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Glenn and I went to see Jeff today. At first, he wasn't very talkative, but he did ask who we were. Glenn and I both said our names, and he said "hi", in a very quiet whisper. He couldn't open his eyes just yet, and it took him a while to get them open, but he was alert enough to answer a few questions, nodding and shaking his head, and give facial expressions.

About an hour after our arrival, he woke up, opened his eyes, looked around, and started talking. It was very hard to hear him at times, but there were some very clear signs that his sarcastic muscle works very well. He tried raising his right hand to his face, and Glenn asked him if he was working on his 12 oz curl, and Jeff said, "No, 16".

I also asked him if he remembered me telling him to flip Paul off, but he shook his head and said "Why?"

I said "Because it's Paul".

He smiled. That's the Jeff I know.

Finally, a guy came in and said it's time for bed. We said our goodbyes, and Jeff thanked us for coming in.

It's great to see the progress he's made. He's gonna be back soon.
I went and saw him for about an hour last night. He's stringing a lot more words together although not all of them are making sense. He's forming perfect sentences but he was arguing with me about what day it was and then was telling me how he'll "probably only be here another day or so".

The positive there is that he's well past the "yes" and "no" answers he has been giving up until just a few days ago. He knew my first name and last name but when I asked him if he remembered you guys being there earlier in the day, he said no.

In the guy from RI that contracted EEE, his short term memory was the last thing to come back so I'm not shocked he didn't remember you guys being there. I'm sure he doesn't remember me being there now either.

As we've said a million times... it's all baby-steps forward and as long as each step IS actually forward, I think we should be encouraged.
This is all very encouraging and inspiring. I hope everyone is taking good notes so a book can be wrote in the end. I know many people will find a book not just entertaining, but hope-giving as well. I know I'd buy a copy! Think about rights to a TV movie even!
I've been following intently, I'm glad to hear the progress.
I had an awesome visit with Jeff today. When I arrived he was sitting in a wheelchair and had just returned from Occupational Therapy. His therapist said he did a great job and that he had Speech Therapy at 1 and Occupational Therapy at 2:00 PM. He was awake and alert. I asked him how he was doing. He responded in a pretty loud voice with “pretty good.” I got to spend the next hour and a half with him one on one. We were able to have a real conversation. I was able to hear and understand almost everything he was saying. Although he had a couple times where either I couldn’t understand what he was saying or what he was saying didn’t quite fit into the conversation. But overall he was doing great.

I told him I was dragging his ass to the National Homebrew Convention in June in San Diego. I asked him if it was OK and he said. “Yeah that’s OK.” So I told him he needed to brew something and enter it into the Nationals, and I said it would be great if he won it this time. He said, “that would be nice.”

I asked him what we should brew. “Bass.” I said, we should brew a Bass clone? “Yeah, a Bass clone.” What else should we brew I asked. “Maybe a Porter or something like that.” I said, maybe we should brew your Baltic Porter, that was a good one. “Yeah, Baltic Porter sounds good.” I told him that wouldn’t be a problem, but he had to keep up the hard work and himself the hell out of there. “Yeah, I know.”

We talked a little more about the brew club and brewing. Then his wife and her Dad showed up. She asked Jeff to look and see who she had with her. “Who’s this Jeff?” He responded with “The brewmaster?” “No Jeff, look at him, who is he?” He said some other name which I didn’t understand. Finally she told him it was her Dad. She brought up a story about not knowing that her Dad swore until Jeff told her about them golfing together. She asked if he remembered golfing with her Dad and he said, “a couple of times.” Her Dad mentioned that he did it because golfing was a frustrating game. Jeff smiled and nodded and said “these things happen.”

Then it was time for his Speech Therapy. I don’t know why they call it that. The therapist asked him a series of questions that she asks each day and they grade the responses on a scale. Today he scored two points higher than yesterday. She then fed him some ice chips, asked him some more questions and fed him some applesauce. He did great with both of them. Then she asked if he wanted to try feeding himself. She asked if he was a righty or a lefty. He responded, “righty, lefty, either way.”
He was able to feed himself with his left hand and need some help with the right. She told hos wife that she would notify his nurses that she could feed him ice chips whenever he wanted. She asked Jeff if he liked chocolate pudding, his response was calm, quiet, “yes.” Then she asked if he liked mashed potatoes, a resounding “YES!” was his answer. Looks like he’s only a few days away from real food.

All in all it was a great visit. I’m really thrilled with his progress from just a few weeks ago. Word is that he’s been green lighted to continue his rehab, at least for now.

I know the holiday season is in full swing and we all have a lot going on, but please take a little time to keep Jeff and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for the update. Sounds like solid progress is being made.
Then she asked if he wanted to try feeding himself. She asked if he was a righty or a lefty. He responded, “righty, lefty, either way.”

From what I've heard he uses both hands to feed himself often.

Glad to hear that he's doing better and the continued rehab has been green lighted. As always, I'll keep Jeff and his family in my thoughts and prayers.
I know the holiday season is in full swing and we all have a lot going on, but please take a little time to keep Jeff and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Just a thought here....

Like Frank said, it's the holidays, and we all have PLENTY going on now. Along with keeping Babalu in our thoughts and prayers, maybe send a little money if we have it left over.

I know PTN did a Masstoberfest, complete with raffle/fundraiser for him. They raised a good deal of money for the family and the expenses. It is Christmas, though. At the risk of sounding completely Amway-ish, if we can even give $5 or $10 to the cause it might make the Babalu family's Christmas a little better. I'm sure Christmas is gonna suck around their house. It'd be nice if we, as fellow homebrewers, could make it suck a little less.
Just a thought here....

Like Frank said, it's the holidays, and we all have PLENTY going on now. Along with keeping Babalu in our thoughts and prayers, maybe send a little money if we have it left over.

I know PTN did a Masstoberfest, complete with raffle/fundraiser for him. They raised a good deal of money for the family and the expenses. It is Christmas, though. At the risk of sounding completely Amway-ish, if we can even give $5 or $10 to the cause it might make the Babalu family's Christmas a little better. I'm sure Christmas is gonna suck around their house. It'd be nice if we, as fellow homebrewers, could make it suck a little less.

Not a bad idea!
A friend of ours asked me to forward this:

update 12/19

We had an awsome visit with Jeff yesterday. When we arrived he was in the soloriam sitting up in his wheelchair watching the colts game and looking around at the million dollar view of Boston and all the circling roadways and traffic.

Jeff was fully awake the whole time eyes wide open. He was very responsive to questions. He was very clear speaking some times, other times it was difficult to understand him. He was moving both arms and squeezing a pillow.

We talked about getting him better to go camping. He responded clearly (That would be good)

I asked him if he was looking forward to Christmas. He responded clearly (Next Year)

He told me he wants to go home.

At one point his nurse Nicole came in and Jeff tried to tell her something but it was not clear. She told him to take his time that she was listening. He repeated again but we still could not make it out. When she left the room he said to Mamie and I very clearly (she can't hear anything ) in a frustrated funny sarcastic tone. It made me see that good ole Jeff still has his personality intact. It was great to see.

The Therapists are working to gain strength in his legs. They gradually stand him upright and let his feet touch the floor to feel some weight. Working toward getting him to be strong enough to support his weight.

He seamed to be trying to move his right arm to get more motion out of it.

I told him it is hard work all the physical therapy. (he said yes)
I told him to keep up the good work.

Jeff was wide awake eyes open from when his parents and Maureen arrived in Am and still wanted to sit in his chair in his room when we left after the colts game after 4. We asked if he wanted to get into bed
to get some rest and he told us (No)

He said "bye" when we left

It was such a positive uplifting visit to see the improvements.

The prayers are working keep them up.
This is spectacular news. It sounds very promising for him, but I do have a question. I understand that there is still quite a bit of progress to see in the near future, but how much chance is there that he will have some kind of permanent "damage" (couldn't think of an appropriate word)?
While I agree with PTN. Jeff's doctors have recently said , that judging from his progress thus far, they see no reason that he shouldn't make a full recovery.
While I agree with PTN. Jeff's doctors have recently said , that judging from his progress thus far, they see no reason that he shouldn't make a full recovery.

That's what I was hoping to hear.

PTN, I wasn't trying to bring any bad vibes or anything to the situation, but it does kind of help to know what exactly you are hoping for. I don't exactly pray, but if I can send good thoughts toward Babalu, then I'd like to know what it is that I'm asking for.
I can't imagine going though what he's gone though. The illness. The aftereffects he's experiencing now. Then to come out of it and continue on as you were before. It's a life changer. He'll have a good story for those times when you get drunk and wax philosophical. Glad he's going to have that opportunity.
Atta boy! I hope his recovery takes off like a rocket from this point. Let him know he's got folks all over the country pulling for him!
Not to make any real comparison, but we are fostering a kitten that came down with Encephalitis about 2 months ago (wife is a vet). Poor guy was paralyzed from the neck down and wasting away.

Now only 8 weeks later he is scampering around like a normal kitten, getting the use of his back legs more every day. Each day I see him improve I think of Jeff and send out positive thoughts. I'm really glad to hear he continues to improve.
Well, kittens do love tuna fish, after all.

WEnt over to see Jeff today and PaulTheNurse had apparently beat me there by a few minutes. They had Jeff down in the physical therapy room, between these parallel bars having him try to stand up. I had just missed it but they apparently got him to stand about 2/3rds of the way up by himself.... and he did that two or three times. I guess it was the first time they have tried to do this with him so it was yet another small step forward.

Jeff continues to have what I was calling "moments of clarity" where he will talk and make perfect sense and remember things reasonably well. Other times he talks a bit of jibberish and doesn't make a lot of sense. Jeff's father was there while PTN and I were there and he mentioned that the doctors said is "normal" for what Jeff is going through. The doctors were saying that what is going on is that Jeff's brain is super active, trying to sort things out and every once in a while it is almost like he gets radio static in his brain and it comes out as jibberish.

As long as his "moments of clarity" continue to come more often and for longer periods of time (which they are) this is normal and good progress..
Thanks for the update, Cape. Tell'em to keep up the good work. Jeff and his family will be in my thoughts and prayers this holiday season.
I brought a bottle of the Duchess over to Jeff yesterday. Like Cape said, Jeff was working hard and it showed. He was pretty beat after his exercise time. We brought him into the solarium and I told him I had a present for him but he couldn't have it until he stood up all the way. I handed him the bottle of Duchess and he was pretty clearly excited by that. His mother e-mailed me this morning and told me how she noticed how excited it seemed to make him. We agreed that everyone does better if there are carrots to strive for. Hopefully we'll be busting that bottle open soon.

Bummer about the minor infection. Thank goodness it's only minor though. Thanks for the update. Put that bottle on the other side of the room and make him walk to it.
Jeff is temporarily back at MGH. He has an infection and there was a question of wether he was having some small seizures. He should have not issues going back to Spaulding after this minor setback has resolved.


Thankfully, they don't think it was seizures at this point. His med levels are back in line and he should be transferred back to Spaulding today.
Jeff is finally back to Spaulding, no thanks to Blue Cross. They decided to delay things again.
Good to hear, Frank. Well, at least the part where he's back where he should be. Damn insurance companies...

Paul, I'll be visiting him tomorrow, I'm gonna make him walk over to that bottle of Duchess, open it, and pour us a drink. I guess I should bring some glasses...
Paul, I'll be visiting him tomorrow, I'm gonna make him walk over to that bottle of Duchess, open it, and pour us a drink. I guess I should bring some glasses...

You'll do anything to sleaze yourself a glass of the Duchess, won't you?

You do know that you can actually BUY that stuff, right?
