Forgot to say welcome aboard RampantOctopus! Good questions, unsure I can provide clear answers during these unprecedented times but will try (as an aside, I welcome a return of precedence and not hearing the word "unprecedented" for a very long time).
Past orders have ranged from 10-15 sacks total to a couple of pallets. You can order a small quantity of grain, such as 5# or 10#, as part of a split which is tracked through our ordering site. For example, few need a 55# sack of Blackprinz but you can start a split for 10#. If other people pick up the remaining 45# then we add it to the order, split it up onsite, and distribute. Since this involves opening bags, weighing, and repackaging there's a lot of hands-on and we would need to clear this with the team at 3 Stars. Ordering whole sacks and doing curb-side pickup might be possible, although I need to get approval from the brewery, but unsure how everyone in the group feels about that limitation. If you only need base malts then it would likely be acceptable but if you mostly get 5-10# splits then it might be best to support your LHBS.
I'll need base malt soon myself and the price at my LHBS are, unfortunately, double what we get from 3 Stars.