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  1. P

    Fruit and Spice Beer Spiced Cherry Dubbel

    I did indeed, bottled it about a week and a half ago. Little worried to be honest, was not digging the taste out of the fermenter at all. Aroma and color were nice. I've never made a Belgian, so really hoping the 2+ months in the bottle will even it out. I used 7 cans of cherries, 4 sour, 3...
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    Fruit and Spice Beer Spiced Cherry Dubbel

    Would love to try this as well. Is the 2 lbs of candi sugar just steeped with the rest of the grains?
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    Full Wort Boil and Grain Temp questions

    Hello all, Finally got a propane burner and a giant pot in order to do full wort boils. Not all-grain yet, but extract and steeping grains. Couple of quick questions: 1. With full wort, I assume I just use 5 gallons to start and then imagine I"ll need to add water at some point...
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    Help formulating a citrus-forward pale recipe

    Nice guys, I like this a lot!
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    Help formulating a citrus-forward pale recipe

    Hey Timbrewz, How much of the 3 hops and orange peel? 1 oz per?
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    Help formulating a citrus-forward pale recipe

    Thanks guys, great stuff. It's for a 5 gallon cask batch recipe btw. Will be available at a local beer fest coming up.
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    Help formulating a citrus-forward pale recipe

    Hey guys. First of all, please excuse my lack of full knowledge here. I know this may seem a bit undetailed...hence my asking for help though! Anyway, have a cool opportunity to go brew at the Sweetwater Brewery in Atlanta next week for winning a contest. We are set to brew an...
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    Brewing with Jasmine Advice

    I actually don't have a secondary vessel, read many accounts saying you don't really need one. Personal preference of course. I'm just going to add the jasmine and last ounce of hops about 8-9 days in when airlock bubbling has clearly stopped. Is that ok you think?
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    Brewing with Jasmine Advice

    Hello all, I searched for this and didn't find much concrete info. Anyway, I ordered the AHS IPA kit in their anniversary ale and am going to brew it up this weekend. I always like to put my little touch on any kit I might do and decided on jasmine based on a couple things that I read...
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    Simple addition to IPA recipe for variety

    I was thinking about Aprihop actually, but was just gonna throw a bunch of fresh apricots in the fermeter in secondary. Not sure if that's the best route. A co-worker mentioned rose or hibiscus petals. Anyone familiar with that? Still looking for more recs, any and all would be...
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    Simple addition to IPA recipe for variety

    Hello all, I just purchased the AHS Anniversary IPA kit. I'm sure it'll be great but I tend to not like brewing stuff at home that I can easily get at any decent store. Meaning, just a normal, simple IPA is fine....but I'd rather add a little something to it. What might you guys...
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    Oktoberfest at room temp?

    Awesome, great feedback guys. I'm gonna go with the dry Safale-04 from the recipe mentioned and do a swamp cooler with frozen ice packs to get it between 60-65 degrees. Thanks!
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    Oktoberfest at room temp?

    Sorry all, I should've searched. I'm normally good at that but did not realize how popular a question it's been.... So...I've seen that it's good to just ferment at room temp; with the lager yeast so that you get the closest flavor to a true Oktoberfest as possible but have also read it's...
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    Oktoberfest at room temp?

    Hello all, I'd love to do an Oktoberfest for my next batch (just 4th overall) but I understand those need to be lagered and fermented at colder temps. I have no equipment to ferment at such and don't really want to mess with an ice bath for over 2 weeks potentially.... My LHBS guy...
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    3rd batch and a lot of "firsts" - please set my mind at ease

    Thanks guys, finally got some krausen going now on top....the blowoff tube is looking to be needed yet as there's plenty of room between the top of that and the carboy hole...but I'll leave it on for the next 48 hrs or so just in case. Also....this is a Weihenstephaner hefe but it's nearly as...
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    3rd batch and a lot of "firsts" - please set my mind at ease

    Cool, thanks for your input. Should I take the blowoff tube out and just use the airlock as normal?? I only did this cause my last batch had a ton of activity very quickly and ended up with a small messy accident.
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    3rd batch and a lot of "firsts" - please set my mind at ease

    Hello all, For my 3rd batch, I bought this Weihenstephaner clone from AHS This batch was a lot of firsts for me: - first time using liquid yeast (wyeast 3068) - first Hefe...
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    Adding vanilla to Weihenstephaner clone kit - good idea?

    Also...can a hefe be fermented at room temp? 70-75 degrees.
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    Adding vanilla to Weihenstephaner clone kit - good idea?

    Hello all, I recently had this beer at a local bar for the first time and loved it. Bought a 6-pack yesterday and it's outstanding...esp for the summer. I've been wanting to make some sort of a refreshing vanilla beer as my next batch (only my 3rd, very new) but most recipes I've seen...
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    Blackberry Ginger Pale Ale - a good or terrible idea?

    I did brew this mid-last week and after reading up about adding fruit/other ingredients into the fermenter...I'm looking for some feedback. As recommended by someone up above, I did cut done the late addition hops a little bit...but not completely. Now I don't even own a secondary...