Finding large brewing pots

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
La Puente, CA
I have been searching on the internet for large brewing kettles and find almost nothing. I would like to know if there are 50 to 60 gallon stainless brewpots available? For me this would be an ideal size. I found 55 gallon stainless barrels but they have rolled seams and I want a sanitary kettle. Any ideas?
why the concern about the rolled seams? As long as your fermentation is sanitary, previous to that is not a huge concern
I'm with the other guys. Sanitation is not necessary till after the boil is finished. 212F for an hour will kill anything that could cause a problem.
pretty much every big kettle i've seen in that size was originally a 55 gallon SS drum

support it well and it'd work like a dream
I could be wrong, but I thought that MoreBeer used to have larger pots than what they are currently stocking. You might try contacting them to find out where they were sourcing those from.
Thanks guys, I just wanted to do it right and I thought. . . . "No self respecting commercial brewery would use a 55 gallon barrel just because of cleaning or laws".
If this is for commercial brewing, then everything changes, and you will likely have to get commercial grade equipment. I thought you just wanted to make big brews for you and your buddies.
shafferpilot said:
If this is for commercial brewing, then everything changes, and you will likely have to get commercial grade equipment. I thought you just wanted to make big brews for you and your buddies.

That's it for sure as it runs out too fast.
WBC said:
I have 2 ea 200,000 btu burners for natural gas.
Where did you get the burners? I am interested in setting up a NG burner system.

BTW, I've got a 40gallon Aluminum stockpot that I only paid $110 w/shipping. It is thick enough that even though its alum, its very durable.

How much are the ss barrels and where can they be found?