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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. stella_tigre

    St Pete's and Clearwater and Ft Myers - beer beer beer

    @Yooper @passedpawn @jcav @Shwagger @brewswithshoes @FleEsq Well, I've been a bad dog, we've been down here for a few days, already swilled a few. However, Woodwright's is open tomorrow thru the weekend, so we havan't been there yet. Other than plans to hit the big towns (St Pete and Tampa)...
  2. stella_tigre

    Homemade Bread Thread

    Haven't been baking much lately, and seeing all these fancy breads make me think I should try some of these! Wow. So pretty and yummy looking. For me, just a simple set of Boozy Apple Cinnamon mini loaves, made with some of the lees from the cider I kegged yesterday. Made a sponge out of some...
  3. stella_tigre

    St Pete's and Clearwater and Ft Myers - beer beer beer

    Well, we're back up to a balmy 0F after a low of (not too bad) -5F. Windchill has eased off to -17 or so, and it's sunny! So we'll slip on our light jackets and head out for dinner tonight, maybe. We hope we can hook up with you all! Gotta get all these suggestions down on a list and find all...
  4. stella_tigre

    St Pete's and Clearwater and Ft Myers - beer beer beer

    We're in Clearwater from the 17th (weather allowing!) THRU the 25th. Then down to Ft Myers area for a week. Our dance card is wide open - "We're retired!" Would love to hook up with anyone who can, and if Yooper is down there, we met at Portland once and then didn't reconnect in in the...
  5. stella_tigre

    St Pete's and Clearwater and Ft Myers - beer beer beer

    Thanks so much for your suggestions so far! We'll have to make a plan so we don't miss anything. Set up our daily schedule to coordinate the sightseeing and the brewery/restaurant stops. If anyone wants to meet up for a HBT soiree, we'll buy a round! Edit, for the record, we're down to 7F and...
  6. stella_tigre

    St Pete's and Clearwater and Ft Myers - beer beer beer

    Thanks! Looking forward to this - we just dropped from 27F to 20F in about a half-hour, as the wind came up and the snow started blowing...Which is better than my sis in SF SD, under a blizzard warning. This has been a bit of a narsty winter in the midwest this year.
  7. stella_tigre

    St Pete's and Clearwater and Ft Myers - beer beer beer

    Greetings! We are heading down there in a week or so. The last threads I've managed to come up on search about the places to go there were sort of old. I imagine we'll make it to the Dunedin group of breweries - they are not far from the first place we're staying - any favorites? But where else...
  8. stella_tigre

    Get Ready to Drink Booze and Throw Axes I think it opened this summer in La Crosse WI. Must be a thing. Guns and booze, Prairie du Chien has had Starks forever. They also sell boats, yet another awesome thing to combine with booze. A Mississippi Tradition!
  9. stella_tigre

    POLL: How Many refrigerators do you own?

    One for food, one for kegs, and not included but we have a chest freezer for food and a mini freezer used with an Inkbird for fermenting.
  10. stella_tigre

    How many gallons brewed in 2019!

    161 + 5 CCC (Centennial, Cascade, Citra) Pale Ale! 166
  11. stella_tigre

    Brewery names--what's your story?

    High Cirrus Brewery. HWMO is a pilot, altho not current. Also we are weather geeks, and his favorite clouds are those high mare's tails. Think our son is working on a logo for it, probably as an xmas gift.
  12. stella_tigre

    What are you listening to (music!!!) right now? Embarrassing or not... share

    PTX Bohemian Rhapsody. Actually a PTX playlist on Spotify as I hook a cowl, and drink Sav Blanc after a yummy baked scampi here at home...
  13. stella_tigre

    Win a Ss Brewtech Keg WaSsher!

    Us too please. Thanks Ss Brewtech!
  14. stella_tigre

    AMCYL Kettle GIVEAWAY + Homebrew Supply's Black Friday | Cyber Monday Weekend Deals

    I am thankful for my lovely brewing assistant, my darling hubby!
  15. stella_tigre

    Win a Spike Brewing CF5 Conical Unitank!

    Love our Spike kettles, so count us in please!
  16. stella_tigre

    Official Broken Hydrometer Count

    Well, I broke my second test jar, even if they're plastic they don't like a 5-foot drop onto concrete. Ordered two more! Doesn't add to the count, still waiting for the next hydrometer oopsie.....
  17. stella_tigre

    How many gallons of cider in 2018?

    507.5 + 5 = 512.5
  18. stella_tigre

    You know you're a home brewer when?

    When you walk into the back room where two 5 gal CBs of pale ale are brewing, and the Hop-o-licious smell hits your nose....!!!!! And turn the corner into the room where the nice merlot is jest getting going.....RRrrrrrlllll.
  19. stella_tigre

    How Many Gallons of Homebrew in 2018?

    9738 + 11 gal pale ale (half Citra, half Cascade, Mosaic, Citra blend) 9749