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  1. SplitHops

    cryo hops/lupulin powder dry hopping question

    I am on my third brew using the powder lupulin and I really like it. When they say start with half your hop bill they mean it. I just finished my MAG Pale Ale and decided to use the full compliment of Hops but only in the new cryo lupulin powder and well, now I have a MAG IPA for sure. Very high...
  2. SplitHops

    RIMS exit temp vs mash temp

    I ran with a RIMS tube same principal as the ROCKET for some time and contrary to what some say on this post, it is for heating as well. The rims tube is for recirculating and what good would it be if it can't heat during re-circulation? I have since switched over to a HERMS coil system in a...
  3. SplitHops

    Help please with last stages..

    No bottle the beer cold, in cold sanitized bottles. This will help prevent foaming if the bottle temp is the same as the beer temp.
  4. SplitHops

    Aspergillus Oryzae (Koji)

    It would seem to me, and I am no scientist for sure, but as this little critter is a fungus it will need a food source or host, that being your endosperm of the grain which you state will be in fact barley cracked and steamed. I am not certain but the endo sperm needs prolonged heat and...
  5. SplitHops

    Help please with last stages..

    your yeast was suspended, wort or beer still to warm for yeast to settle and fall out. Cold crashing (33 deg. F.) 3-5 days is the way to get it out. As for dry hopping, on ales and lagers I always go with a 3-7 day depending on the amount of flavor and aroma I want.
  6. SplitHops

    Dry Hopping in Large, Mesh Grain Bag

    I dry hop using muslin bags, any filter type bag is adequate for your situation. the only caveat to this is before adding anything to your wort, sterilize it in boiling water and then sanitizer. You will get great results from your method i am sure.
  7. SplitHops

    Cocao nibs in tequila? And sweet stout yeast?

    I always add my nib during flame out in a muslin bag, assures sterile product, this also allows me to remove them during the secondary or allotted time which in my opinion it is always safer to remove something than adding something to cool wort. If you wanted to add them to a secondary, you...
  8. SplitHops

    When to add gelatin

    Add gelatin to Keg, but I always do it before carbonating the beer. I always evacuate the oxygen from the keg, pump beer from fermentor to keg, Add gelatin, for a five gallon corny, 1 cup water boiled and cooled to 150 deg. F. 1 Tbsp. gelatin knorr unflavored. Cap keg shake well for 1 minute...
  9. SplitHops

    How Many Days Do You Cold Crash?

    I always gel my ales and lagers, never dark beers unless they are amber or like a dopplebock. As far as temperature goes with lagers I always ramp it up to 76-80 deg. F. for a day to allow the yeast to clean up, then crash it hard to 33 deg. F for at least 5 days. Right before crashing I do...
  10. SplitHops

    Temperature stratification in conical fermentor

    I would do the simple thing, read temperature at the bottom of the conical for Lagers and the top for the ales. Sounds stupid simple but good luck trying to get it to regulate without an agitator which we don't want to do during fermentation anyway.
  11. SplitHops

    Mashing with a cooler Tun, pump, kettle and induction stove

    The only real reason for holding water back in a mashing that I have found is for the sparging of the grains. If you are not going to sparge then it really does not matter. The other reason for holding hot liquor back is for the reason of raising the temps for your different steps in the...
  12. SplitHops

    Controllers,PID's and components

    I have my probes in the stream from the out port of the Herms and on the mash port in as well as in the boil kettle for my whirlpooling and one on my out port of the wort on the Counterflow chiller.
  13. SplitHops

    Controllers,PID's and components

    That is the beauty of the RTD probes, they have two resistor wires that sense the length of the wire and the resistance form the probe and adjust the temperature. These are the best in my opinion. Length of cable matters if on a type K probe with only two leads.
  14. SplitHops

    Does this look right? - EHERMS / BCS-460

    I agree with Mredge73 make sure you are using a three way switch to select the element you want to run. I would also make sure to have a relay on there so when you turn the system on, if anything is left in the on position it will not overload the circuits, this is usually after a major shut...
  15. SplitHops

    Controllers,PID's and components

    I just completed my panel and I will tell you the best thing I found after searching online for parts from amazon and frys electric, etc was to go to and get the kit for 180 bucks that includes everything you will need to build a panel less the box which I found from a company...
  16. SplitHops

    MyPIN T4 Digital Controler

    I wanted to pass this along to anyone using this version of Digital Controller. Installation using PT100 adn an RTD sensor cable with three leads. K thermocouples rarely have more than 2 wires so you likely have a RTD type. first, if you have a VOM measure the resistance of the sensors...