Are we a bunch of tightwads?

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McCall St. Brewer said:
My wife just bought a new camera and two lenses. We felt that we got a good deal when we paid just under $700 for it.

<----- uber cheapskate!
cha ngo said:

<----- uber cheapskate!
Me thinks you haven't priced out a Nikon D200 and a couple of IS lenses lately ! And yes, I absolutely have to have 5 fps. I need to capture a few images of our cat in full motion. Otherwise they don't look good on the fridge.

We recently spent a wad on camera equipment. Just like we did 8 years ago. The images we have are priceless. When its all said and done, you have 2 things. Memories and pictures.

One more thing. Our DSLR has paid for itself in what we didn't spend processing film. Our shot count went through the roof when we got a digital SLR. Nobody would have complained if we had spent that money on film. We should feel guilty for spending it on hardware that saves $$$ every time we use it, to say nothing of the better pictures and the stuff that doesn't end up in the landfill ?

BTW: I've as cheap as the next guy.
I refuse to admit how much I've spent... but brewing is just about my only outlet (besides my wife, heh) with my crazy work schedule and two young children. So its no big deal. Plus, I haven't really started talking about phase two of my garage brewery yet...
brewman ! said:
When its all said and done, you have 2 things. Memories and pictures.

BTW: I've as cheap as the next guy.
You should see the movie Memento.
Also, buying the good stuff for a low price qualifies as cheap in my book. My tounge was in my cheek when I replied.:mug:
brewman ! said:
You guys are confusing capital investment with operating costs. You have a capital investment ratio of $2.50 per beer brewed. Nothing wrong with that because the equipment you've purchased is a long life asset and will withstand many, many years of brewing.

What you guys are doing is like buying a new car, driving it to the grocery store and saying it cost $5,000 per mile !

What you need to do consider is your return on capital. How many beers did you brew and how much did you save on them ? Then, take the savings and divide them by the capital employed.

So Yuri brewed 75 gallons. That's 852 beers. And he saved 75 cents a beer or $639. He has spent $2.50 per beer on capital equipment. His ROC is 75 cents/ $2.50 or 30%. That's a darn good ROI ! That's an after tax return as well ! And he will get that return year after year, for as long as he brews. Its darn hard to match that return in the stock market year after year.

See... we should all sell our investments and buy brewing equipment ! *laughs


The first salmon I caught cost me thirty thousand bucks (price of my boat and gear) after that its the price of gas and bait for the day ($10).

The first beer I drank that I made myself cost me about 400 bucks, the next 15 gallons cost me about 65 bucks.
brewman ! said:
You guys are confusing capital investment with operating costs. You have a capital investment ratio of $2.50 per beer brewed. Nothing wrong with that because the equipment you've purchased is a long life asset and will withstand many, many years of brewing.

What you guys are doing is like buying a new car, driving it to the grocery store and saying it cost $5,000 per mile !

What you need to do consider is your return on capital. How many beers did you brew and how much did you save on them ? Then, take the savings and divide them by the capital employed.

So Yuri brewed 75 gallons. That's 852 beers. And he saved 75 cents a beer or $639. He has spent $2.50 per beer on capital equipment. His ROC is 75 cents/ $2.50 or 30%. That's a darn good ROI ! That's an after tax return as well ! And he will get that return year after year, for as long as he brews. Its darn hard to match that return in the stock market year after year.

See... we should all sell our investments and buy brewing equipment ! *laughs

Well, if you want to get into accountant-speak, you're ignoring opportunity cost.
Looking at it as capital is as silly as looking at it as being an expense. When you get right down to it, it's about opportunity cost. I could've taken that $400 and gotten myself a couple of hookers instead. But I didn't. I brewed beer. Do I have some "capital" assets? Yeah, I guess, but is it significant? Really now... what's a used turkey fryer worth? twenty bucks? I paid fifty for it.

The assets are depreciated as hell. But it's all about opportunity cost... that's where the little man should set his sights... minimizing opportunity cost to things he enjoys... such as beer.
Brewpastor said:
The nice thing about brewing, as opposed to photograghy, is that are equiment, while specific, does not have to be exact in the way a lens or shutter does. So a piece of roadside trash that fits the bill is as good as one you buy.

That reminds me, the other day I saw an empty five gallon water bottle on the side of the highway on my way to work. Is it bad that I seriously considered stopping to pick it up?

How's that for being tightwad? Or is that being frugal?

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