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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. R

    Post your "Untappd" user name!

    Rolsom on untapped as well.
  2. R

    Amazing what time in the bottle does.

    I've been brewing more than I can drink, so I've had the luxury of being able to take my darker malt beer and storing then in the basement. I have a case of year old imperial stout, a case of Scottish 80, a case and a half of winter porter, and 6 more cases of 4 different beers that just keeps...
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    Update on one of our own going pro. Man Skirt!

    I've just recently found out about Man Skirt and have been meaning to stop by with the wife. Now that I know see you posting here, I need to get out to Hackettstown. We are just down 57 in P'burg.
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    Opinions on adding Bacon

    Okay, learned a good deal about bacon flavoring. The NB Bacon red ale turned out great. The vial of bacon flavoring smelled over powering when it was added, but after 3 weeks of bottle conditioning it no longer smelled or tasted chemically. The flavor starts smokey and mellows into a nice...
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    Fruit Beer Imperial (Lime) Blonde Ale

    I have this one in secondary right now. After the additions to secondary, I had more beer than would fit in my five gallon secondary. I didn't want to waste the beer, so I started to siphon into my glass. Warm, flat, and right out of the primary it tasted great. Had about four glasses when I...
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    Opinions on adding Bacon

    I have the NB bacon red, just bottled last Tuesday. I'll let you know how it is when I pop one. I also made a bacon tincture with vodka. Split one pound of bacon into three different experiments: 1) half cup of bacon fat with half cup of vodka. 2) half cup of toweled bacon in half cup of vodka...
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    Adding lime juice to beer

    I have the imperial (lime) blonde ale, from the recipe section, in secondary right now. Added the zest of 2 limes during boil, and racked onto limeade and the juice of 2 limes. When racking I siphoned into my 5 gal glass carboy and wound up with more beer than would fit in the carboy, was also...
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    Blow off tube overflow

    I brewed an oatmeal stout that required me to empty my overflow container twice.
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    Pitching on cake warning

    I was so proud of myself about trying the yeast harvesting, and repitching on cake I let the basics of temperature control slip. I also thought that taking a third of the cake away might restrain some of the fermentation. I have had fermentations that have needed blow off tubes, but never had a...
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    Pitching on cake warning

    I bottled 5 gallons of dunkel on Friday. Saturday I scooped out about a third of the cake to harvest and poured my next batch of dunkel on the cake. Four hours later had good airlock activity. I placed my fermenter in out basement that holds a steady 65°F. The next morning the temperature...
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    Yeast good, or bad after storing in mason jar?

    I'm going to try my first washing and have a question about transferring the yeast to jars. Do you pour it into jars over the dried krausen, and are there fears of infection? or siphon into the jars? Thanks.
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    Sanitizing bottles the right way

    I my half fill my bottles right after they have been emptied, shake well, rinse and repeat. If it was commercial beer I have a large plastic container that I keep with oxyclean, and I'll throw the labeled bottles (and bottles I'm not sure are clean) into. The day before bottling, I run the...
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    Bavarian Hefeweizen Extract Question

    Hi zlaneb. My 2 cents. WLP300 optimum temp is 68°F - 72°F. I ran into a little confusion the first time I used White Lab yeast, the vial said to pitch at 72°F and I was fermenting at that temp. When I almost blew the lid on my bucket, I rechecked and the optimum temp was supposed to be 65°F...
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    hotdog flavor???

    Here's a recipe for a Scottish weiner heavy
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    First Batch Question for Extract Kit

    Just do a search on extract brewing kits, there are plenty to examine. I have placed orders with a few different vendors and have never received outdated supplies. Local homebrew stores are also a great resource for kits and supplies. you will usually have a choice of yeasts during the...
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    Graduating from kit brewing to next level

    You can get a 7.9 fermenting bucket and lid for under $25 from Northern Brewer. If your going to brew a 6 gallon batch, best to give a little more room than a 6.5 gallon bucket. I prefer the buckets, they are easier to clean and provide some protection against light. I only use my glass...
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    New Styles to Brew

    I made a Lefse Blonde from an extract kit that I thought tasted excellent, and am going to keep brewing it as one that I want to perfect. It's a Belgian style blonde, created by the Lutheran monks of Minnesota.
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    Home Brewing = Saving Money?

    My milkstout brings all the girls to the yard. :D
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    Baconfest, Easton, PA

    This weekend was the Easton PA Baconfest. The week before the fest I read on the website that they were going to have a homebrew competition for homebrewed bacon beer. I had not seen any notice of this prior. I had read the entry application and they were only going to accept ten applicants...