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Dec 30, 2019
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I kind of jumped into mead brewing half cocked. I have lots of chokecherries on my property and seven bee hives - the obvious conclusion was chokecherry mead. I used 17 pounds of honey for five gallons water and Red Star Montrachet for my yeast. I used campden tablets 24 hours before adding yeast (did not boil honey). Initial fermentation (plastic bucket covered with clean towel) lasted seven days and lots of activity, then racked into a carboy with air lock. After only two weeks, no bubbles were observed. It's now been three months and I have taken specific gravity readings the last three weeks and it's been 1.006. It appears to be mostly clear when viewed with a flashlight. Not knowing the initial specific gravity, is it time to bottle or wait? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If 1.006 for a few weeks then you are probably good. If clear, (I prefer crystal clear but not absolutely necessary) then I would think you are done and can bottle. With the remaining residual sugar you may want to use beer or champagne bottles as the yeast in suspension may over a long period of time eat the sugar and carbonate your mead causing some pressure in your bottles and "normal" wine bottles are not designed to handle pressure. This mead will likely require a good bit of age. (12 - 24 months) Unless of course you choose to inhibit the yeast with those chemicals that do that. (I don't use them so cant speak to that.)
You can bottle now, or continue to bulk age. I personally would rack it off any lees that have settled, and see if it continues to clear for another month or two. The racking process will help degas some of the co2 still dissolved, which will help more stuff to settle to the bottom. If no more lees drop in 4-6 weeks, go ahead and degas it completely and bottle it.