I'm so pissed

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Desert Gecko
HBT Supporter
Aug 27, 2008
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St. George Utah
I so pissed! I spent most of the day brewing my SOB and it's all gone. :(

Earlier today my kids friends were spraying a wasp nest. I told them to leave it alone and turned the watter off. Dang kids are always up to no good, breaking things or digging holes. :mad:

But just a while ago I checked the temp of the five and a half gallons of SOB and it was to 85F. I just came back to check it and it was all over the friking cement and grass. That damn kid had the hose in his hand dragging the chiller to go spray the wasps again. All the wort, the hours of work and all the supplies are lost. I am so pissed! The stuff tasted really good too. :crying: /vent
A moment of silence, please.

Now go beat the tar out of that kid.*


* Note: I am not advocating child abuse... just the fantasy of teaching that kid a lesson!
Sit him down, get out your most recent finished batch, and make him drink the whole thing!

Really though, sorry to hear that. That got me, man. Right here.

But really, make him do it though.


Geez, I do not look forward to this. Almost makes me not want to have any offspring. Although I was a little punk ass kid probably just like him when i was his age. Anyway seems like a very high ferment temp 85 degrees?:cross:
that freakin sucks! I'm hurting for you...

makes me worried for when i have kids cause God know's i was a walking disaster as a child.
Yeah, I'm gonna try getting a dog first, if I ruin the dog then I'll know that kids aren't for me (don't tell SWMBO). Has anyone's dog ever messed up their brew?
My dog is, thankfully, afraid of the propane burner, so he spends brew time out in the yard or way on the opposite side of the deck.
I love my kids. Worth more than all the beer in the world for sure. The problem is they have too many friends. They all love it here but lack the proper respect. I hope to teach them. If it was my kid that did it I would have spanked him proper. He was a 8 year old playing with my 6 and 3 year old sons.
I've had a foster dog escape during the boil once, and my dog usually is just sun bathing right where I need to be walking, but no lost beer due to them. My heart aches for you, sir. I think I would have cried a bit had that been me.
I would not consider that a spanking offense. And besides spanking is only a short term lesson that needs to be done right after the event. I would think up a longer term repetitive chore for that kid and every time you brew he has got to go get you all the equipment you need, just not the glass things!

btw - my kids are kept far away from my brewing stuff when it is in use.
I have girls 8 and 9 Years old, they love helping on brewdays and they respect the carboys as they sit because they know all the work that goes into them and they get to tell all those who try my brew that they helped make it.

- my advice, get them involved, its also good bonding time
+1 on he blew it and is no longer welcome to come to your house. Let somebody else enjoy his presence.

I would not allow him near my brew gear, nor would I give him any chore to do concerning my equipment, as he does not listen. It ain't your kid, so you can't do any corporal punishment, but banning him from your place is a must.

Be sure to tell his folks what happened and just why he isn't allowed over.

Tough Love. Eight is old enough to take adults seriously THE FIRST TIME.
I feel for you. I would certainly tell his parents about him not listening to you. Can you imagine if the kid had grabbed the hose 10 minutes earlier and spilled hot wort all over the place. Someone could have gotten seriously burned.
You have my sympathy. It might be a good idea to keep children entirely away from the brewery for safety reasons as well as to avoid disasters like the one you just experienced. Be thankful that it was only some beer that was lost and no one was injured. See, there is a bright side to it if you look close enough.

I really don't like having un-disciplined children around and about under any circumstances, but when I'm brewing they are banned from the area. Fortunately, I don't have any of my own, so it's only very rarely that I have to deal with them.
That sucks!

I have a dog and he's never done anything to harm/ruin a batch of beer. But I also try to 'dog proof' stuff such that it doesn't happen.

So just to have somebody ITT play devil's advocate; would it have been possible to take measures to prevent this? I know you can't really child-proof anything but are there any preventive measures that could have been taken?
I'm not going to banish the kid from my house entirely, just on brew days and from the water hose. They really enjoy the hose. It's really hot here. It was 103 in my back yard yesterday. From the look on his face when I yelled "go home before I kick you butt" I think it's enough punishment. I'm out a bit over $15 and five hours. Sadly I was about 80% done with beer that would cost me about $80 at the local liquor store. It sure could have been worse.
Still, a few years later and it remains one of the saddest home brew stories ever told...