Equipment Upgrade question

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Active Member
Oct 24, 2009
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St. Louis, MO
Currently, my setup is pretty basic. I've got a turkey fryer for a burner, a stainless 8 gallon brew kettle and lid, a 6gal glass carboy (primary), a 5 gal glass carboy (secondary) get the picture.

Currently my process goes as follows- boil/brew, chill via wort chiller, siphon to primary, siphon to secondary, siphon to ale pale, bottle via gravity feed through a wand with the little mechanical one way valve.

My question is this- what can I do to make the process better or to upgrade my process? At this point- I don't see myself doing all grain- just sticking with extract kits and/or the occasional half and half. I want to continue doing 5 gallon batches and I want to continue to bottle. 5 gallons is just about the right amount for me. Bottling is easier to handle the finished product and I don't want to spend the money on a kegging setup as well as the required beer fridge.

Maybe install a valve in the bottom of my brew kettle? Build a stand to help the racking process? Invest in a small stainless conical fermenter? Just curious as to what the usual transition is in the equipment upgrade process.
Fermentation temperature control and yeast management. Pitching a large quantity of healthy yeast at proper temperatures with sufficient dissolved O2, then fermenting at intended and controlled temps will make a HUGE difference in your final product.
I wouldn't do anything if you are not wanting to do all agrain except what Boerderij_Kabouter said. If you do intend to all grain in the far future maybe add a valve to the pot.
Eventually- I am sure I will do all grain and much larger batches. However, that's a good 5+ years off. My wife and I are currently in the process of opening a business, so I can't really justify several thousands in beer upgrades.....especially since the wife wants a larger house and I have convinced her to stay in our starter home until the business gets going. I was just looking to see what I could do for not much money. A time investment is fine and I am good at fabbing/welding. Just trying to create a good, yet small setup.
i would invest in some yeast starter equipment. a gallon glass jug, some DME, yeast nutrient. doest cost that much and you can be sure you have enough yeast to properly ferment a batch.

next step up would be to buy a mini fridge or chest freezer and a Ronco thermostat to control the fermentation temps. more expensive but worth it.