'Hangover' pill?

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wort maker
Dec 22, 2015
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I'll stick to my formula.

1. Breakfast sandwich (the greasier the better - Bacon, Sausage, or Taylor Ham/Pork Roll - or all 3) Egg, and cheese. Salt, Pepper, Ketchup, Hot Sauce
2. Coca-Cola (OG regular 20oz.)
3. 2 Advil (ibuprofen)
When you wake up at 5.00am with the hangover just kicking in, a couple of asprin washed down with a pint of water, then back to bed for a few more hours. Job done!
2 mile jog or a 5 mile bike ride followed by a decent breakfast and lots of fluids has worked for me on the few occasions that I needed a hangover cure.
It's called Myrkl and it's taken hours before you start consuming alcohol. Apparently, it's a probiotic, 2 types of bacteria that break down alcohol. It works by reducing the level of ethanol entering the bloodstream, by up to 70% 🤔 Not really of much interest to me. In fact, I really don't see the point.

That's been around since Revenge of the Nerds.

It just seems a little bit weird for a home brewer to sacrifice up to 70% of the ethanol he or she's gone to great lengths to produce. It's a bit like filling up a tank on a car then sprinkling in some fuel-munching bugs. What's the point? Less mileage therefore less wear n tear, perhaps, but you're not going to get to where you want to be*. Even if you do manage to get there it's going to be more expensive 🤔

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It just seems a little bit weird for a home brewer to sacrifice up to 70% of the ethanol he or she's gone to great lengths to produce. It's a bit like filling up a tank on a car then sprinkling in some fuel-muching bugs. What's the point? Less mileage therefore less wear n tear, perhaps, but you're not going to get to where you want to be. Even if you do manage to get there it's going to be more expensive 🤔

Now if they create a pill that knocks out 70% of the calories, let me know :bigmug:
So this isn't really a hangover pill, but a less drunk pill?

Interesting, though I'm not sure I'd use it
I reckon they've sold out because so many people plan to use them on a mate for a laugh.

Edit: 🧐 "I can't believe we've had 8 pints. Only feels like I've had one or two. Weird. Are you sure it's my round?" 🤪 "Yeah?"
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A luxury for people with more money than sense. Primary customers would be like McMullan said, for a gag and then those people who waste $9 on a can of crap 'craft' beer so they can feel like their getting their money's worth and look cool.
You could jog over to RevA's and borrow his bike.

This just showed up 2 weeks ago, so I'm trying to work off the calories. But it'd be nicer if they just were stripped out in the first place.
