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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2012
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Couple of post raised red flags to me. Doing a search on google after getting into brewing I came on this site. I sure any under age teen can "read up" on how to do this stuff. But some of the first posters with trying to brew in a coke bottle with household product makes one wonder.
I wouldn't respond to any post that sounds like that. If it makes you uncomfortable, ignore it. If you think there's an underage member, or they are doing something that might be illegal, click the
and report it. If a mod thinks there's a problem, they will address it.

This type of poster and brewing is very uncommon here.
I agree... sort of.

It's not as if this forum is the only place on the Internet where you can learn to put yeast in with grain and get EtOH. Having said that, we don't need to encourage this sort of nonsense. There are two posts here today (which I'm sure are the ones that made you post this), which are fairly clearly cases of "Mom and dad are away for a week and left me home alone. Let's see if I can brew up some hooch." Of course, the grammar is so bad that you can't be 100% sure, but still.

It's best to just ask them what they are trying to accomplish and see what the reply (if any) is. I'm guessing that at least one of them used their entire functional vocabulary trying to type one incoherent word-jumble. Two in a day would cause a cerebral systems failure.
Summer is notorious for having underaged hootch makers coming on. Usually you can tell, by how they write, how they phrase things, and what they're asking about. And yes, 99% of the time, if the person is asking about fermenting table sugar with bread yeast, it's usually a red flag for me.

The first thing I do then is look at the OP's profile, a surprising number of underage posters do NOT lie about their age. If they are open about being underage, I report them, and if I am suspiscious, I report them too. Just click on the
report post button next to the quote button, and write "Hootch thread" or "Underage Poster" and most of the time the mods will check it out.
That's funny. I was thinking exactly the same thing earlier today as I've noticed 3 or 4 of these threads just in the last few days.
Yeah, so I'm thinking "this might be a kid trying to make something alcoholic" do I want to encourage that? If it keeps them from making a bomb, it's OK by me.
Grrr, yeah you're right. Besides all the other "wonderful features" :rolleyes:, this new update no longer shows a member's age.....Guess that option is moot.

Actually, it does if you go to My Account -> Control Panel -> Edit Your Details. Fill in the Birthdate, then change the Privacy dropdown from the default, "Hide Age and Date of Birth" to one of the other choices. I understand that this is not the default functionality the forum had before.

Revvy, I know you're an August birthday, so happy birthday!
I'm not sure what the law is over here in the UK but i wish i'd known how "easy" making a simple beer was when i was younger... me and my buddies could have been drinking homemade ale rather than Super Strength Lagers on a park bench..
Summer is notorious for having underaged hootch makers coming on. Usually you can tell, by how they write, how they phrase things, and what they're asking about. And yes, 99% of the time, if the person is asking about fermenting table sugar with bread yeast, it's usually a red flag for me.

The first thing I do then is look at the OP's profile, a surprising number of underage posters do NOT lie about their age. If they are open about being underage, I report them, and if I am suspiscious, I report them too. Just click on the
report post button next to the quote button, and write "Hootch thread" or "Underage Poster" and most of the time the mods will check it out.

You mean you're not a mod Revvy? *Spills coffee on himself in shock
I believe that if a minor wants to make a quality brew it's really up to their parents to enforce the law rather than those of us on the internet: The information is out there anyway. It IS however everyone's responsibility to ensure that nobody attempts to brew with bread yeast and table sugar :p
I guess my view is a product of our laws in Europe. Over here it's perfectly legal for anyone over the age of 5 to drink with parental supervision (provided you don't get your 5 year old wasted; I think social services would have something to say about that). I think a laissez faire approach is quite appropriate: An underage drinker is not necessarily irresponsible, just as a 21 year old is not automatically a responsible drinker. I guess I'm a bit biased given that I'm still a minor by American standards (legal age is 18 in UK, if you didn't know already).
I believe that if a minor wants to make a quality brew it's really up to their parents to enforce the law rather than those of us on the internet: The information is out there anyway. It IS however everyone's responsibility to ensure that nobody attempts to brew with bread yeast and table sugar :p

Sure, but if they come here asking for help we should still mock them. It's just how society ought to function, even if there weren't a legal drinking age.

If we have minors on here who are able to participate without appearing to be minors i say more power to 'em. And i say that with the confidence that such minors are exceedingly rare.

I have an older brother who used to make hooch with bread yeast and sugar water, distilled in a pressure cooker. I'm sure it was terribly nasty, especially as he was fermenting at about 80f or higher with a heating pad under a gallon jar.

He is now a fairly skilled and experienced homebrewer, whom i ask for advice from time to time, and he has never steered me wrong.

If kids wanna get drunk they will get drunk. We can't stop them, but we should still give them a hard time.
I believe that if a minor wants to make a quality brew it's really up to their parents to enforce the law rather than those of us on the internet: The information is out there anyway. It IS however everyone's responsibility to ensure that nobody attempts to brew with bread yeast and table sugar :p
I guess my view is a product of our laws in Europe. Over here it's perfectly legal for anyone over the age of 5 to drink with parental supervision (provided you don't get your 5 year old wasted; I think social services would have something to say about that). I think a laissez faire approach is quite appropriate: An underage drinker is not necessarily irresponsible, just as a 21 year old is not automatically a responsible drinker. I guess I'm a bit biased given that I'm still a minor by American standards (legal age is 18 in UK, if you didn't know already).
My take on the whole idea is this (and it's spelled out in Rule 14 pinned at the top of each forum):

14. In order to participate you must be of legal age in your location.

My spin on Pepper's post is if the parents want to allow a minor to consume, they should be the ones on HBT asking the questions - just like they would have to be the ones buying beer in the store.
on the plus side, if any teenager does try making the old table sugar and bread yeast beer, they'll probably swear off alcohol for a very long time! i thought about doing this just out of curiosity, kinda like when i thought about fermenting coca cola (haven't tried it....yet)

also, having spent a few weeks in germany when i was in high school, the attitude is so different, but not in a bad way. first day we got there was the last day of class and they had a huge party with beer, music, and water guns. one of the bigger culture shock moments in my life. kids drank, but they didn't always get wasted. they had big parties where people would get drunk, but their parents would have to pick them up to drive them home since the legal age to drive is 18.
I was speaking to my Mrs about the funny attempts that have popped up this week and the views in this thread..

when i was younger it was far easier to get hold of some weed and have a smoke than buy beers (didn't always need the cash up front either) and it makes me wonder what sort of world we live in when it's easier for a kid to get hold of drugs rather than a few cold brews??

now not wanting to sound like a hypocrite but i'd rather my kids had a few beers than getting stoned/high.
dkwolf said:
My spin on Pepper's post is if the parents want to allow a minor to consume, they should be the ones on HBT asking the questions - just like they would have to be the ones buying beer in the store.

That sounds very reasonable, actually. The hobby lends itself to parent-child bonding, judging from some of the 'child labour' photos I've seen!
That sounds very reasonable, actually. The hobby lends itself to parent-child bonding, judging from some of the 'child labour' photos I've seen!

Well, I may break a few labor laws, but it's hard to get free labor otherwise!

My son used to help me mash in, because he was a big strapping teen while I'm a petite weakling. He also used to dump my MLT, for the same reason. Now that he's grown and gone, I have to try to persuade my grandson. He's pretty useless though, to be honest. Once he's potty trained, maybe then he'll work harder. He makes an awesome "airlock blooping detector", though.

Anyway..............our rules clearly state the member must be of legal age in their state/country to participate in our forum. If you suspect underage members, click the "report this post" button and one of us will handle it.

Some of the clues are "text speak" although a few adults use it too. I mean, "how do u mk alcohol?" vs "I am researching beginning brewing" is a definite clue that the person may be underage.
MacGyver would leave out key ingredients or steps when making dangerous objects to prevent the general public from trying it. Perhaps something like this would help protect our youth!
Well, I may break a few labor laws, but it's hard to get free labor otherwise!

My son used to help me mash in, because he was a big strapping teen while I'm a petite weakling. He also used to dump my MLT, for the same reason. Now that he's grown and gone, I have to try to persuade my grandson. He's pretty useless though, to be honest. Once he's potty trained, maybe then he'll work harder. He makes an awesome "airlock blooping detector", though.

Anyway..............our rules clearly state the member must be of legal age in their state/country to participate in our forum. If you suspect underage members, click the "report this post" button and one of us will handle it.

Some of the clues are "text speak" although a few adults use it too. I mean, "how do u mk alcohol?" vs "I am researching beginning brewing" is a definite clue that the person may be underage.

... I-da-know... maybe we help them, find out where they live, and steal their beer?

I mean we would be doing a community service right?

BUT: To go to the trouble of learning, to ask questions, to have the patience to wait... I am not worried about kids like this...

Ya---- I may be being to "general" with this idea but "generally" the kids I know at the age that might do this don't want to learn, have no patience, and don't want to work hard. All needed to brew...

Then again I am thing of kids still at home, (High School) under 18-19... College Aged or working "young people" I don't worry about to much eaither...


I made a batch of wine from the cherry tree behind my house when I was about 14 and started brewing proper beer when I was 17. Kids who want to drink beer or alcohol will find a way. If you've got some moral qualms about it I understand but I would rather teach them to make a decent batch than let them screw up by adding bakers yeast to table sugar.

I wasn't some sot who just wanted to be drunk all the time either. Maybe I'm an outlier since I was taking College chemistry at 16 and holding a steady 4.0gpa but I think young home brewing prospects are probably more intelligent and mature than your average kid.

I think those who are willing to experiment with brewing are more interested in good beer rather than just getting trashed. Anyone can source a cheap 30-pack of that other stuff, but someone who is willing to research it here on the web and go through the trouble of brewing, fermenting and bottling is alright by me.
Not that I am promoting it but I am just barely 21. I started when I was 18 because making beer isn't like being a dumb drunk teen. It's science and experimentation and it's a pain in the butt unless you really like doing it. If they are going to be dumb and ask about table sugar and bread yeast boot em off, you don't have to register to ask about that. I was courteous enough to wait until my birthday to register here but I was able to find every answer I needed here and now am a knowledgeable home-brewer three years in the making promoting it to other people. So any kids reading this... If you want to get drunk off home-brew you're wasting your time, you won't be sanitary enough, you won't let it age right, you won't even know proper mixtures and you're gonna dump it anyways and it's more expensive. If you're like me... Just research, researching isn't illegal as neither is buying equipment. Just don't get yourself in trouble and don't ruin home brewing for everyone!
Not that I am promoting it but I am just barely 21. I started when I was 18 because making beer isn't like being a dumb drunk teen. It's science and experimentation and it's a pain in the butt unless you really like doing it. If they are going to be dumb and ask about table sugar and bread yeast boot em off, you don't have to register to ask about that. I was courteous enough to wait until my birthday to register here but I was able to find every answer I needed here and now am a knowledgeable home-brewer three years in the making promoting it to other people. So any kids reading this... If you want to get drunk off home-brew you're wasting your time, you won't be sanitary enough, you won't let it age right, you won't even know proper mixtures and you're gonna dump it anyways and it's more expensive. If you're like me... Just research, researching isn't illegal as neither is buying equipment. Just don't get yourself in trouble and don't ruin home brewing for everyone!

I'm proud of you!
I'd like to think that if i have a kid some day, when they are 12 or so I will get them heavily involved into a brewing process that looks and smells gross, and results in a beer that will repulse anyone who hasn't acquired a taste for it.

And give 'em a small glass.

Of course, some day they will get over that, and at that point I'd like to think I could limit 'em to one pint, when I'm home. maybe two on saturday if they mow the lawn. And I'll probably have to put a lock on the co2 feed to the kegerator or something.
I'd like to think that if i have a kid some day, when they are 12 or so I will get them heavily involved into a brewing process that looks and smells gross, and results in a beer that will repulse anyone who hasn't acquired a taste for it.

And give 'em a small glass.

Of course, some day they will get over that, and at that point I'd like to think I could limit 'em to one pint, when I'm home. maybe two on saturday if they mow the lawn. And I'll probably have to put a lock on the co2 feed to the kegerator or something.

Good luck with that. My kids hate everything brewing related. But I find empty BMC cans in the barn where they occasionally have a DJ and play beer pong. At least I don't have to worry about locking up the beer I have. They steal gas, diesel and other things from me, but beer isn't one of them.