Cloudy wine

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Mar 14, 2021
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I recently brewed a BlackBerry wine fermentation has stopped it cleared quite nicely so, I racked the wine in to a clean sanitized demijohn to clear further before bottling since racking it hasn't cleared (it did cloud up when racking ) how can I clear it so I can bottle it I have tasted it all seems fine your help will be much appreciated I am as you can tell a bit of a newbie
I agree with the degassing, which could keep the final pesky bits floating about in suspension, but thought I’d throw another thought in if it helps.

I came across an issue with a handful of wines staying cloudy - or in some cases getting worse - after racking. I am always careful not to agitate the lees and more often wiling to loose some wine in an effort to stay clear of the dregs while siphoning.

At one point, I had several wines in a row get cloudy after having no issues with this for a long time. I stumbled on a recommendation to avoid using old KMETA (which I was using). I was skeptical because I was not able to find any info on why old campden tablets might cloud wine but I tried it never-the-less. I bought new tablets and had no issues since.

Admittedly, I did not try verifying the theory - possibly splitting a wine in 2 using new and old tablets to see the result - but, anecdotally, this worked for me.

I do not recall if or how my cloudy wines cleared at this point. But something to keep in mind.

Also, if anyone has any info on why this might occur OR if they can refute this observation, I’d appreciate it.