A few Q's

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Feb 19, 2007
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Topeka, Kansas
Alright, first of all, I am new here, Ive been reading a while but never posted.

Heres my situation. I bought a Mr. Beer Kit. I have 2 2.5 gallon kegs brewing right now. I have about 6 gallons sitting in 1 lieter PET bottles at room temp. (69-75 F)
I also have about 2 gallons in my fridge (28-32 F)

My beer in my fridge was good at first, but it seems like half of my bottles lost their carbonation for some reason. I think it may be because of the cold temps in the fridge, but I may be wrong. Any opinions on this?

Second, how long should I keep my beer in the bottles before moving it to my refridgerator?

Mr Beer states that the shelf like for this beer is about 4 months. I am assuming that this is true, anyone have any info on drinking HB's that are over 4 months old?

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
Keep your brew out of the fridge until its carbonated the way you like it...Then cold condition in the fridge...... Keep your fermentation temps down to 68 but no more than 70F. During fermentation it generates heat....as the fermentation slows you can leave at 70? Most dont realize how much heat can be genterated through an active ferment...Good luck
I drank some of my dads homebrews the other day that were almost 9 years old, still tasted fine
I'm pretty new to this also but here's what I've learned, FWIW.

You want to bottle condition your beer for at least 3 weeks before moving it to the fridge. If you put it in the fridge too soon the cold will stop the carbonation process.

If it seems like your beer is losing carbonation it could just be that since it's cold more CO2 is being held in suspension in the beer, in which case it'll be fine. If you're conditioning in soda bottles, make sure the caps are screwed on as tight as possible.

As for shelf life, everything I've read on this forum has said that HBs not only last well over 4 months but will actually get better w/ age.

Just my $.02, hope it helps:mug:
since your Mr Beer system will generate CO2 during primary fermentation, let it go for a few days longer (I'm not sure what the directions state) at least until one week. If you have a hydrometer, get a reading, if not, move it to the fridge about two to three days after it stops bubbling. The cold temps of your fridge will help the beer to absorb the CO2 in yout keg fermenter. After about five days, your beer (fluid) should have a decent amount of natural carb.

Now, at this point, you can transfer for greater clarity and then add some corn sugar and bottle for further carbonation but in the very least, don't waste the helpful CO2 that builds in your fermenter, let it absorb into the beer by cold conditioning it for a few days.
I have done a bunch of those recipes in the past. I would that I let it sit and ferment for about 2.5 weeks for best taste, then after bottling, it needs about 3 weeks for really good carbination. The pet bottles that come with it will get ROCK hard. Then fridge until you are ready to drink. Oh, and if you buy another one, get at least the recipes that come with 2 cans instead of the "booster". That stuff make sit taste like crap! And get some dextrose (corn sugar) to bottle with to get that sugar taste out.
I think 28-32 is way to cold.I am surprised they are not frozen. You will loose some of carbonation at those temps plus when really cold they will not taste as good if they were around 50°.
I was thinking that my fridge was to cold also. But no, they were not frozen, nor did the beer have ice floaties in it. I did turn it down a it.

I am going to take your advice and keep 'em outta the fridge for at least 3 weeks. With my first few atches I was overly excited toget a taste of my freshly brewed beer. Now I drink 1 bottle for QA and let the rest set in the closet.

Thanks for everyones response!

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
Kayos said:
I have done a bunch of those recipes in the past. I would that I let it sit and ferment for about 2.5 weeks for best taste, then after bottling, it needs about 3 weeks for really good carbination. The pet bottles that come with it will get ROCK hard. Then fridge until you are ready to drink. Oh, and if you buy another one, get at least the recipes that come with 2 cans instead of the "booster". That stuff make sit taste like crap! And get some dextrose (corn sugar) to bottle with to get that sugar taste out.

I agree, I quit using the booster and started using the UME. It makes a much better beer!