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    • Hermit
      Hermit replied to the thread Would you use this bucket?.
      But not that their product didn't contaminate the bucket. But to be honest it was probably a decision based on what buckets were...
    • Hermit
      Hermit replied to the thread Would you use this bucket?.
      I'm not sure why all the debate. As a public forum I'm surprised the 'powers that be' haven't shut this down. Discussing anything that...
    • Hermit
      Hermit replied to the thread Would you use this bucket?.
      Years back someone on this site that claimed they worked in a bucket factory said that non-food grade buckets used a 'nasty' chemical as...
    • Hermit
      Also. The induction unit performed pretty much as expected. It has a timer which was a nice feature. The display goes back and forth...
    • Hermit
      Put the GFCI in. What a pain. It's longer than other breakers. Some interference with the neutral buss bar. I had to move a wire and...
    • Hermit
      Hermit replied to the thread starter using wort from the boil.
      There was someone that used to use the wort from his current batch. He called that the 'real wort starter'. I believe the username was...
    • Hermit
      Hermit replied to the thread starter using wort from the boil.
      Has the concept of proper pitching rates died since last I visited?
    • Hermit
      Hermit replied to the thread Bringing 3.2% beer back!.
      Does this count as 'bringing it back'? ;) I found half case of these. I moved about 4 years ago. This has been sitting under some...
      • 1721253233085.png
    • Hermit
      I hope you're right. I heeded your advice and ordered one. I know my attitude about the burner might sound cavalier and I didn't want...
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