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  1. D

    The 2014 NHC First Round - Results/Speculation Thread

    Definitely happy with the 42. I'm attending the conference for the first time this year so I was crossing my fingers that the banquet might hold some suspense for me. I guess I'll know for sure in a week or so when they post all the results! :mug:
  2. D

    The 2014 NHC First Round - Results/Speculation Thread

    Was this KC NHC 2014? Were your scoresheets marked? I had an IPA that scored a 42, but was not marked for mini-BOS nor placing. A little disappointed, I had hoped I would at least go to mini-BOS with that score. Holding out slight hope that they just didn't mark my sheets and 2nd or 3rd...
  3. D

    Kraussen blew through airlock...

    You should be fine, at that stage of fermentation your yeast buds are pumping out a ton of CO2. Even without an airlock everything will be going out, not in. Next time (especially with a wheat beer) use a blow-off tube and/or some fermcap and your krausen will be more manageable.
  4. D

    hop ball

    Yes, it is a handy thing to have. I haven't used it in the boil, but have used it to dry hop in the keg. Put 1 oz of pellet hops in there and left it in until the keg ran dry. When I pulled it out the hops had expanded to fill the entire ball all the way. Beware trying to do more than 1 oz...
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    All-grain in Arkansas

    Welcome! Not sure where you are in AR, but I just moved from AR to ME 9 months ago. If you are in NW AR, check out the FLOPS (Fayetteville Lovers of Pure Suds) brewclub based in Fayetteville - great group and I miss 'em dearly :). Their website is
  6. D

    Why does my mash ALWAYS get stuck?

    Yea that sounds exactly like what happened to me, it worked fine for a few batches, but then was collapsed all the way up to the ball valve with only the smallest amount of wort being able to drain out. The stainless took a bit more effort for the dremel to go through, but still wasn't bad...
  7. D

    Why does my mash ALWAYS get stuck?

    Yea, definitely make 100% sure it is SS. I got bit by the SS looking plastic braid - several batches went fine, then I had a batch with a slightly higher grain bill and it crushed the dang thing. Could have sworn it was stainless when I cut the ends off - even got some sparks from the...
  8. D

    Opened my first beer about 2 minutes ago!

    Congrats! Glad to hear your first batch is pretty decent. +1 on Eddie's comment - another week or so and carbonation will improve. Patience is a virtue! That said, you should probably brew your next batch ASAP - worst part of starting out is when you run into dry spells while waiting for...
  9. D

    Carbing 2 kegs with 1 line

    OP's original question had to do with swapping one line between two kegs. Assuming he had the line on each keg approximately the same amount of time per day it ought to take twice as long than if both kegs were hooked up simultaneously. I completely agree with you if a T is being used - will...
  10. D

    Carbing 2 kegs with 1 line

    +1 Unless you get a T with slightly larger diameter than the ID of your tubing. Even then it's still a good idea to have clamps.
  11. D

    Carbing 2 kegs with 1 line

    Too many recipes is a great problem to have isn't it! I'm in the same boat, but with several sets of family coming to visit this summer I'm having to carefully plan my keg/fermenter pipeline and neither are empty yet! Would hate to run out while they're here... :tank: You didn't mention how...
  12. D

    Carbing 2 kegs with 1 line

    I did this for awhile, but now have a plastic barbed T fitting (aka poor man's CO2 manifold) feeding two kegs at once. Assuming you are leaving the line on each keg approximately the same amount of time (ie not having one keg on gas for 8 hours while at work, and the other on for 16 hours while...
  13. D

    cutest dog?

    Ok, so I told SWMBO that I had posted pictures of Willa but since I didn't have 'the cutest ones' on hand she sent me a few more and demanded I post them :).
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    cutest dog?

    Here is our husky-mix Willa (short for Willamette ;) ). She's a rescue pup so we aren't sure of her pedigree but if she's truly a mix like the shelter said she's 99% husky 1% ???. Her first decent snow... Caught her mid-shake...
  15. D

    University Brew Clubs?

    Good luck with the club! I'm an ISU alum and unfortunately I didn't get into craft beer/homebrewing until after I graduated. A club like this might have gotten me on the 'right' path a little earlier! Glad to hear Olde Main is still going - they just got off the ground when I was finishing up...