gold flakes in it... :)


David's Tea (loose leaf tea store) has a tea gold "Glitter and Gold" which makes the tea sparkle in the light. Might want to try that with a red mead?

About my recipe:
I thought the seeds bitterness would come if you added them to the mead. Another process issue I may encounter is the lingen berries (concentrate) themselves. Apparently because of benzoates in the berries, fermentation may be an issue, so I may not add the lingen juice until the end, and run all my berries in the secondary. So the ingredients will stay the same but. Primary fermentation will be 4 lbs honey, 1.5 gals water. Then process all the berries into juice as apposed to a smoothie, add that in to ferment it, then finally add the lingen concentrate.

I may be able to start this in April as I have everything but raspberries and blackberries, but can pick that stuff up any time, and I have some left over honey since my last batch was a hydromel.
Would the group consider bottling some of their batches in 12oz beer bottles and conduct an exchange? Say, 6-12 bottles? It would be most excellent to share and try other's.
Would the group consider bottling some of their batches in 12oz beer bottles and conduct an exchange? Say, 6-12 bottles? It would be most excellent to share and try other's.

If this happens I'm in!
If it doesn't, I'm probably in still. Need to do some meads either way.
To join in, I'm planning on an Aegon Bloodborn Mead. Planned recipe:

1 gallon of blackberry honey
1 pint of lingonberry syrup
1 quart frozen blackberries
1 oz of whole Newport hops
I'd like to join!

In going with a "White walker" theme.

Mine will be a White Pyment.
I'm going to use white grape juice concentrate and in going to try to incorporate mint of some sort. Any ideas how to give it a "cold" flavor?

*forgot to mention that I thought I will try to get blue wine bottles)
"Cold" flavor, what about using Meadowfoam or Feverfew honey? Meadowfoam tastes like marshmallows. Feverfew honey is an ancient treatment for pneumonia and it is supposed to have a bittersweet flavor.
I mean like a peppermint schnapps cold.


I'm still relatively a noob to mead making. I need more "sugar" to raise the OG right?
I just got mine started but its only at 1.062. That's at 70 degrees though, haven't corrected for 60 degrees yet. I l ow ill stay be way short...
I'd like to join!

In going with a "White walker" theme.

Mine will be a White Pyment.
I'm going to use white grape juice concentrate and in going to try to incorporate mint of some sort. Any ideas how to give it a "cold" flavor?

*forgot to mention that I thought I will try to get blue wine bottles)

First thing that comes to mind is edible menthol crystals. They dissolve really well into alcohol. Or maybe Peppermint tea leaves. A combination of the two might work?
Okay guys, just completed my brew.

To recap, this is "Dragon Horn Melomel"

-Horn Melon
-15 lbs. clover honey
-Distilled water
-Frozen Raspberries
-Blueberry Fruit Juice
-WYeast 4184 - Sweet Mead

The fruit was all frozen prior to being used.

OG = 1.105 (unadjusted, @72 degrees)

That dragonfruit brew looks amazing! I definitely have to try something similar in the future. Not sure if I can get horned melons here, but I'll have to look into some specialty shops in the area.
You can get dragonfruit and kiwano melons reliably at Asian grocery stores (at least in my area) and if the horned melons are unavailable, well, they taste a lot like sweet cucumbers in my experience.