Denver Bulk Buy #3

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I am worn out from brewing 3 batches today and now have to get cleaned up for a party....I would like to weigh in on this tomorrow though.....On another note, if any of you Denverites are going to the Broncos game tomorrow, my wife an I will be at Strange Brew at about 11:30.

Coming from you, I might have to rescind my statement about Jason. It's been a little frustrating waiting for responses from him. I understand, but it's still been frustrating.

Let me see what happens with Jason. I'll probably change my mind. It's hard to pass up the price even with the frustration.

I know I am a bit late to the game, but I would like to get in on this if it happens. I would do 100# of 2row pale. I believe that I saw that this will cost $60 plus delivery fees and that I will have to pick up on a certain date? Let me know please!
Think I'm going to pass on this. Brew Hut has Two-Row for $45, and they are responsive and treat me with respect.QUOTE]

Is that for a 50# sack? The last time I asked them about a bulk purchase, they were charging over $60.
No. I think everbody wants cheap grain, but doesn't care enough to work for it.

It also seems that people are only concerned with price instead of quality. Your base malt will make up the majority of your fermentables. I have not come across ANY North American base malt of the quality of the Colorado Malting Company. It blows the Briess, Rahr, Gambrinus, etc out of the water. The Pilsner malt is easily equal to if not better than the European Pils.

I, personally, am going to be too busy with my own business to put in the time to organize this buy. I am willing to help whoever does step up to organize it. The last group buy felt at times like herding cats. I am sure there is someone here that has the organizing skills to make it easy for them.

Business IS business. In these times, I think it is great that a small start-up company can get the demand for their product from highly respected breweries that they have to turn away small orders. Jason has certainly taken care of the homebrewers in the past. The last bulk buy, he sold to us at the lowest price he has EVER sold the grain for. Including the big orders he has sold to New Belgium and Odells.

During the last group buy, an order for a certain amount was placed. For whatever reason some people didn't show to pay for it. Dealing with a "normal" business, I would have been on the hook for paying for the grain, as I placed the order. Jason went beyond "normal" business dealings and took the abandoned grain back with him.

I hope there is someone here who does have the time and skills to put this group buy together. Country Malt Group has made it clear that they will not deal with homebrewers. They will only sell to homebrew shops. Colorado Malting Company has indicated that they will still deal with hombrewers, even though it may cost them business.

If there is someone who is willing to step up and put this together, please get in touch with either riverfrontbrewer or myself and we will give you the contact information for Colorado Malting Company.
Random thoughts that run through my head concerning this:

In my face to face dealings with Jason, he has been nothing but great

Their malt is awesome, I would def agree w Wayne on that.

When we can get great malt at half the hb store cost, I am all for it.


We (hbers) are definitely the low man on the totem pole as far as customers go. Not sure why that is deemed as "ok".

I have only met Wayne one time, but have read many of his posts and know he has lots of experience not only as a hber, but also on the commercial side of brewing as well, so nothing but respect for his views and opinions. With that said I am going to disagree, or take the other side of the arguement, on the statement about selling to us versus homebrew stores. If CMC sells us 50+ sacks of grain, but only sells a certain hb shop only 5 bags at a time, that isn't really doing us a favor, that is just a smart business move.

SO, I guess I am going to think about putting this together. Here is what will happen. I am going to send Jason an email asking him what grains he has available to offer us, when he would like to deliver, what is the best way for all of us people to prepay.

At this point I will start a new thread as the official ordering thread for this bulk buy with the first post outlining what we are being offered, delivery date, payment details, etc.

Then we will have x amount of time to get this organized and paid for pre-delivery. When you place your order you will pm me your HBT user name, real name, and phone number. Keep in mind the delivery will likely be in the Park Meadows mall area, on a weekday, in the middle of the day.

What say you-


Thank you for the compliments. My take on the whole situation is not as a brewer but as a small businessman. I have been on both sides of the issue professionally and that is what I am basing my arguments on.

My thoughts for CMC are based on his selling to breweries, not homebrew stores. New Belgium and Odells are ordering 20,000 lb quantities at a time. That would be my priority to filling orders, if I owned the company, even over a couple of pallets of various bagged malt.

I will be happy to help you out with the order, but my time is limited. I have my own orders to fill. ;)

I was in on the last buy and will gladly do so again...min 100# of pale, and 50# pils, possibly more...just waiting for the final costs and instructions and I'll confirm my order...

Thanks to Wayne1 and riverfrontbrewer for getting this in motion!
Random thoughts that run through my head concerning this:

In my face to face dealings with Jason, he has been nothing but great

Their malt is awesome, I would def agree w Wayne on that.

When we can get great malt at half the hb store cost, I am all for it.


We (hbers) are definitely the low man on the totem pole as far as customers go. Not sure why that is deemed as "ok".

I have only met Wayne one time, but have read many of his posts and know he has lots of experience not only as a hber, but also on the commercial side of brewing as well, so nothing but respect for his views and opinions. With that said I am going to disagree, or take the other side of the arguement, on the statement about selling to us versus homebrew stores. If CMC sells us 50+ sacks of grain, but only sells a certain hb shop only 5 bags at a time, that isn't really doing us a favor, that is just a smart business move.

SO, I guess I am going to think about putting this together. Here is what will happen. I am going to send Jason an email asking him what grains he has available to offer us, when he would like to deliver, what is the best way for all of us people to prepay.

At this point I will start a new thread as the official ordering thread for this bulk buy with the first post outlining what we are being offered, delivery date, payment details, etc.

Then we will have x amount of time to get this organized and paid for pre-delivery. When you place your order you will pm me your HBT user name, real name, and phone number. Keep in mind the delivery will likely be in the Park Meadows mall area, on a weekday, in the middle of the day.

What say you-



I highlighted that so could see it this time! :D
Z-what they have avail seems to change a bit, so I am not going to try to guess at this point....I have sent him an email and will report back as soon as he responds.
I'm down for a sack of pils if it happens to be available. Not sure what the deal is with their pils, but it seems like its been sold out for months.
Thanks for putting this together Chris.

I'll be in for something depending on how the logistics work out. Also, I'm new to all grain so this is a great opportunity to get some quality grains on the cheap.

Looks like quite a few people are lurking on this thread so there should be more than enough for a decent sized order.
It also seems that people are only concerned with price instead of quality. Your base malt will make up the majority of your fermentables. I have not come across ANY North American base malt of the quality of the Colorado Malting Company. It blows the Briess, Rahr, Gambrinus, etc out of the water. The Pilsner malt is easily equal to if not better than the European Pils.

Didn't mean to upset anybody. Just stating that there is a lot of interest (in cheap HIGH QUALITY grain), but not many have the time/motivation to put it together. That was my situation.

Thanks Chris. I can definetely help your bill go down a little if you make this happen!

I would guess we will be in the 4,000 lb range by the time it's all said and done.....I told Jason 3,000 for a delivery quote, then we'll go from there.

Hopefully I will hear from him tonight or this weekend.
