Added second half of LME after pitch.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
Reaction score
San Antonio
So I brewed an Arrogant Bastard clone last night and all was going well until I realized, after pitching the yeast, that I had forgotten to add the other half of my LME at flameout. The only thing I could think to do was to just add it to the bucket and stir it in vigorously. Should I be concerned or will it turn out fine?
in terms of fermenting it should be fine. did you boil it in a little bit of water to sanitize it first?
jester5120 said:
in terms of fermenting it should be fine. did you boil it in a little bit of water to sanitize it first?

No, only because I already had almost 5.5 gallons of wort in the bucket.
I always thought everything had to go into the boil until I started watching people on youtube just mixing extracts in there primaries with hot water from the stove. Guess it works:confused:.
noooooooooo.......well, hopefully there weren't too many nasties in the LME.....otherwise this batch might well get infected. hope your yeast are ready for the fight of their lives.
I always thought everything had to go into the boil until I started watching people on youtube just mixing extracts in there primaries with hot water from the stove. Guess it works:confused:.

key words....."HOT WATER FROM THE STOVE". He basically just dumped LME...possibly not sterile....right into the fermenter before active fermentation had began. Next time bro....treat it as a stepped feeding regiment, where you add the LME (after pasteurization of course) once the activity has already begun. Case and point....DFH 120-min.
mcaple1 said:
key words....."HOT WATER FROM THE STOVE". He basically just dumped LME...possibly not sterile....right into the fermenter before active fermentation had began. Next time bro....treat it as a stepped feeding regiment, where you add the LME (after pasteurization of course) once the activity has already begun. Case and point....DFH 120-min.

Nice, I didn't think I could do this. Oh well, I guess I'll see what happens.
If it was sealed till dumping it in,it should be alright. If nasties were in the LME,it'd have this milky sort of funk on top. Saw it on youtube once,& it sorta looked like an enzyme. And those videos of dumping it in the fermenter,then boiled water is how cooper's instructions say to do it.
I did that the 1st time only. Just seemed bloody backwards to me. So I bought the nested ss stock pots & never looked back. I add half a 3lb bag of plain DME to the BK for hop additions. Then the remaining DME & LME at flame out. It's still plenty hot enough at that point to sanitize it all.
key words....."HOT WATER FROM THE STOVE". He basically just dumped LME...possibly not sterile....right into the fermenter before active fermentation had began. Next time bro....treat it as a stepped feeding regiment, where you add the LME (after pasteurization of course) once the activity has already begun. Case and point....DFH 120-min.

Uh....LME is unlikely to be infected. It is most pasteurized at the factory, and the sugar content is WAAAAYYY too high for anything to grow in it.
urbanmyth said:
Uh....LME is unlikely to be infected. It is most pasteurized at the factory, and the sugar content is WAAAAYYY too high for anything to grow in it.

I hope this is true!
Uh....LME is unlikely to be infected. It is most pasteurized at the factory, and the sugar content is WAAAAYYY too high for anything to grow in it.

Basically my thoughts. It's pasteurized at the plant when sealed in the container. So as long as the seal integrity is good,it's safe.
Uh....LME is unlikely to be infected. It is most pasteurized at the factory, and the sugar content is WAAAAYYY too high for anything to grow in it.

Agree...I think your beer will be fine. Some people top off with tap water with no problems. What you did is no worse than that IMO. Probably not as bad. Keep us posted how it turns out.
Basically my thoughts. It's pasteurized at the plant when sealed in the container. So as long as the seal integrity is good,it's safe.

Not only that, but there are no creatures, nasties or otherwise, that can survive in that much sugar. It's one of the main reasons honey keeps for thousands of years.
that's my point....the LME could have stuff on it.....I'm not saying he's dumping in wild yeast by the boatload. it will most likely turn out fine, but to just be safe, I think it is best to at the very least pasteurize the LME again before dumping it in your wort. I dont think Jamil Z and John Palmer would both agree that you should put late addition LME with 15 minutes left in the boil to ensure sanitization just for the hell of it if you could just toss it in cold with the cooled wort. Not saying it won't work, but if it ain't broke....
when he pours the LME out of whatever container it is in, the LME might be ok, but if it picks up any nasties on its trip into the fermenter from the edge/lip of the container, that's a different story....hence why you pasteurize the LME. Either way, like I keep on saying....he's probably fine.
you should be fine. worst case scenario is there is a slight off flavor or you'll die. basically no worries tho. I do late sugar additions all the time and i only boil in water if it's a powder and that's just so It's easier to introduce into the wort. let us know how awesome it is when its done or we'll all assume you died.