An intro and question

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2011
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FNG here, and loving every minute of it. I've lurked around here for a little while and the site has been extremely useful. The openness of the home brewing community has been great and I thank you all for sharing.

I brewed my first AG batch two weeks ago (first batch overall), and needless to say, I'm hooked. After a few months of reading and research, I decided to dump some money into building my own all grain system, which seems to have worked very well. What can I say, as an engineer I just need it to be complicated. Brings me back to my days in the lab.

I started with a simple American Pale Ale (little bit of crystal 40 and 80 in there for color, 90 min boil, Columbus to bitter, Cascade for aroma). I figured sticking with something I know well taste wise will help me judge the outcome. The brew has been happily fermenting away with White Labs WPL002 for 2 weeks. I took a gravity sample last night and I'm down to 1.010, which is my target FG, from 1.049 OG. I figure another week in the primary and I'll bottle it up. My question is, there appears to still be Krausen on the top of the beer. It has fallen down quite a bit from it's high point, but I'd like to get get it to fall out to the yeast cake so that I don't have lots of floaters when I bottle. Would a gentle stir and a cold crash before bottling help this? Right now, the beer is quite tasty, but I'm sure some carbonation and a few weeks to take the edge off will make it excellent!
Give it a 3rd week. It'll clean up it's by products of fermentation & settle out more. It'll have a cleaner flavor that way as well. The krausen may well drop by then. Mine does,but your milage may vary...:mug:
Thanks for the advice guys. It'll probably sit for the 3rd week plus another half, as we're going to the In-Laws for Xmas. The waiting game continues!
No worries,m8. Time & patience are rewarded when it comes to brewing. So go have some quality time with the family & let the yeasties do their trick.:mug:

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