11am and stil drunk

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yeah, imagine having a spliting headache and cotton mouth off of english lager. with a fighter doing and afterburner shot about 15 ft away from you... it really sucks..... if ever i wanted to commit suicide that was the day.....
Back in my navy days, there was always a quart of Tang on the ready after a big night. I drank some whenever I got up to pay the rent. Nasty stuff, but it got the sugar and water back into my system. I suppose a non-caffeinated "sports drink" would do the same think.

Not saying it was a cure, but it helped.
I get hung over really easily- I'm not a robust guy. Gatorade is the best solution I've found. I quart of that, and then water.
Good thing was it was not a hangover just still drunk.
But yeah gatorade and water plus just something to eat make it much better.
I get hung over really easily- I'm not a robust guy. Gatorade is the best solution I've found. I quart of that, and then water.

I dont get hungover hardly ever but gatorade is the best solution when I do. The worst are afternoon/evening hangovers. Those I get fairly often. I start drinking really early but stop around 2 or 3 then by 7 im hungover.
Usually if you're still drunk at noon the next day the correct solution is to start drinkiing again. Then you can pass out early, sleep for 12-16 hours and wake up not quite so hungover.
Usually if you're still drunk at noon the next day the correct solution is to start drinkiing again. Then you can pass out early, sleep for 12-16 hours and wake up not quite so hungover.

I generally wait a few hours and make it as long as I can then sleep a ton.

Bump though because it has happened again.
I can never "hair of the dog" it. I kinda get beer shy for a couple of hours. Like the worst thing in the world would be for me to have another beer. I usually only get a hangover once a year or so though.
tied a good one on in NY once while at a ski resort, by the time we got to the hotel I was so hungry ate a whole big bag of fig newtons and hour later puked them all back up, have not had one since can't even look at them.
Hair of the dog requires more than just beer for some folks. I usually like to lead in to it with a 5 hour energy shot or 2 BC powders just to be sure. If I'm at the beach I can do it with a beer funnel and some good ole American light beer. Of course I'm deranged. I do a lot of things on a regular basis that regular folks shy from. Usually because there's a 50/50 shot of landing in a hospital and/or jail.
My routine works pretty well. If I have an idea that its going to turn into one of "those nights" I put bottles of water all over especially where I think I may pass out. I usually remember to chug two or 3 before I crash and having them all over usually reminds me. Then when I wake up I chug more water and eat a few Aleve. If I'm still drunk I do the same and stand by for a really crappy day, unless of course I can just drink more.

Side note: I've come to the conclusion that drunk sleep doesn't count. I feel like ass when I wake up. But a little nap after the initial wake-up and I feel a whole lot better, even if its just an hour. I know I have one of "those nights" coming up tomorrow, brew day batch #2! I'm considering setting the alarm for 3 hours or so earlier than I need to get up to see if I can beat the system. thoughts?
I did that a couple weeks ago. All I had to do the next day was to trim a couple hedges out front. I went outside to a 90F+ day, bent over to pick up a couple branches on the ground and puked everywhere. Decided the hedges could wait another day.