Cyser tasting off (acetic)

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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2015
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It got a little more headspace than I usually allow (sitting at the "gallon" written mark vs higher up the neck) and I'm noticing a slight acetic finish now where there wasn't one previously. It wasn't clear and still running hot so I was just going to age until it was where I wanted.

Had to move all meads for a big party and just let them be where they are since the conditions are the same in the 2 areas, one is more convenient for brewing but there they were in the way. Possible it aerated on move and then the headspace didn't help. No signs of infection. Still get the apple taste and cinnamon, still hot but getting that slight honey now acetic finish.

Thinking rack it and backsweeten (already had done sulfite) before giving up and pushing the vinegar. Friend had similar with a berry that he put into cold crash so I'm thinking that also.

Anyone else have suggestions? First cyser so really hate to lose then 2nd gallon. I ran a 2 gallon batch and split it to 2 batches thinking the one was going to be too overpowering on spice/apple and the other one would be better with half the ingredients... it was crap lol. No tweaks were fixing it, just got worse and worse. This one's been great until this issue.
How much time are we talking about? I've had ciders in secondary with a lot of headspace for a couple of weeks and never encountered oxidation issues. Though I'm not sure what you mean by "acetic".
Over a month easy on the headspace, 2 weeks since it got moved. But it was fine prior to moving and I've been letting it clear so really hadn't been trying to mess with it since moving. Been working this one since November =/ really hate to lose it.

Acetic as in vinegary, acetic acid or sharp not Acidic as in clean, sour/flavor from low pH or from malic, lactic, gluconic or citric acids.

Best way I can describe it is cyser with a slight apple cider vinegar note at the end. It's not in your face but it's enough for me to taste it. It's a bad finish right now I can't say tannic but it has that puckering effect.
No floaters or fruit flies.

Airlock was good and tight, water level fine also... so I don't see that as what caused it.

The only difference really is upstairs they're in direct light part of the day so they stay covered with towels, down here they're in a dark closet so I hadn't been keeping them under towels. So I'm moving everything back to the original location and checking all gravities, flavor profiles and getting them back under towels. I don't need 5 additional gallons to skunk on me. (so far moscow and blueberry are Killer since they got moved and checked yesterday, just have 3 more to worry on)

With this one, I talked it out with a friend that suggested a rescue before I give up. They had similar with a berry/pomegranate melomel so we fixed the volume issue with concentrate and honey backsweeten and used potassium bicarbonate so far. Made sure the honey/concentrate were the same temp as the cyser so it combined pretty nicely, not sure if it's settled differently overnight.

I know they went onto cold stabilize with potassium bitartrate and it was able to be saved so I'm hoping. Need to go move the fridge around just in case and then check and see where we are. I'm doubtful it can be saved but crossing my fingers and if not.... it may be a while before I try to go with a cyser again.
No dice on this one. Going into cold it actually got more pronounced on the vinegar so that one's done. It got sweeter but more of an acrid vinegar note where it's pretty offensive so it was worth a shot.
Bummer indeed. I'd be concerned about the cause of that, just for the sake of learning what not to do again. Root cause / corrective action etc.
Also, maybe set a gallon aside and see if you get some awesome vinegar as a booby prize.
Did bottle half of it but it was really not something at this point I'd consider using. Maybe in a couple of months, we'll see. Not sure when I'll try going with cyser again, maybe when my on deck list is emptying out. Or after we move since I'll have more equipment then.
I made cider, and cyser, in September and October last year and pressed the juice from apples I foraged. Those apples were crawling with fruit flies which made me think there was a danger of it turning into vinegar. It's March now, I drank a bottle last night and it didn't taste like vinegar to me which makes me more optimistic. Could well be ascetic acid in there, though, deprived of oxygen.