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  1. T

    Banging/Drilling right by fermenter

    If there's a $100 bill taped to the carboy will that suggest that the yeast are looking for a happy ending?
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    Banging/Drilling right by fermenter

    I didn't think noise could affect yeast but thought I read somewhere that vibration can. The wall next to the fermenter has practically been shaking all morning. Good point with the airlock, thanks!
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    Banging/Drilling right by fermenter

    I brewed a 2 gallon batch on Wednesday and fermentation looked like it was going well. My landlord informed me that people were coming to the house this morning to install a chimney. They have been banging and drilling all morning right on the other side of the wall where my carboy is...
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    Moved into new apartment, Beer splashing upon transport

    I had a pumpkin strong ale in the secondary for two months. I didn't get a chance to bottle it before moving. It was splashing a decent amount during the move. Should I still bottle it? Let it sit in the secondary for some extra time? Thanks and have a great holiday!
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    Pumpkin Beer, "Hot" Alcohol Taste?

    Damn, ambient temperature was around 68-71 degrees throughout, maybe just a little bit cooler.
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    Pumpkin Beer, "Hot" Alcohol Taste?

    Just transferred my pumpkin strong ale to secondary after two weeks in primary. OG was 1.076. Gravity when transferred was 1.014. The beer has a nice mouthfeel and pumpkin aroma, yet there's a lot of "hot" alcohol tastes. Will this settle during secondary fermentation? The beer...
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    I brewed a beer, but don't know what style it is

    It may not be as dark as a Porter but it is definitely equivalent in maltiness. That's kinda why I'm having a tough time defining the style. Hoping that the 2oz of Cascade is enough to balance out the malt and pumpkin spice
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    I brewed a beer, but don't know what style it is

    So I was going to brew a Belgian Pumpkin Dubbel but my local homebrew store did not have the yeast strain I wanted in stock (1214) so I completely changed my mind and went with Safale US-05 I cooked 4 1/2 lbs of pumpkin in the oven with brown sugar for one hour. Partial Mash--One hour at...
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    Help with Pumpkin Dubbel recipe

    I'm going to brew this on Thursday, Partial Mash 4 1/2 lbs of Canned Pumpkin baked with brown sugar. Mash pumpkin for 45 minutes with 2 lbs of 6-row, .75 lbs of Special B, and .5 lbs of Caramunich 2 oz of Cascade Hops and 6.6 lbs of Golden Light LME added at various times during the 60 min...
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    Code Red: I Steeped Munich : (

    I only steeped 1 lb of Munich. I'm trying to figure out how this will ultimately effect the taste of the beer.
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    Code Red: I Steeped Munich : (

    I have done a couple of brew in a bag batches, I went back to extract for this batch because I thought the beers were just as good with less work and time involved. I was under the impression that I was performing a mini mash. I was in the right temperature range for 30 minutes, however I...
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    Code Red: I Steeped Munich : (

    So I just read through a bunch of threads on this. Other than getting a beer that might be a little starchy or hazy, what are the negative effects of steeping Munich? How does starch effect the beer's taste? The beer is an IPA with Mosaic and Citra. I wanted to brew without any crystal malts...
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    Long Island Homebrewers...

    Hi, I work for a large Ale House on Long Island with several locations. We are considering hosting a Long Island/New York Homebrewing competition. I am mostly feeling it out to see how many people would be interested before we begin promoting. Please send me a private message with your name and...
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    Hopefully no home brewers make this mistake...

    That's good to hear. How much hops did you use for dry hopping? I added about 3 oz of hops for a 3 gallon batch.
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    The Unboiled, Unhopped, Dry Hop Experiment!!

    There have been some discussions on whether dry hopping adds any flavor or if its in the form of aroma only. Its well known that taste and smell are related, but I find myself thinking that dry hopping can definitely add to a beer's distinct flavor. In another thread, I shared my failure in...
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    Hopefully no home brewers make this mistake...

    Just one more question if anyone can provide insight. I know that dry hopping is not recommended for more than a week, but in this instance would it be advisable to dry hop a little longer to infuse as much aroma and flavor as possible?
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    Hopefully no home brewers make this mistake...

    Thank you for the responses. I enjoyed the Bob Ross Youtube video. I'm going to dry hop the hell out of this IPA and see how it turns out. I'll look into making a hop tea for the saison right after the weekend. I'll report back with the results.
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    Hopefully no home brewers make this mistake...

    Several ounces? How much would you recommend? Sure the saison isn't supposed to be hoppy, but we're talking about a total of .2 oz of hops here
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    Hopefully no home brewers make this mistake...

    I brewed two 3 gallon all grain batches--an IPA and a Saison. I took a gravity reading on my IPA today and it tasted like crap, there was absolutely no hop flavor. It took me a little while to realize why, then I realized that I was adding .03 oz of hops per increment instead of the .3 oz...
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    One Step Sanitizer (Or Not?)

    I used One Step for my first couple of batches and wasn't too happy with it. I'm now using PBW and my equipment is much cleaner and its easier to use.