
Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. TheDogsRump

    SiC Rollers for grain mill?

    Hi guys and gals, I'm trying to make a rice polisher for brewing sake and am now thinking that if I set the gap at its highest, my grain mill could possibly work. Rice polishing usually passes a spinning silicone carbide grinding wheel. Does anyone know if it's possible to get SiC rollers to...
  2. g00nt3r

    Rice Wine Mold?

    I started brewing some rice wine and wanted to see if anyone has some input on this. There is some white mold? it looks like on the top of the rice and some of it is a dark orangy color. Is that bad? Is it still safe to drink?
  3. Saunassa

    Makgeolli - Korean rice wine

    Watched one too many Korean dramas and seen them drinking this from bowls. So bought a bag of Nuruk and bread yeast and brewed up a batch.
  4. Blauvelt

    Red Rice Berliner Weiss?

    I was thinking of making another Berliner Weiss. I love the Spurhund Zunge recipe on here but I wanted to change it up a bit. I should say I love it already.. it is still in the primary! :) I have read that Berliner Weissbier was traditionally made with 65% or more malted wheat and the...
  5. Byrdbrewer

    Interesting Sorghum Beer

    Cheers all, I just brewed a small batch of sorghum beer (first batch ever) and had a few questions for some of you more experienced brewers out there. My recipe is as follows, for a 2.5 gal test batch. 3.3 lb Sorghum syrup .5 lb Rice syrup solids 1 oz cascade hops 5 min into boil 1 oz...