Empty fermenter anxiety

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2009
Reaction score
Papakura, New Zealand
So, I was just wondering if I am the only one. I haven't had any brews on the go since I last bottled about 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately I've just been a bit too busy (or lazy) to get any done, which is unforgivable as I'm still doing canned kits, so it's not like it even takes me that long. It's left me with a kind of anxiety (or insecurity) as I drink my way through my available beer. Anyone else get that?

I currently have about 5 gallons in plastic bottles that is probably ready to drink (albeit a bit young) and another 28 that is ageing in glass...... I'm pretty sure some of that will be at it's peak (or perhaps even just past? Some must be coming up to 6 months) but I am really reluctant to get into it!

Well I guess at least that I've gotten over that first stage of homebrewing where you want to drink everything as soon as it's carbed! :ban:
Ha, I hear you! I got into kegging a while back and I've been trying to build up a pipeline. I'm trying to get a backlog and it's making me reluctant to actually drink the beers I have on tap. Right now, I'm concentrating on clearing out some of my backlogged bottles. There's something so satisfying about brewing beer and putting it down for storage. I suppose this will get better soon...
You have the open Fermenter "TWITCH"!!!!

I've brewed back to back, racking to 2ndary then keg recently, i'm under the same pressure with a fermenter that's been "DRY" for a week! I'm getting with-drawls already as it puts a hole in my pipe line.

But I do have a plan for Feb to fill that gap...:D:D
I feel you, Styles. I had a month-long family Xmas to deal with, and then I go and break my hand on a garage door. Currently looking at early March for my next batch. Think the last brew I did was in November! :(
Ya I get the "no brewing anxiety" here and there. With work, wife, dog, bills, money...it gets tough. We are trying to move out of our townhouse that we own so we can bug a house. I am brewing on Tuesday afternoon for the first time in a few weeks. When we move into the new house...more room...back yard...garage...hahahahahaha beer will be brewing everywhere :)
Ha. Beer will be brewing everywhere! We bought a house in March and I was designated a room in the basement for my carboys. Well when winter set in and I have a range of temperatures throughout the house...I have carboys in my closet still but also upstairs and out in the open in the basement, I have bottles conditioning in every closet upstairs...it never ends.You better brew before your insides you eat you up!
I wouldn't call it anxiety since I already have enough of an anxiety problem in my daily life, but I do have an insatiable desire keep my fermenters and pipeline full at all times. Right now I have a secondary that is in need of beer, but that will be rectified this Saturday.
I too have been itching to brew since bottling a couple of weeks ago. Been busy plus a small vacation (!) has got me a little anxious. I may grab a kit for the first time to get things moving along....
I just now snapped out of my lazy/non feelin like brewing.

It seems with me, it takes the longest of time to clean things and make sure everything is spotless when im brewing, its riciculous, i noticed myself rinsing the spoon I use to stir my pot up with every single time i put it down on the stove ;)

But im now just boiling up a nice batch of hobgoblin that should give me bottle anxiety, since im always short on bottles.....its ok, lucky i have 2 carboys that can buy me some time to aqcuire some bottles. (I only use glass beer bottles)
Yeah, it's the clean-up that gets me down. I wish it wasn't necessary. Perhaps I just have to look at it as part and parcel of brewing, not "work" associated with it!
Bottle anxiety is one thing I don't have. I've got about 220 glass 750ml and 60 plastic 750ml ones.... I don't think I'll ever have them all filled, unless I start doing some serious cellaring!